@Golden State Warriors

Excited Wiggins helps up Podz after game saving charge. (for the haters)

Excited Wiggins helps up Podz after game saving charge. (for the haters)

by System_Lower


  1. parisdubs

    This was such a great moment! I was there but even better on cu repeat!

  2. ExcusePuzzleheaded38

    You literally was pushing the narrative that they had something going on 😂

  3. georgelamarmateo

    Wasn’t that in December?

    Don’t people sometimes change their feelings over the course of several months?

    Are they not more likely to do so when experiencing stressful situations away from work?

  4. leandra433

    Ok but funniest part of this clip is Shaedon Sharpe just stays on top of BP while they see what the call is.

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