@Sacramento Kings

Kings drop four straight, searching for answers with NBA trade deadline approaching

Kings drop four straight, searching for answers with NBA trade deadline approaching

Welcome to the Kings beat podcast I’m James ham Kings Insider for ESPN 1320 and the Kings beat we of course are a bluewire podcast brought to you by prize picks joining me today Brendon Nunes from the Kings pulse podcast Brandon you’re back how are you I’m back doing

Well doing well um better than the the Kings it seems that was kind of unnecessary you know just record wise recently I’m sure the guys are doing all right Brendon what Brendon saying he’s not 0 and four over the last week good for you some wins here and there all

Right all right and of course Jo us well I’ll talk to you later Sean okay all right uh okay joining us as well is Fox 40s Sean Cunningham Sean how are you fantastic as always fair to midling for the most part I’d say yeah I can there’s probably things I could uh pick

Apart and but everyone’s got little things going on I do not I am actually doing fantastic so good to see your smiling faces and uh can’t wait to talk about the incredible state of Kings basketball yeah we went from oh the candle how about that look at that oh

Yeah what do we got we got hold on listener we can’t already start talking about basketball guys no we well that wasn’t going to happen anyway we’re back to the vanilla and warm tobacco this is probably very at the end of it but this is it makes me think of James grandpa is

It a it’s careful is it a single Wick is it a single Wick or is it a double oh see mine is a oh [ __ ] this is hot but this is a triple triple one I went with the mahogany Balsam it’s a scented candle made with natural essential oils

Mahogany Balsam so it smells fantastic like Sean said B Ballam you know what B is b a LS I can’t see it BS Balsam not like Balsa would James is laughing at my ridiculous what is happened here well come on this is James where’s your candle huh I’ve

Told you I sometimes I L of candle sometimes I don’t like I don’t know I think I have one in here somewhere it’s not L turn you it’s not candle guy uh oh wow um okay let’s get to some of the business side if you’re watching here on

YouTube and you don’t mind give us a thumbs up uh subscribe to the channel so you get like a little notification every time we go live we have not done a live show uh maybe in like two weeks three weeks uh we will get back to live longer

Than like a like two months while been a little while oh I don’t know like all all Every Day runs in together at this point I don’t know about you guys uh it’s been a little wild uh the Wild Wild West out there um we are sponsored by

Prize picks so uh I would just tell you today is one of those days where it’s like Flex Friday uh you can go in you can um check out a couple of options and and a lot of times you you’re uh the money that you’re putting up is secured

And um that way you can you know make a couple of plays here and a couple of flex plays and have a good time uh I think this weekend is going to be crazy with all the NFL games maybe mix and match some NFL with uh a Little Kings

Basketball on Monday I’m not sure that I would like really feel safe with anything that’s going on with the Sacramento Kings at this point so how how many dunks did Keegan have last game though like four or five I think he had five or six yeah the first one they

Didn’t give us a dunk because it was considered a layup even though it short did looked like he dunked it but then he went on to have like a whole bunch of dunks um that for me is been my favorite play all season long uh I choose more on

Dunks uh for K and Murray it’s usually 0. five dunk so all he needs is one and then we celebrate every time he gets his one dunk uh which to be honest with you K Murray is all of a sudden becoming a uh a dunk machine which is cool um so

Jump on bro board with prize picks if you so choose uh there is a link Down Below in the description uh the password is Kings beat all one word uh and I think that gets you a matching up to a certain dollar out um so check that out

Uh again this is going to be a fun weekend um you can look at all kinds of different options with uh the 49ers playing who are they playing this we the Packers uh or what do we got the Lions and Tampa Bay and then a bunch of crazy

AFC games that Buffalo uh Chiefs game is gonna be wild and uh I’m I’m all here to see if CJ strad can take down the ra the Ravens um but there should be a lot of fun prize pick stuff to to go look at uh let’s get to the basketball uh well

Let’s get to news before basketball how about that as we were prepping for the show to come on today uh it no um before that’s plenty of prep Sean as we were acting like we were gonna prep for the show and trying to get ready to

Get on the show and kept pushing the show back um news broke that uh Angelie and jolly uh ronad D has stepped down as the general manager of the Stockton Kings and this it comes at a very odd time team is playing well uh they just keep

Acquiring veterans and there seem to be a path where this team was really trying to push to win something this year and then all of a sudden it ends out of nowhere so what do you guys got here because I know Brandon you go to a whole

Hell of a lot more stock and Kings games than I do because I go to none uh and Sean I know that you uh visit down there quite often with uh even if it’s going to The Practice Facility or whatever and you know a little bit about what’s

Happening but this is kind of a stunner that came out of left field yeah yeah I mean okay go ahead sorry I didn’t know she was just promoted me either uh in June 2023 you know so this is a a pretty quick turnaround obviously and you know I’ll

Just fin the rest of the press release she says that they say that she plans to pursue her PhD and focus her attention on her nonprofit which is Jaws and paws and you know I think that the team that they Acquired and have acquired throughout the last season is

Interesting it’s a lot of NBA previous NBA guys there’s a actually kind of a ridiculous amount there’s Jaylen noell SCB visier Mason Jones Jeremy Lamb Stanley Johnson Deontay Burton they just got shabaz muhamd obviously still had the two- ways over there except Keon Kobe had been playing

A lot um so they have an interesting team that definitely has led to success so far this season they’re eight and2 and yeah her stepp and down is is seemingly kind of out of nowhere and you know Sean if if you have anything else my next question is who is Gabriel

Harris not to be that came off as a little disrespectful I just am unaware to be honest yeah I I I think um first of all I don’t I don’t really know um the the the part about um I was down there recently the their last home game uh

Over the uh Long Island Nets I think is what they’re called um they they lost that game scall sier had a phenomenal game I was down there I’ve been down there the past few games in Stockton at Golden one and then in Stockton because I’m doing a story

With Stanley Johnson coming up I sat down with him and will be able to I’ll have that that interview probably early e either over the weekend or early next week but um really enjoyable interview and uh she she had been at uh she had been at both games she was not at the

Final game uh noticebly absent and of course seen looking around usually see King’s brass there uh Phil Jor usually a main stay Paul Johnson who was the um the GM before r d and served as GM with uh anelie as her as his assistant GM before she was promoted he still

Obviously serves an important role within the Sacramento uh Kings organization um he he was down there with his kids and and and also Alvin Gentry so um that was a game where that Colby Jones sla’s been down there pretty consistently but kobby uh was playing as well and um

And he did you know I think I think that her absence was a little bit noticeable but you know didn’t really think too much of it and uh yeah I think it does kind of come out of the blue it’s just it to me it’s very it’s it’s a it’s a

Tough thing because um look like inate landscape oh there we go you’re back oh okay I know people people might poke fun and because nepotism would it exists in every corporate landscape and you know when I broke the story of her becoming a general manager and stepping into that role uh you know

Of being the assistant GM that there would be a um a lot of push back and I wanted to make sure that we pointed out that no there’s a lot of owners um children and and family members that are in these types of roles and she was no

Different from that but it is odd that you know you take the elevated stance and in less than a year go taking the elevated stance of general manager and then going in less than a year realizing that maybe this isn’t what you want to

