@Philadelphia 76ers

Don’t let this dude get you down

We’re all gonna make it, brah.

by zincinzincout


  1. WhenPigsRideCars

    Schilling out to China just for a few extra dollars when you’re already a multi-millionaire. Greed knows no boundaries.

  2. His decline is so obvious in this video. His first step isn’t as quick and all the moves don’t have any burst. We are F’d.

  3. Affectionate_Win8328

    Looks like somebody’s drunk uncle.

  4. clickstops

    It’s goofy but I really couldn’t care less about this. So much other dumb shit to bitch about, doing some goofy TikTok dance in China who cares.

  5. Sheriff-Gotcha

    My man said:

    Fuck it, if the Morey and the league ain’t paying me, Imma get that bag somehow..

  6. icepickjones

    Out of spite I want Morey to hold on for dear life. Fuck this guy.

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