@Dallas Mavericks

Luka puts 42/10/8/2 on 17-24 shooting in a loss to the Heat

Luka puts 42/10/8/2 on 17-24 shooting in a loss to the Heat

by TheRealPdGaming


  1. musicalpants999

    The season is a bust now so I’m just rooting for Luka to win the scoring title. As of now: Embiid 33.0 / Luka 32.9 .

  2. wekris91

    Team is dogshit besides the lead players. So is it he coach. There is only so much luka can do. But heyz let’s harp only on that guy .-some people

  3. Powpowpowowowow

    Honestly Luka should have had a better game. You can box score watch all you want but early in the game when it mattered most was when Luka was taking some bad shots, there was literally a play where jimmy butler got a steal and instead of Luka attempting to play defense and run back, when he could have made a play, he just let Jimmy get a wide open dunk. Obviously luka still played great but he just looked exasperated out there, someone and something on the team is frustrating him its very obvious. Tim played great too tonight, maybe the best game of the season and Kyrie kind of sucked. I am excited to see us actually build on this roster because we are just a couple pieces away from being very good and hopefully Luka just gets some time away and finds his joy in basketball again.

  4. Shivles87

    When you hire a GM as a recruiting tool instead of building a team.

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