Do so uh kudos to her for at least being able to make that decision and having the thick skin to kind of go through what comes with that um but onward I guess you know they they’re they’re they’re fun you know if you’re if you’re a basketball fan you’re going and you’re

Seeing a lot of recognizable names at the Stockton Kings level and uh as brandan pointed out they’re having a nice record but at the end of the day if you don’t want to do something don’t do it and so she’s going to go follow a different passion yeah so um really quickly uh

Gabriel Harris uh the assistant he was the assistant general manager with the Stockton Kings uh got hired in October 2023 spent the last four months as a assistant GM before that uh almost nine years as as Adida at Adidas director of product marketing basketball Footwear uh

He’s a Stanford grad um from 20 4 2 or Stanford he went to Stanford uh no no he does have a a master’s degree in Communications and media studies uh from Stamford and I’ll say one thing to James real quick he is a he he had been a very

Um noticeable presence with anelie at every at every game I me they were pretty much attached at the hip so when I say I didn’t I don’t really know much of his background but certainly as you’re pointing out but I want to point out that before I forget he definitely is a very

Um visual Presence at every game and practice I’ve definitely seen too he also he went to MIT has an applied science program degree um from like 2023 so he was a smart dude um so like again I don’t know him um but uh I would say this too about uh about the nepotism

Thing that you said Sean like look I like everyone out there knows I I have boys right I have two boys boys On’s 216 like if I won like the jumbo Lottery and ended up being a professional sports franchise owner tomorrow like my son would be there alongside me every single

Step of the way not both of them because one of them doesn’t have any interest in sports but my oldest would he’d be with me every day like my only like concern or just the way that this thing happened with her where she went straight to the business side with

The Kings for like six months or a year and then jumped right into an assistant GM job I just think it like it from the outside it set her up for failure if she could have had like sort of a smaller title to start out where like a

Basketball intern a front office intern whatever and like sort of was able to quietly grow what she’s doing I think it would have been a lot less like glaring and so again I just think you know I don’t have any problems with VC isn’t going to live forever and his kids are

Going to be major pieces to what the Kings do moving forward um and so I’m fine with it like again nepotism is a thing that’s out there everywhere but also like you know it’s it’s part of like a family business like the kings are of a VEC ranad family business and I

I just you know would like to see that that the way that people are promoted and the way that they get to the positions that they that they get to are are you know sort of right for them and right for the way that the organization

Is growing and building and so this is a it’s a weird situation afterwards but I don’t know we move forward right we now have a yeah well and not only that but I mean let’s be honest I mean that’s what the g- league is for it’s for development of all these

Different levels and you could argue whether or not someone was ready for that type of thing but but like you said I mean it’s it’s development is at the key core of of everything that the g-league represents be it a player broadcaster media relations uh trainer

Coach all that stuff so why would the front office be any different yeah no I I get you um let’s uh let’s move on we’ve got uh the Sacramento Kings are on a four-game losing streak their first four- game losing streak since the first four games of the 2022 23 season um they

Had done a really good job of avoiding sort of this Pitfall here that we’re seeing overwhelm them at this point uh one of those losses was to the Philadelphia 76 Sixers which was a blowout and just not a good game at all uh it’s been typical for this team to

Have games like this where they failed to show up but then the other three games like you could argue maybe the Indiana game wasn’t nearly as close as it ended up being but the other two games I thought were really really good games where the Kings just lost and I

Just want you guys uh like uh Sean we’ll start with you like the overall perspective on the four game losing streak and the way that we got to where we are because it doesn’t feel like the team is playing horribly but they can’t shoot free throws for some reason and

There’s just like a little bit of a something’s off something’s weird something’s different something’s off with this team right now and I I think it’s it’s sort of playing out on the court more than I would have expected yeah man uh they they’ve got a lot of a

Different VI around around this team where it’s like a like a cloud and it uh to your point like they showed stretches and D sabonis said it where you know thinking that moments that they played are among some of the best basketball they played all season but then you

Suffer these self-inflicted wounds and they they hang on this team you know and it can really disrupt some of that positive momentum that they have and what’s wild and I think this has kind of been a theme over the past few podcasts when we talk about the shortcomings of

The Kings or the problems that are similar to the problems they had last year but look through through 41 games now you’re 23 and 18 and it’s the exact same record as you had last season which felt remarkably different and it’s a what you were experiencing for the first

Time and I would argue and I think Mike Brown would kind of touch on this a little bit in his postgame press conference uh following the Indiana game which is like the whole going from good to great and not catching teams from by surprise and all these little little

Kind of catchphrases that that they’ve been known to to come into the season with like you’re you’re the going from being the the hunters to the hunted um they all ring true like you look at some of these games you’ve lost I’m talking about the Kings they’ve lost to a lot of

Lower Echelon opponents and uh some and some of the upper echelon opponents are giving a really good shot at but they’re you know haven’t been able to really punch through in some of those games the problem is they’ve got so many bad losses you know you couple that with

Someone like Golden State for example who everyone’s wondering like you know I always kind of loop them into the mix of Sacramento Phoenix who’s kind of figuring it out now um some of these teams where you’re like we don’t quite know where they are um have they have

They shown their best are they going to be this question mark uh but they’re all kind of jumbled up there in the Western Conference standings and one of the big differences that that that sticks out like a sore thumb with golden state is they don’t have losses to really lower

Teams now I’m saying that as they just lost to a really depleted Memphis Grizzlies team but if you go through their entire uh losses all the other losses they’re all to pretty solid teams they don’t uh have losses to to a lot of these lower level teams the Kings do and

That’s ultimately pretty alarming and it’s early in the season to where you know you’d always you know people want to say hey you you want to face adversity earlier rather than later and see how you grow from it and Mike Brown has talked about wanting to see how his

Team grows from it um the fact of the matter is I think they have so many issues at hand right now that it’s trickling into the the the obviously the the the basketball portion um I think think there’s a great many things that hang on this team but I think the the

Biggest thing is one win can go a long way and I think de sabona said it best I mean you think about how people were feeling after dropping two in Houston and then you go on a six-game win streak um people were flying high and the Kings just haven’t had that win

Streak really this season outside of that six game so if they can find one of those and prolong it and turn a four game skid into you know winning eight of 10 like some of these teams have experienced already this season that might correct a lot of things but you

Might have to get through the trade deadline first yeah they they won four or five right before they lost these four and some of them were ugly you know they beat the Hornets pretty convincingly and the Pistons and that’s what you’re supposed to do but a sketchy

Game against the Raptors and magic in there as well and obviously the horrible Pelicans loss mixed in the middle really kind of puts a damper on the four of five and makes it easier for people to focus on the one but I mean I I agree

With most of what Sean just said you know it’s like you look at that Milwaukee game and I thought they were playing some of the best offense that we’ve seen all year really they were looked like the kings of last year the pace was there um if I’m remembering

Right I think that Kevin herder did well in that one and has been playing well recently and had a good game actually a career high against the Pacers last night but obviously couldn’t really feel great about it given that it was in a loss um but I thought their offense was

Phenomenal and then down the stretch you know Mike Brown gets ejected um in pretty funny fashion in my mind very similar to Toronto of last year just storming the court at seemingly a random moment and it was about all the leadup to it obviously um but I thought they

