@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Ownership update via Pablo Torre] In mediation, Glen Taylor is NOT disputing that funds were raised in time, but instead claiming ARod/Lore were not using “commercially reasonable efforts” to seek approvals/make payments

While there’s been a ton of back and forth in public, the “black box” of mediation has been inaccessible until this release. According to Pablo Torre ([in a fantastic bit of coverage with Zach Harper]( Glen Taylor’s public story doesn’t quite match his private one – in mediation, he/his lawyers did not take the position ARod/Lore were late or short or anything like that – he’s claiming they didn’t use “commercially reasonable efforts,” which is painfully vague language that (according to lawyers Torre spoke with) will almost certainly not be interpreted in Taylor’s favor.

Worth sending the video to your non-Wolves friends, btw, to help them understand exactly how weird this franchise has always been.

by smkmn13


  1. SnarfSniffsStardust

    Wonder if heā€™s just trying to delay the process rather than nullify it so he can stick around for the rest of this season

  2. I donā€™t know claim to know enough about thisā€¦.but that sounds like an incredibly weak argument lol

  3. SelfDestructIn30Days

    Lore/Arod finally fire back.

    I think both ownership groups are blowing smoke, and they’re both letting this drama get in the way of enjoying our team’s success. Let it play out in private guys. The arbitrator is the one who makes the final decision, not the fans.

  4. TwigsHart

    I think heā€™s just trying to hold on to be owner if they win the title, weird of him to make the change be planned for during the middle of a season all those years ago if this was going to be a concern of his

  5. Quintzy_

    I’ll admit that I have a bias against Taylor since I think he’s the worst owner in NA pro sports.

    With that said, I don’t see any way that this doesn’t end with Lore and ARod as owners of the team.

    Based on this report, Taylor has zero argument. This all just comes across as extreme grasping at straws because he has sellers remorse.

  6. dontsleeponthegophs

    My guess, and itā€™s only a guess, is that ā€œcommercially reasonableā€ is a better legal basis for him. Dates are black and white and if ARod and Lore were on time it can be plainly proven. Whether or not efforts are ā€œreasonableā€ has potential to be more nebulous. Based on what Iā€™ve read, it seems like Glenn is in a losing position, but I could see the threat of long and painful litigation leading to ARod and Lore settling for kicking in another hundred million or so. Just something to ease Glennā€™s wounded ego.

  7. eeeedlef

    This is really pathetic. It’s so painfully obvious he just regrets selling when he did for the amount he did.

  8. Im exactly zero percent surprised that Glen Taylor, renowned liar and jackass, lied to the fans for sympathy.

  9. I donā€™t care who owns the team. Whoever emerges better be willing to pay the luxury tax to keep this team together next year. If this team wins a championship (or comes close, which Iā€™d argue they have already) I donā€™t want to hear how they need to cut costs because they canā€™t afford it.

  10. landof10000cakes

    Hold on. Not taking Taylors side but Iā€™m questioning the source. How is this mediation information being leaked? You typically agree to confidentiality in those proceedings and its really stripped down to the attorneys and clients in that meeting.Ā 

  11. The_Bran_9000

    lmao he’s cooked then

    i’m not a lawyer, so please roast me if you’re a lawyer and i’m completely off-base, but based on my limited knowledge of how contract law and the UCC works, i find it incredibly hard to believe an independent legal authority will side with Glen on this if that’s really his argument. i was looking up precedent cases that involve the legal language “commercially reasonable efforts”, and i found a case that was relatively similar to this dispute – ie. staggered buyout – and the judge ruled in favor of the party that mirrors ARod/Lore’s position citing that the party who mirrors Glen’s position made requests for “adequate assurance” in bad faith. my first impression is this appears to be Glen’s attempt to prolong the legal battle tbh

    at the end of the day the UCC is designed to facilitate commerce – just like how the IRC is designed to account for total cash income generated in a given year. even though there is hella fine print and loopholes in both texts, they are both written with an intuitive framework in mind – for the UCC it’s make business flow as painlessly as possible. “commercially reasonable efforts” or “adequate assurance” clauses seem to be incredibly challenging to prove, and the UCC is generally going to side against whichever party is attempting to stop the flow of commerce. bad faith is a death sentence here. all of Glen’s actions since he announced the block of the sale screams bad faith to any reasonable person. from everything i’ve heard, ARod & Lore are holding up their end of the deal and clearly want the sale to go through. we have no evidence that their credit-worthiness should be called into question, which also might be a moot point as they’ve been seeking support from equity investors with deep pockets to join in the fun. unless there’s some clause in the contract re: adequate assurance we aren’t aware of (i certainly didn’t read that contract cover-to-cover) the reptile is simply grasping at straws and trying to prolong this dispute, perhaps in the hopes that the new ownership group lacks the appetite for a long battle in court and excessive legal fees.

  12. subtleshooter

    I mean, sounds like they had to pivot when his attorneys told him they get a 90 day auto extension since paperwork was submit to the league so they are now trying to argue them selves into loopholes. Glenā€™s an idiot.

  13. Lol so he legitimately was just hoping they wouldn’t get the funds in time, and when they did he said “too bad.” Now that is totally expected.

  14. IceTruckHouse

    Dougie is still saying that Arod/Lore may not be approved by the NBA board of governors even if arbitration rules in their favor. Heā€™s obviously a Glen Taylor shrill but Iā€™d guess we will have to wait a while to know how everything turns out.

  15. darthxader

    The bit about buying out that one minority owners share so he could be at exactly 36.14% at this point to me proves he always had this intention if the team had success like this

  16. BasicWhiteHoodrat

    He should have just sold the majority stake, keep a small interest (10%) and those seatsā€¦ it a day

  17. Chemist-Patient

    Gonna be so cringe if they win it all and he hoists the trophy šŸ†

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