@National Basketball Association

One of the most insane international basketball scandals: When Spain’s intellectual disabled mens basketball team that won 2000 Paralympic gold was found to be faking their disabilities, got charged with fraud, and got the entire intellectual disabled basketball category removed from the Paralympics

One of the most insane international basketball scandals: When Spain’s intellectual disabled mens basketball team that won 2000 Paralympic gold was found to be faking their disabilities, got charged with fraud, and got the entire intellectual disabled basketball category removed from the Paralympics

by AssssCrackBandit


  1. >Spain was ordered to return its basketball gold medals in December 2000. It won all of its games at the 2000 Paralympics by at least 15 points, *including a 67-point drubbing of Japan. Japan also lost by 105 points and 79 points to other nations.*

    Geez! I understand this is intellectually disabled athletes we’re talking about, but was the Japan team trying to score on their own basket?

  2. Why would anyone do this 😂. Do gold medalists get government subsidies for life?

  3. Next-Firefighter-753

    Another example of assholes ruining it for inoccent people.

  4. Ironically, it would take an intellectually disabled person to pull and get caught for something like this.

  5. AbshirThePoet

    I feel bad for laughing at the thought of these dudes acting intellectually disabled lmao

  6. Ghosts_of_the_maze

    “So sad”

    [Throws down a 360 Tomahawk dunk from the foul line]

    “That poor kid’s got the worst stutter I’ve ever seen”

  7. scene_missing

    Smurfing in CoD or SC2 is bad enough, but doing it IRL makes you a total scumbag 😂

  8. eutectic_h8r

    I heard about this from that Johnny Knoxville documentary

  9. WeaknessOne9646

    The name of the captain of that team?

    Eric Cartmanez

  10. jeffhplays

    And here I am thinking the Spain men’s team photo in Beijing probably couldn’t be beaten

  11. Spain seems to be good at getting into some hot water at international competitions. This. The FIFA Women’s World Cup thing going on now. That time the entire team did the “slanted Asian eyes” for a photo before the Olympics in China.

  12. This is like The Ringer. All-time great movie but would never be allowed to come out in this day and age

  13. fugginstrapped

    Sounds like the team was in fact in the right category allll along.

  14. KevinDurantLebronnin

    “If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin'” was the motto of my high school football coach. We went 2-8 that year. Could have picked up some tips here.

  15. BsharpMaj13

    I remember 2 things from this olympic year. Vince Carter jumped over a guy and this

  16. succ_jitties

    In high school I played against an intellectually disabled team. Everyone usually knows that, although they are always in the league, they end in last place and it’s generally treated as an exhibition. Except my 16 year old brain wasn’t quite getting it.

    Sweetest triple double I ever got. I even hit them with a Euro Step. Ten years later, it definitely doesn’t feel as good, but back then I hated everyone who said “take it easy on them”.

  17. I think it was the 2008 Spanish team that posed for a team photo and they all did the slant eyes pose because the Olympics were in China. Not a great look.

  18. deadhotpiss

    At minimum you have to be *emotionally* disabled to go through with a plan like this. GIVE THEM BACK THE GOLD YOU COWARDS.

  19. Damn, they literally ruined it for everyone else

  20. wallace6464

    you are telling me the wringer was a documentary?

  21. DravenPrime

    It really is bizarre that they thought they would get away with it. Did they not know they’d be photographed and those photos would be shared everywhere?

  22. Do they have to take acting lessons? Or Issit free interpretation of “intellectual disability”

  23. This is like the plot to Juwanna Mann but with disabled people instead of women.

  24. Pretty lame how these fools got the whole category removed from the games.

  25. that’s sadly just another tuesday in the disabled games space.

  26. I remember one of the players came out and gave an interview, he said they were ordered to act and wave hands in different directions, randomly during the game and medal ceremony

  27. b_rabbit_mnm

    This sounds like that one south park episode!

  28. But we all Spaniards are mentally disabled though

  29. fagstick123

    This reminds me of when men faked being women and playing women’s sports. Weird times.

  30. I can see one guy being crazy and shameless enough to do this, but a whole basketball squad with coaching staff?

    That’s something else.

  31. its_me_question_guy

    These are the same guys who would change genders just to win in today’s game.

  32. delightfuldinosaur

    Idk how these guys could live with themselves after that.

    Like cool what an accomplishment.

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