Were playing great offense Brennan on that note I think he’s very lucky he didn’t get suspended like because when he stormed the court the play was still going on and he actually like he hit he ran into Pat conington and that to me it was like one of those moments where like

Whoa that could be a that could be more than a fine that could be a suspension for making contact with another player but anyway go ahead well yeah and he got 25,000 last year and Darko rokovich I hope I’m saying your last name right um

Got 25 as well for pretty much saying do the league want the Lakers to win or what and Mike Brown got 50 in my mind because of the on court stuff and the postgame stuff I would imagine and assume that it’s 25 for each there but

Yeah I mean I think that they played amazing offense in that Bucks game some of the best their offenses looked all year and then at down the stretch obviously missed some big free throws and seeing Malik monk be the one to miss them I think is really just shocking

Considering that he’s been far and away their best free throw shooter and been a great free throw shooter for most of his career really and then you know you don’t double Damen Lillard at the end of the game like Mike Brown said that probably should have been the way to go

About it and you end up losing that one in overtime to a team with two great players Phoenix Mike Brown said the first 40 minutes of that game probably the best defense they’ve played since he’s been in Sacramento and then just a total collapse really on the offensive

End with a ridiculous amount of turnovers that lead to easy points for Phoenix on the other side Phoenix goes small and maybe that kind of played a part a bit there but I thought those two games I left feeling like there was a lot of positives really and just late

Game collapses and then was optimistic about the the Indiana game and that was that was definitely a tough one it was kind of an accumulation of all the different little random issues they’ve had whether there’s a game where turnovers look really bad or their offense looks out of whack or maybe

Their defensive rotations are just a little weird or TJ McConnell all all of a sudden is the fastest player in the NBA even though he shoots by the way 6% from three and you know so it it was just kind of everything at once it felt like in that Indiana game the free

Throws obviously being the biggest thing there as well but more often than not I feel like it’s just been one thing here or there pick between these four issues that we’ve seen throughout the course of the year which one was the issue in that loss but there still have been a lot lot

Of positives but I understand focusing well the fan base being agitated and focusing on some of these more jarring issues that we’ve seen recently and led to two late game collapses and in a bad game against the Pacers yeah I I think it’s interesting like I I

Said this early in the season it short do feel like anytime that you see them start missing free throws early those are the games where they get just crushed and it it’s been a trend like the whole time you can see there’s like some sort of weird disconnect or the

Like mental focus isn’t there and you can see it they start missing free throws early in a game and then next thing you know you look up and an 18-point game or it’s a 12-point game and they’re they’re not playing well and it’s not just on the free throw

Shootings the free throw shooting seems to be a symptom for a much larger issue and I don’t know what that larger issue is but it just shows up in a weird way which is free throw shooting and I think you can go back to almost every single

One of their big blowout losses and free throw shooting was a major issue early in the game so I don’t know what to say like this team feels like they’re off there is like Sean said there it’s like they got a little Charlie Brown like uh raincloud that just follows them around

A little bit they just feel like something is is wrong right it feels like it’s almost I don’t even think it’s that I think it’s Pig Pen like it’s unclean like it’s just it’s unclean and filthy it’s just it’s not a cloud so much as it is just a funk like it’s

Gross it’s a stink it’s a stench it’s foul something’s rotten in Denmark I’m using all of them like that’s what it feels like I I think we could probably break them down using just Peanuts characters and Brennan would have no idea what we’re talking about at all who’s Pepperman Patty

Then well that’s a good question that’s a good question I’m muted the whole time Jesus all right uh Charlie Brown I’m pretty sure Cindy’s the one that pulls the football and Charlie Brown oh he knows yeah that’s all Lucy pulls the football oh that’s what I said that’s what I said

Cind is the one that lets us into the locker room Cindy is the security guard on the way to the locker room surely lets us in the locker room surely lets us surely must I’m also pretty sure that Snoop Dogg has said his name is inspired by

Um what is the dog why am I thank you Jesus Christ man why could I couldn’t think of it I was right there GNA be a there the Youth of Tomorrow is just absolutely you’re an adult ask me SpongeBob questions Brendan’s Never Gonna even know what it’s like to buy a

Small Christmas tree that’s ugly and needs love see Wild there’s a lot there to digest so so look uh I think at the end of the day like the team doesn’t feel like they’re that far away and I know it’s weird because you know what Sean says they’re

23 and 18 right now right they were 23 and 18 last year the same moment but last year they were three games into a six-game win streak this year they’re four games into a four game losing streak at the same exact Junction and I’m I’m gonna like this is going to

Be the next topic of discussion that we’re going to have like how much do you think the the ripple effect of trade rumors are in this team’s head because whether it’s it’s Harrison Barnes or it’s Davon Mitchell or it’s Kevin herder these dudes have been thrown around in every

Single trade like everyone knows that they’re available everyone knows that Keegan is not available and the Deen Fox and deont sabonis are not available so there’s this weird like hey the cool kids over there they’re not available in trade but us over here we are and then I

Think another layer to this is exactly what Deon sabon said after the game last night that like we’re a family like we love each other we’re in this together we’re trying to fight through this together we aren’t losing each other in the locker room and I think sometimes people miss

That yeah Harrison Barnes could get traded tomorrow and we can talk about the ramifications what that means for Harrison Barnes and his family and what how horrible it is to pick up and move right in the middle of a season and how you could not see your family for two or

Three weeks at a time because you’re staying in a hotel in some other place I mean look the king’s almost traded Harrison Barnes 3,000 miles away to a different country like honestly they almost traded him to the Raptors where he would have had to pick up and move

For the next six months or four months and not been you know around where his family is and everything else um but I also I think there’s something about this where players like dearen Fox like he’s spent five and a half years with Harrison Barnes as like his big brother

In Sacramento like there is a tremendous amount of love and respect between the foxes and the Barnes right what what’s going what’s gone on here the way he conducts himself the way he’s been a leader and I think it like overall it feels like part of the Dark Cloud is the

Uncertainty to not just whether Harrison will be there anymore but what that means to dearen or what that means to other guys in the locker room who have grown close to him or grown close to Kevin herder and I think that this team is a little bit a little bit

Shellshocked by all of the noise on the outside am I crazy well you’re definitely crazy you’re always crazy I am crazy uh I I don’t I don’t know I I think look everyone kind of digests it differently I’d say in the in the instance of Harrison Barnes um having conversations

With him over the course of the past two years about this very subject um he he’s like the ultimate Pro in in this regard and he’s like oh if I get traded I get traded like he doesn’t I don’t think trade rumors and and the uncertain future and as someone who has been

Traded at the deadline before I I just don’t think he’s really bothered by it I think he’s just always Harrison Barnes um so why did he have two points and one rebound and one assist in 22 minutes last night but let’s not act like we haven’t seen that before right yeah but

This is Harrison Barnes per 3 a rarity like some yeah yeah but I mean like per 36 right just like a so we can actually line up everybody Harrison Barnes is 16th on the team in rebounds per game per 36 16th like there’s only 15 on the main

Roster so that means he’s behind multiple people that are not on the main roster but James how different is that from Harrison Barnes that you’ve seen again like some of the numbers are down but it’s it’s Harrison Barnes like that’s who he is hm again the role he plays on

