
The first basketball ever created πŸ˜³πŸ€

The first basketball ever created πŸ˜³πŸ€

the first basketball that Spalding made that’s crazy 126 years ago got the lace like a football because in the original rules of basketball there was no dribbling oh everything was a pass he’s going to let me dunk it so I give one chance basketall hey yeah that’s what I’m talking about yeah


  1. 126 years ago he wouldn't be allowed in the nba with whyt men. F that ball. He should have he!! Kicked it to the rafters. Merica has spoiled much of its history so much so that many things rooted in racism are not blindly enjoyable but suttle reminders of its evil past. Now proceed with your one sided and typical privileged comments on how i just made up this perspective on purpose and shouldn't think this way as if i have a choice…

  2. Should’ve handed it to a yt player considering a yt man invented Basketball. If it was the other way around, social media would have a meltdown.

  3. this is why i’ll always love basketball, it brings all of us together no matter how old, or who you are, it’s deeper then just a sport

  4. Replica of the first basketball ever created but that is some wild shi that he let u dunk it. I hope it doesnt ruin the worth of it. This is tight yo u gotta have some serious connections or u just met a Gem my man

  5. is that hickory nc? i live in harmony rn ive lived in mooresville huntersville cornelius charlotte shit everywhere. i love this place😊

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