@Atlanta Hawks

Lakers Fans act like we are about to rebuild

Lakers Fans act like we are about to rebuild

by GiveTraeYoungHelp


  1. GiveTraeYoungHelp

    Mf added Okongwu like we are about to trade him

  2. Ty_Heery

    we’re obviously not going to rebuild but the tweet makes a valid point. we have a major roster crunch upcoming with not a lot of money available. i dont envy the FO in the slightest

  3. Both_Funny4896

    laker fans are mostly dumbass bandwagons, never take them seriously

  4. Shade_Raven

    Lakers eyeing Hunter makes sense to me

  5. DeAndreHunterMIP

    idk how ima justify Dre jab stepping us to death when that extension kicks in 🙁

  6. quan14jones

    They ARE NOT getting trae damn. L.A. always want what we had 1st
    They took schrouder they took melo now they want trae

  7. Sammcbucketts

    We do have a slight salary cap problem but it’s not the end of the world, in order to avoid the 2nd tax we will just need to move like 20 mill of salary, basically if we got rid of JC for only draft capital we would be able to avoid the 2nd tax and still extend DJM and OO

  8. kerfufflest

    None of this is untrue.. but I am enjoying the delicious irony that the Lakers who are ALREADY a luxury tax play in team this past year.

  9. Tigerskippy

    I saw one dude on that thread post a 4 team trade in which they sign and traded Rui and D’Lo and sent Malik Beasley and got back DJ, Saddiq, and Myles Turner… It’s like they think that other teams main goal is to make the Lakers good.

  10. Radimov79

    It’s the same thing with Trae the Lakers have nothing to give us in exchange for Dejounte.

  11. reddier5

    Now do Lakers math problem and realize street clothes is not gonna carry you once lebron leaves.

  12. dangheckinpupperino

    OT but is anyone else locked out of r/nba ?

  13. True-Match-6446

    Whaddup Hawks fans. Trade idea kicking around among 6ers fans

    To Atl- Tobias Harris, 29 1st and a couple 2nds

    To Phi- Saddiq Bey and John Collins

    Far off?

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