This team who two years ago he averaged five and a half rebounds the year before that he was at six and a half rebounds per game this year and where is he at right now uh he’s at like two point something and Sasha venkov who plays 13

Minutes 2.8 Sasha V zenov who plays 13 minutes a night is at 2.6 yeah and when you stand out on the perimeter you’re not getting boards well yeah but I mean Sasha does too yeah but no no no Sasha gets into the paint he getss into the paint he

Gets a lot of them on the offensive boards too and definitely had been better at it before 100 per. I’m not I’m not saying that what I’m saying is it’s still Harrison Barnes like this is yeah again this is this is who he is I mean

This is not like a this is exactly where the fan frustration comes from it’s it’s I think a lot of it ends up being oh he’s not scoring he’s not scoring and I’m like he’s not rebounding especially with this team he needs to rebound something on your yeah there was a

Spider crawling down the arm at you were so focused I thought you were I thought you were looking at your pen as going is this pen pink which it was no i k spider and he fell I will say in someone like Kevin herder’s case this

Is something I think entirely new to him and it comes in a in an area where a time where you know this team has committed money and years to him and he was considered to be kind of I wouldn’t say core but definitely among the group that you want going forward you’ve got

Him um I think core insinuates your top three players and that’s why I don’t put him there but core in the sense that you want him as part of your pieces going forward you’ve committed years to him and and he’s part of your future and as a guy who obviously has struggled with

His shooting all of that is mental so I think a lot of that does trickle in that maybe this that this is something that that and if you ask him he’ll tell you it’s like no I’m human I see all these things it does affect you but at the end

Of the day I’m a professional right like they all say the same thing so in his in his circumstance I I’m I’m there to buy it in Harrison’s I don’t because to me it’s still Harrison like I don’t think Harrison’s doing anything to where I’m looking at him and going well

That’s outside of his character he’s certainly not playing up to where he should be and I think we lost James oh there he’s there uh here but to me it’s also like he’s the end of the at the end of the year you look at his numbers and

You’re like okay well he had numbers that are might be down but there’s still very much Harrison like he’s not doing anything that’s vastly different than what he normally does in my opinion yeah I mean honestly I pretty much agree with everything Sean said there and don’t really have much else to

Add like I get the frustration with some of Harrison’s Productions this year um defensively I’ve been I I’ve thought that he could do better I think that specifically getting through screens is is really tough for him and when you’re putting him on a guy like like LeBron or or guys you know

These bigger wings that are running pick and rolls that can be kind of tough but you know this is I often I feel like a lot of times the HB stuff comes from the box score and again defensively I will 100% acknowledge he needs he has not been

Very good on that end of the floor but a lot of often what I I like to say about Harrison is outside of those moments that you feel is that maybe you don’t feel him out there but sometimes that’s a good thing you know a guy that’s just

Like filling his role like I I think that you feel when something is going very well for a player and you feel when something is going very bad and if you’re just not even really noticing a guy there’s probably not that much of either which can be a good thing in

Itself like I I think that offensively he does not make make very many mistakes he hits his open shots at a pretty good rate he’s at 39% from three this year and you know not getting to the free throw line like he he may have in previous seasons and there’s definitely

Aspects that I don’t think have existed from last season and again I do think that he the team would benefit from him being better or closer to what he had been before defensively but that’s been a slow like recline I I think that we’ve seen over the the last couple years so I

I get the frustration there for sure um but I don’t know like the three other the four other starters put up 20 plus and so there’s only only so many points to get out there to an extent and he he took two shots it’s not like he’s going

Out there and and chucking a bunch and not getting shots up so I understand both aspects but I do think there’s some value in just kind of making minimal mistakes on the offensive end at least yeah I mean I get all of that I I do

Like but you still have to rebound you still have to do some of the Dirty Work like his assist numbers I’m not going to bag on him for his assist numbers or even for that matter his his fouls because his usage is so low at this

Point that it’s it’s tough for him to get an assist because he doesn’t have the ball in his hands you know his usage is like 11% he’s he’s barely touching the ball at all and I I guess maybe he could call for it more or do something

More like be more active or have a conversation with his teammates about getting him involved more but for me it’s like if you can’t be effective there it then you need to find ways to be valuable on the court and that means sometimes you got to go in and fly in

For a couple of rebounds go get yourself a couple of buckets and it’s not like other players haven’t done that I mean we’ve seen Chris DTE do it we’ve seen Sasha venkov do it like Kevin you see Trey ly what’s that Kevin herder this

Year well again I mean we get we I know I point this out a lot on this podcast we get so wrapped up in scoring like they scored 126 points last night he took two shots you you know like oh yeah it’s not it’s not the scoring that they

Need him to get Buckets I mean I get what you’re saying I don’t I I agree with that I it’s not the scoring as much as it is I I think people yeah you yeah I it’s not the scoring for me it’s it’s the it’s just

Straight up like you got to find other ways to impact the game and that’s a problem yeah because I I don’t think he is uh so the I think the natural question that a lot of the fan base would say after that and by the way I

Agree with you on the rebounding for sure is should they look in a different direction should they and really Trey ly I feel like is the guy that a lot of people Point towards and I’ll just say my common response to that is I’m sure

That if Mike felt like that was a better option he actually got very asked very bluntly pregame about how’s he considered moving Harrison and he said you know of course we consider everything but there’s never been a point where he said he thought that that was the best way to go and then

Retracted it if he thought that was the best way forward he would do it but I think that Trey sometimes has his inconsistencies as well obviously and that’s often what I point to with Trey is that I’m not 100% sure that he’s actually a better option and that’s no

Slide on Trey I think that since he’s kind of really gotten back into a rhythm from his extended absence at the beginning of the year from that calf injury that he’s had some solid moments but you know you look at last night and again he only shot the ball twice and

There is two assists three rebounds in there but he didn’t score and I I think that defensively I don’t know that he’s better than Harrison Barnes but curious your guys’s answer because I get asked a lot of would you consider moving Trey there he you know what you know what

Stands out though is he’s a little bit it seems as if he’s more physical and for a team that lacks physicality that part sticks out like a sore thumb um you know I don’t think Harrison lacks physicality per se but it’s just not as overt and and noticeable um but you know

I I think what the broader scope of it if you look at it from you know you know 30,000 feet or whatever I think what it comes down to is I think Harrison Barnes is part of a rotation uh with deer and fox that plays to it at its maximum potential and they

Try to maximize the lineups that they have and the reason you don’t see Harrison Barnes coming off the bench is be for one he’s rewarded for his uh being available all the time the guy doesn’t miss games and um he plays very very well with Darren Fox you know when

With that type of lineup so um I think they try to keep each other on the floor when when they’re on the floor they try to make sure he’s there with them as much as they can um but obviously if he’s not a factor like coming down the

Fourth quarter of a lot of games we’ve seen or you know Harrison only plays 20 minutes or whatever it is and you don’t see him close certain games because he’s just not impacting the game that way or someone else has it going like TR you know then they’re going to roll with

The hot hand and go with what what’s working but more times than not arrison Barnes end up being in some of those lineups that are the more effective and I just pulled up those numbers real quick on that starting lineup 349 minutes easily the most line most minutes played after that it’s

127 starting five obviously Fox herder Barnes Murray sabonis 122.6mi I mean it is and like I don’t think I’m not sitting there every game going I need more from Harrison Barnes but what I am thinking the whole time is you got to try to do something else and

