@Miami Heat

It’s that time of year again…

It’s that time of year again…

by opiumcxx


  1. LloydChrismukkah

    If you would’ve showed me this in October I would’ve said “what the fuck now”

  2. MrOverkill5150

    Normally it’s when basketball season starts so it refreshing to do it now

  3. wjraider2

    I mean, the toy story meme not play with you anymore would have been less harsh lol

  4. Active-Fig9410

    Time for the Miami Heat to show the Miami dolphins what it takes to win championships and to rebuild your hometown’s culture.

  5. ): I don’t think I’m gonna get to watch one dolphins playoff run in my life. I don’t even know how I became a dolphins fan I live in New Mexico and the reason I became a heat fan was Dwayne Wade. I really screwed myself rooting for that picking the dolphins ):

  6. Maybe one day I’ll give a shit about the Dolphins but today is not that day

  7. Ciscokid45

    The succession meme with Logan being the Heat calling the dolphins not serious ppl would be good too lol

  8. not_so_smoothie

    That bag is going to look pretty good when FA/draft coverage starts tho

  9. RJGaming02

    Damn man, I don’t how I always prioritize the dolphins. But, I do. It’s team for some Heat culture in my veins.

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