@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry is 96 in Nba 2k24

Imo he should be atleast 97 if Jokic is 98

by Rk1577


  1. Dynasty_30

    Lebron and Butler are too high. Jokic should be 97 if everyone else is 96

  2. Fragrant-Astronaut57

    Lebron, Embiid, Tatum, and butler are overrated here

  3. Man steph is fine at 96, he already nails 75% of his 3s in 2k, any higher and he’s just beyond OP. Doesn’t help that everyone I play online uses the warriors

  4. Longjumping-Arm7939

    Of this was EA somehow Cowboys Dak Prescott would be a 96 with Curry and KD

  5. Objective_Celery_509

    Robbed. Steph is as good as anyone in the world.

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