Then when it comes to the Trey ly and Harrison Barnes like defensive players I think it’s very clear that Harrison is more switchable than Trey lyes that Harrison can defend the the like sometimes 2 three four and while it’s may not be like Stellar I don’t

Think I think Trey is more of a guy that can defend the four and the five and so I I don’t think you have the versatility as a defender in Trey lyes and that’s not a knock on Trey he’s just a big dude and so you know I don’t when they when

Mike Brown goes like to the weird lineup where it’s like Alex Len or javil McGee with Sasha venkov and Trey lyes like I that’s a lineup that sure probably can score and rebound but defensively like how can you you can’t like you know keep a flow at all especially when it’s like

Malik monk playing alongside those guys like that that’s got to be like one of the shockingly bad defensive lineups that you could put together and you know so I don’t know he’s got a lot of tinkering to do and I I’ll just say this until the the Kings have a better

Option then Harrison bar should probably start because I I have yet to see a better option like step in and walk in the door does that make sense like I guess if if some weird world where you start you know Malik Monk and slide Kevin herder to the

Three you get smaller you’re not as physical at both positions right and then I I don’t know that that’s a better idea and I also don’t know that Kevin hurder doesn’t look exactly like Harrison Barnes on the offensive end if he’s stuck in that position where he’s just flat not getting any

Shots so it’s it’s a problem um by the way that’s a big positive is herder starting to look more like himself yeah you know and it’s I’m not talking just the 31-point game um that he had as a career high last night against the Pacers but there are games on this road

Trip there are games where he’s and I I’d kind of go back to the Pelicans debacle like I know it was a shitty game and and they they were awful but it’s like if there was a bright spot he was hitting some shots and if that’s what if

That’s what it takes to get your confidence back great you know yeah I think that the uh the the Kevin herder situation is has quietly like started to correct itself like he just looks like himself right and he doesn’t have to score 31 or 28 but even

Like the the game he had in the middle there what was it 10 points he was super effective like I you kept wondering why he wasn’t on the court more even in that game that’s where they uh who is it there playing Phoenix uh Phoenix yeah I

Think um you know if you were to ask Mike Brown I think he would have even told you like I probably should have put Kevin hder back in the game in the fourth quarter um he played like four minutes in the fourth to start it and then you started having the turnover

Issues with uh Fox and and monk where just like got out of control and I think that you would have probably liked to have seen more minutes for Kevin herder in that in that situation um but it really comes down to confidence comes down to him hitting his shots and when

He’s hitting his shots I don’t know about you guys but the Kings just look like a much better they look like the kings of last year outside of that they don’t look like themselves like it’s weird that one player like heit the way the gravitational pole of Kevin herder as a

Shooter changes so much of the dynamic with that team and I’m not sure I that I expected it to be that way but like when you look at this season and their offensive rating is so far off what it was last year I think a lot of it comes

Down to just straight up uh you know that that herder was missing shots and and got lost there for like two months can I add another name to that Keegan there you go started Keegan yeah he just has straightened it out earlier than Kevin did yeah and and I think Keegan

Also started figuring out ways to impact the game differently and Kevin has done that in Spot times like we had like the nine or the 10 rebound games right but like Kevin has slowly started to figure out like okay I’ve got to do something else to get myself on the

Floor Keegan figured that out really early like I think Keegan part of the the shooting issue with Keegan was just straight up that they were asking him to guard everybody and his body wasn’t ready for it and I think he’s adapted and he looks more like he’s in Better

Physical shape he’s more prepared to play a full 36 to 38 minute game where he’s the number one option on the defensive end and then he’s like the third option on the offensive end but I still you guys are right like he didn’t start the season well and we’re starting

To see him round in shape yes yeah he he he’s doing some things where it looks like they try to get him involved early very early because if he doesn’t have something going it’s almost as if it has an impact on him later in the game I don’t know if

You feel the same way but I I I just see him very active early on in the game uh and I and I I think that’s by Design I’m not sure yet with Keegan yeah yeah yeah well and like look I I think one of the

Things that I’ll point out too is that the ultimate goal for this team in order for them to reach their potential right I think we all know what the if if the kings are going to be a really really really good team not this year but next

Year the year after the year after that we all know that the pathway there it goes through Keegan Murray right it’s going to be it’s going to be domas it’s going to be dearen and it’s going to be Keegan most likely unless you go out and you get someone

Else but sometimes like getting a player to that point there are growing pains that come with it right you can’t just expect K and Murray to walk in in year two and average 18 a game on day one and just be spectacular like I I guess you can hope

For that but just expec it it probably isn’t going to happen and I think a lot of what we’re seeing right now so so you guys watch all the time like the Kevin herder dho right he comes off of the demonis uh sabonis handoff at the top of

The key but he travels like 10 yards in two steps and clears all this space it’s a travel every time I’m not gonna lie is it okay either way you can see how far he goes out and when that happens the entire defense starts to shift and pull

Towards that because he keeps going and you’re like where is he going you see his Defender but also the other guy that’s why deonis sabonis is always open on the when Kevin you know decides to take off and go to the rim and then find domas but while that’s happening on the

Other side of the Court are usually three players because they do two players on one side and and three on the other in this H to space the floor it opens everything up for everybody and then when you think of the way that Keegan Murray runs the same exact play

Keegan doesn’t keep going Keegan takes a handoff slides in right behind sabonis and shoots from the top of the key and so it doesn’t have the same gravitational pull that that uh Kevin does and it’s just a difference in the two as players but I think it it’s also

Something like when we go we’re early in the season and they’re really trying to get Keegan to be this player it it did kind of mess with the flow you’re you’re you’re giving up something now with the hopes that three months or two years from now it will pay huge dividends and

I agree with the idea but it’s still sometimes it can be difficult and it can be clunky to watch because you’re trying to take a kid and turn him into you know a 20 plus per game scorer and you’re trying to do it on a winning team overnight and that’s just not simple

Yeah and I I think the signs have been encouraging I definitely agree with that I think there’s also a lot of times we’re starting to see even more so that he comes off that dho and he he curls to the basket and will like take a

Mid-range and it looks funky it I swear it looks like he’s like trying to do dear’s moves but it’s just a totally different body type at times like a hard plant with his foot and fading back and things like that or yesterday I thought he crossed the heck out of somebody but

Apparently he pushed off just enough that that was going to get called and you know there’s a little bit of isolation stuff that’s going on and you just look at the mid-range numbers he shot 15% of his shot attempts last year were mid-range that’s up to 31% this

Year and he’s more accurate 37% last year 49% this year and it’s funny because I think people will point to like well it’s so good that dearn turned his mid-ranges into threes so why do we want to take him taking more mid-ranges it’s because dearn spent the time

Getting good at the mid-range to to James’s point that he can get to that when he needs to and I think that’s an important development for Keegan that we’re starting to see more and one other thing I’ll throw in there is that Katie said on one of the broadcasts that Daren

Joked with her that Keegan’s the worst finisher in the league and I think that is hilarious and very typical for their relationship I’m pretty sure within four feet Keegan is shooting better just saying and there is a five inch six inch size difference there between them which

Definitely plays a part but Keegan 69% at The Rim this year and dearin 63 so just saying dear Keegan Keegan might have something to say there um I think that you’re wanting Keegan to be more exciting and like I I think a lot of people like when you’re

Watching you’re like oh that could have been really really exciting but that’s okay like for me it’s like I dig I dig Keegan’s Vibe as a player and as a person like he’s just kind of you know he’s laid-back he’s an introvert but also on the court he just like when he

Does something you you’re sitting there like huh but I know he could do that but you like we’re doing that more and more like you know he quietly had what 27 28 points and eight rebounds yesterday he quietly had like 28 points and 10 rebounds a couple of days before that

He’s up to like 16.2 points per game I by the end of the season I’d be really surprised if he’s not over 18 points per game he’s becoming the player that they hoped he would be and it and it’s quietly happening while dear and domas are putting up ridiculous stats every

Single night and you kind of ignore that um like there’s there’s three guys four guys some nights that are having huge nights but for most of the season it’s been the same four guys it’s dearon it’s sabonis it’s Fox and it’s monk now we’re starting to see Kevin herder pop into

That and and all of a sudden you start seeing like this like four five six guys the team just becomes more and more difficult to defend which is I like to be honest what we saw last year just kind of it’s tough to compare this team to last year because they’re just really

Even though they’re the same players they don’t have the same roles they’re totally different like again the Keegan Murray roll last year as like a set shooter on the perimeter versus this year as the dho guy who’s doing all this he basically is got Kevin herder’s like

Like most of the plays that he ran last year and so it’s difficult it’s it’s tough to look at Harrison Barnes and say you averaged 15 points a game last year now you’re a 10 and you’re not doing any of the things that you did last year but

It’s just a redistribution of wealth from the same like six or seven dudes which is just kind of bizarre it’s interesting um where do we go from here uh let’s go to the business of basketball um and I rolls when you do that I I just

Wish I had like an instant replay that we used to have in radio where it had sound effects and music and all that kind of stuff we what do you mean lame you’re D dun D you would have I don’t know at least I tried yeah so what no

James gets to do it different every time no we’re not robots I’m over it I’m over you don’t want AI you want none of that it’s funny uh Kyle uh my partner on the Insiders he controls the board and he has all the buttons I don’t get to touch

Any of the buttons because I’ll break something thereason screw something up oh no yeah I have no idea what I’m doing at all and I’m I’m very very cognizant of that and willing to step back and say I don’t touch button no like today the red one the computer decided to reboot

Right in the middle of our show uh to update and I kept saying like no don’t update no don’t update and it goes I’m updating anyways so I disappeared in the middle of the show today because the the computer updated um you still on the air though right the radio portion they we

Were still on the air yeah and we had to make sure matters yeah it it was chaotic it was chaotic for Kyle I felt bad for him because again I’m watching my computer I’m like uh Kyle I think my laptop my computer is about to die my

Computer’s about to restart um but I don’t get to touch the buttons did you have Sean’s computer because his most common excuse for being late is my computer’s updating I’ve never heard of somebody’s computer updating more in my life it’s wild bro it it is wild I

Sean cuz I no and I do it all the time it it this Compu like I have two computers the other one is old as [ __ ] and I’m not I can’t I wouldn’t don’t think the I think the webcam would attachment would not even work for it

But this one is newer and it updates all the time usually they don’t take long but a lot of them tend to take a moment and are always at the most inopportune time right Brandon very much absolutely absolutely I derail us do it again James and Sean come up with something what do

Me out I don’t know SEC the business of basketball that’s well well you know I know happen I you didn’t even make a noise SC me God what is happening I usually always go o or something like that like always yeah I uh should the kings make a tra oh here we

Go no no no no let’s blow it up no no I I think the bigger question is like like we can see like we’ve been able to see the problems that this team has like structurally like how like what pieces might work to fix this thing

Right but at this point they just look a little lost and do you guys think that like the I don’t know the fragility of this team is an issue because it feels like they’re they’re off-kilter but then you throw in the the free throw thing which is usually like a lack of

Focus or I mean because look I put up a video the other day we watched dear Fox I I kept rolling until he missed and he never missed I think he hit 25 straight free throws like it’s not a mechanical issue he knows how to shoot free throws

But then he goes out and he shoots what was he three of seven in the game and that’s a problem or maybe it was five of nine or whatever it was but three of eight okay and Mal quent two of six which is the crazier one yeah two of six

Yeah so and even yeah that was just a mess but or I’m sorry it’s five of nine for dear and one of six for Malik sorry okay how do they figure this out like like how do you fix them I guess is a question because I don’t know if it is a

Trade I don’t know if it’s like a coming to Jesus moment I don’t know if it’s a players only meeting I but there’s something that’s off with this group and I think part of it is trade deadline I think part of it there’s other things that are happening here uh that are in

Play but where are you guys at with like how do you fix them right now whether it’s trade or whether it’s conversation or whatever it might be uh I would I think I’d love to just say I don’t know but I think speaking to a larger point is I think this team’s

Flaws are the same as last year certainly they’ve got some moments where you’re like okay yeah your free throws are terrible or you have moments where you’re turning the ball over as a team that really hasn’t shown you know the the the character trait of doing that

Too often um I think it speaks to a frustration that you’re not that they’re probably not better than what they are and obvious obviously they’ve tried to focus a lot on the defensive end and it’s taken them away from that identity that really fast-paced offensive team I mean they’re still really good they

Still can score the hell out of the ball but they’re not what they were and I think the frustration there is you might have some people that that want to go back to that style of play um but the realization that it’s you they are what

They are this this is who they are they’re not the most physical team there’s a scouting report on team people know what the recipe is to be able to compete with the Kings and trying to navigate those Waters can be tricky so I think they know that what

They’re capable of and they know that they’re a good basketball team going from good to Great Is Hard Mike Brown says it all the time they’re not great they’re just not and I don’t I don’t picture any version of this team right now as it’s currently made up

Being that way um I think we can probably all agree there uh and I think that’s where a lot of the frustration from fans comes from and maybe even internally within the the roster itself is that yeah you’re you’re a good team you you’re capable of doing some pretty

Good things and you’re probably capable of making a a playoff run although I think there’s a lot of people that don’t believe that they would pick this team in a in a in a playoff uh Series against most of the teams in the west I’m not so

Sure there I still think they could make a playoff run I just don’t look at them as a great team so I think there’s frustrations that come along with that you know the actual realization that this is who you are and until you make a roster change or some

Sort of you know substantial shakeup that you’re just going to continue to be to be that and I think part of it is I mean you’ve got I’m trying to be careful how I say this but with respect to I think a lot of the things that you had question

Marks of you you don’t really have the same questions like if there was a question that that Keegan Murray can’t duplicate the season that he had last year or or going into a sophomore year you know I think you have the answer to that Keegan Murray is just fine Keegan

Murray is is capable of being that guy um you know if there was a hey we we sign Harrison barns because um still might not have total belief that Keegan is totally for that for that upper echon role or if you can have that type of consistency uh I think you have that

Answer but I also think too in signing Harrison Barnes to that deal relatively speaking in the NBA money terms it was a pretty great deal for the Kings you look at great great is a little strong I mean it fine yeah fine that’s fine 12 to 13%

Of the of the salary cap that’s okay it’s not a it’s not a it’s not a an albatross on the sou on the books right and if you look at guys that did get paid in this past season there’s some contracts where you go what the hell is

That how did that guy get that much money um look everything’s escalating so the point I talk about when I’m trying to get to is that money is not something that just hangs on this team so being able to move him should be should be relatively simple but

Can you truly get what you probably need with that contract or with that player and I think that’s at a point where you know we’re going to find that out in the next couple weeks but I don’t know that they can truly get what they really need with what they’re willing to part

With and I don’t think that they should be in a hurry personally I think it’s fine to be a good team and I get the frustration from the fan based with that for sure but growth is just not linear in the NBA and Monty used the wording um

Aggressive but disciplined a lot and he shown that he’s very disciplined buddy heill was just in town last night and how long were we talking about or people talking about Buddy heeld and and Marvin baggley or are probably it’s just about finding the right deal they waited a

Long time to get the right deal and it ended up working out so I think if you act out of desperation that and like we have to do something we just can’t roll with this group that making no move is better than making the wrong move and I

Feel like that gets lost a little bit sometimes and I think that’s natural for a fan base that again wants to see their team get better but unless there’s you know some pressure coming from ownership or a reason that you believe that the locker room is messed up there’s no

Real reason to get desperate in my mind and I fully believe that he’s going to be aggressive and if he thinks that there is a way that he can make this team better not just in the short term but in the long term because the eventual goal is not get out of the

First round it’s not you know you could put all your chips in getting out of the first round and getting better this year and hamstring yourself for an eventual Championship the goal is a championship down the line and I just think that’s a slow process and that there’s reason to take

Your time here being a good team is fine I agree with Sean I think this team could get out of the first round and they also could lose in their playing you know and I think that’s a fine range to be in if you don’t feel like there’s

A move that makes sense for your team not only in the immediate but in the future yeah and I’ll add this too um when it comes to Harrison Barnes contract 17 18 19 million right the the Kings have had problems in the past of not actually having a contract that they

Can trade the fact that you have like I know this sounds it like sometimes I get new two Nuance with the salary cap but a $17 million contract is is really good for the Kings because that means you can go out and get like a 20 plus million doll player

You can get a 12 13 million player using that contract and Harrison Barnes still has enough in the tank that someone is going to be willing to take on a player that has a 12 12 and a half% of the salary cap figure and where we got to

This summer whereas the Kings couldn’t make a trade at the um at like going into the draft because they didn’t have any contracts to trade and you actually have to have contracts to trade in order to match salary to go with this deal or that deal or whatever

Right when they traded the ran Holmes contract they at that point there was no Harrison Barnes under contract there was no Trey Lis there was no Sasha fenov there was no Alex laner or javil McGee like all of these Players Once you sign them they become more they become chips

That you can use to go get pieces and so like look I don’t think they did anything wrong with the Harrison Barnes contract I think you can move Harrison Barnes it just what are you gonna have to move along with Harrison Barnes to get what you want and is there a team

Out there that’s going to say hey we’re okay taking two more years of a player who’s going to be you know League average and be able to start or come off the bench Force but be a good citizen and part of the what we’re doing here as

Part of a deal he’s not an albatross he’s not some bad contract and you can say the same about Kevin herder but if he didn’t sign Harrison Barnes and you still wouldn’t had any cap space now you’ve got you can package Herson Barnes with a Kevin hder so now you’re at I

Don’t know 36 million or 35 million and you can go up to 40 something million as far as in a trade or you can package Harrison Barnes with a Tre lyes and now that’s 25 million you can go up to 30 million you go back down to 20 so like

There’s all of these pieces that are in play about like Advanced roster construction that people have to consider and I agree that they don’t need to just run out and make a move and you know even like the SE yakum deal the SE yakum deal was a bad deal for the

Kings like just straight up like the seum to Indiana is is like the sabonis deal they were able to get their version of sabonis but the Kings already have a sabonis and a fox and they don’t have enough money to go spend 40 to 60

Million on a player who may or may not want to be in Sacramento may only want to take the job the take a trade and take the contract because he wants the money that’s not a good position to be in because three years from now four years from now when Keegan Murray needs

To get paid and Malik monks got to get paid now you’re say you’re you’re so far over the luxury tax you can’t even breathe and you may or may not have a great team and so I think there are deals out there that are that the king

Should jump on if they if they become available and and there are players out there that make a lot of sense for the team but you have to consider all of these other avenues when you’re making a trade it’s not just about today it’s about three years from now five years

From now two years from now and you have to do it with like a a really gigantic whiteboard with everything written out and all of the different options about where you can go where you can’t and what’s your ceiling here what’s your ceiling there and like it’s it’s a

Calculated risk no matter what you do and that’s why I think Monty McNair so far has proven to be the right guy because he’s very calculated he’s very smart very organized and although I don’t love that they put their name out there for every single trade possible it

Is good to have your name out there it is good to be active it is good you know some of the time but sometimes you also may feel what we’re feeling right now in Sacramento where a lot of people are looking over their shoulder like when is

It my time when am I getting called into the principal’s office told that I’m suspended like that’s what it feels like and so uh I I think it’s intriguing we’re in a we’re in a cool like period of Kings basketball where the product on the court isn’t

Where you want it to be but it’s closer than what it was before and that there are many options for the way that this thing goes forward and I I don’t know it to me it’s it’s very interesting time to cover the Kings got that right um yeah

Yeah no comment Sean uh yeah we got inside jokes here uh I don’t want to talk about it U we’re not going to talk about it uh let’s get to final thoughts um Brendon you got any final thoughts for us um I’ve enjoyed some new music recently there’s uh you know um just

Just a couple new albums there’s been a kid Cy album Sean maybe 20 the 21 album I listen to a little bit James feel free to chime in I actually really love the kid Cy album not lie that’s my absolute maybe we can hum when he does the

Business of basketball I’m not doing that and then one a while ago is a boss is the I’m pretty sure I’m saying his name right he’s a dreamville guy under jcole that I really enjoy oh okay I if you if you hold tight for a minute uh after I do my final thoughts

I’ll I’ll end the podcast with showing you something oh I don’t know about that we’re on the clock I’m on the radio in another nine minutes did you did you see poor things Brendan because I really I know uh our buddy Frankie saw it I can’t wait to

Talk to him about it uh because that’s a movie that needs to be dissected he needs to spend time with his girlfriend happy birthday to to Frankie’s girlfriend Al happy birthdays Ally yes happy birday but Happy Birthday um I am I’m actually very sad today because of the impending well I guess

It’s just happening Just Sports Illustrated absolutely dying and look I I get it like I it sucks I mean you know the industry and and and you know like newspapers are struggling and magazines what they are what they are but you know just talk about something that was so prevalent in

My life um and the whole one of the whole reasons I got into this it was a somber somber day to see that Sports Illustrated just absolutely crumbling and and look they one would argue if you’re being funny that that Sports Illustrated died years ago and you’re

Probably right but it’s a just to see it it’s like that I got to share some of my favorite uh uh SI covers and and Brendan I I know you probably never picked up an SI so many actually so many Somewhere in

My Closet yeah I I I do as well I kept I kept them you never threw them away you know those are things that like you would always go back to go yeah James I was gonna mention oh yeah has yeah my bar is filled with SI covers it’s filled

With them like I’ve got John mackenro I’ve got P I’ve got the Jerry Cooney George Foreman fight up there I’ve got you know Mark gasto and and Lawrence Taylor like I have all kinds of crazy uh SI covers it’s it’s really sad day it’s just where journal journalism is right

Now it’s tough yeah and one of the ones I didn’t share because I only picked four I mean I obviously picked the greatest show on on court with the with the Kings I picked the the Jordan hologram one one of the Will Clark ones and Barry Bonds that I’m Barry Bonds and

You’re not is phenomenal um even those stories I can remember them so well but um the the the one of the ones James when you talk about covers you’re an Ace’s fan I’m a Giants fan growing up seeing Clark and Mark Maguire essentially in a headlock with each

Other the whole Battle of the bay stuff was just incredible so R SI can I add real quick uh Frankie and his girlfriend are amazing and I hope that didn’t come off in a certain type of way that’s all I got on that yeah no uh we also uh

Adrian wowski just tweeted Tyrese halberton and Pascal yakam are active in playing versus Portland tonight yeah crazy uh yeah wild I thought halberton might have played last night I was surprised when he didn’t uh oh an actual CD Brendan but it’s because I had it

Someone sent I had it sent to me a have a publicist friend that does a lot of stuff like that how about that what album even is that that’s the 21 Savage album the new one yes oh really yeah autograph Sean is cool you are not Savage American I should give this away

I should do a giveaway give it away to Bren yeah no first of all how dare you uh I I no what I’m saying is I think I have a couple more of these and I should be able to give one gave one of my uh

Yeah we’ll figure it out what does it take a Hurley hat like what do we I mean he bought you a candle Sean like yeah actually that was my goddamn birthday my guy amazing uh final thoughts from James I don’t know what to make of the Oakland A’s and Sacramento the rivercats

Situation um as a baseball and like I I love baseball First Love a huge o fan from the time I was very young uh I’m absolutely like like hate ownership and what’s happened there um but I also know that Sacramento is a baseball town and that there’s if there’s ever a way that

Baseball could come to Sacramento and stay in Sacramento it might be worth the Gamble and you know so if a wants to bring bring that team to to the rivercat stadium for three years or two years and roll the dice that maybe something goes wrong with John Fischer who just happens

To be one of the worst business people of all time and maybe the team gets to stay in Sacramento um okay maybe Major League Baseball wants Sacramento to prove that they can be a a Major League City and maybe give them expansion down the road okay I I think there are a lot

Of ways that you can prove uh your worth here and the one thing I would say is that I would much rather see a team reload at you know 60 M 70 miles up the road to Sacramento from Oakland uh then for them to just jettison and go to Las

Vegas where it’s just not the same franchise anymore so that’s my my initial thought I don’t know it might morph over the next couple of months but I do not feel like this is that team is already relocating this is you trying to figure out if there’s a way you can

Prove your Major League Baseball City so maybe you can get a team down the road uh whether it’s the a or someone else so um I think that’s all I have on that uh final thought yeah you don’t like the idea that you don’t like the idea that

It’s a means to an end and you know some fans who are in their feelings about seeing them help the process to get to Vegas because I don’t truly believe in that and that they’re going to Vegas no no I don’t truly believe that doing that like the belief that oh

You’re you’re only helping them to get to Vegas it’s like no Sacramento has its own motivations to that yes no I don’t believe that they’re only doing this just to get him to Vegas and if that’s the case then shame on you V that but I don’t think

That’s the case so all right uh we got to wrap this thing up I’ve got to go get on the radio uh because that’s all I do is talk on the radio uh and talk on podcast it seems like a lot of talking when yeah this what oh boy I don’t want

To talk about where’s that little violin we’re looking for Brennon there is his smallest violin like yeah uh all right well uh thanks for tuning in if you’re still watching us please give us a thumbs up uh give us a rating and review if you get an

Opportunity uh jump on board with the Kings beat go to the Kings become a premium subscriber to support everything we do here uh we’ll try to be a little bit more regular it’s been pretty hectic over the last couple of weeks uh what like we have it has been a

Little difficult over over the last couple of weeks to to have two or fre had to have two episodes a week so ners or Packers ners ners ners just checking just checking just check Sam Hill kind of question is that all right thanks for tuning in to the Kings beat podcast

Bluewire podcast brought to you by prize picks jump on board with prize picks it’s cool it’s fun uh it’s a lot uh like been I’m having a good time with it um so for Fox 40 Sean Cunningham and Brenda Nunes from the Kings puls podcast I am

James H Kings and sat for ESPN 1320 and the Kings beat see you very soon

Fox 40’s Sean Cunningham, Brenden Nunes of the Kings Pulse Podcast and The Kings Beat’s James Ham join forces for coverage of the exciting Sacramento Kings.

Topics include the Kings’ four game losing streak, the issues with missed free throws, team sitting at the same win/loss record as last season, the awkward vibe around the team, as well as another edition of The Business of Basketball centered around the upcoming NBA trade deadline.

Thanks for joining us on this adventure! Big shoutout to Paul Jinkerson (@paulitition) for creating a new intro and outro for the podcast and to Brenden for creating our new overlay for the podcast.

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  1. I think what James said about the team possibly being shell-shocked by all the outside trade rumor noise could be true. Sure, this team was part of a major trade just a couple of years ago with Haliburton and Sabonis, but that was a trade following years of losing. This trade would be after a historic honeymoon season, and maybe that's where the big difference is.

  2. I love you guys. It’s amazing how much you’ve grown on me. I am an only a Kings fan. For only 8 years. Lucky me. So I hope that my feedback reflects my underlying value for your podcast. 1) Your personalities are so pleasingly unique 2) I like you each equally however the podcast is really out of balance in speaking time from the 3 of you… I wish James would hold back a bit and allow Sean and Brenden to speak more. James role as facilitator seems it would be to ask more questions of them and then put duck tape on for a few and listen instead of after they begin to answer with 1/2 a sentence he interrupts and starts up all over again lol. I think he speaks 75% of the show Sean for 15 and Brenden for 10. Could be James higher. I am a James type Chatty Cathy so I know the type and had to work on learning to listen for 72 years (as if you can’t tell). Like I said I do love your chemistry overall. And I believe that James has the utmost respect for Sean and Brenden he could just fine tune his listening skills bless ❤. Thank you for all your hard and your love of the Kings and sharing with all of us. 🙏

  3. I get a lot of owners kids work with their teams. But what experience did she have? The outcome was predicted. Made no damn sense. My girl loves hoops, but she has no clue on how to run a g-league team.

  4. Unfortunately, Harrison Barnes' play has been as quiet as his personality. The fluctuating performances and nights of invisibility have been a mainstay during his tenure with the Kings.

    Additionally, I feel as if his presence as our locker room vet has only been a damper for the team. It's hard not to see Barnes' almost apathetic affect during post-games over the years and his lack of assertiveness in games bleed into the core of this team. I don't think having him as the vet for Fox over the years was the best thing in terms of will and determination, because too often I see a lack of both.

    During times of hardship, disinterest and frustration are the closest things I've seen over the years, especially with a team that was largely unbridled during the Walton era, has consistently played games with a silver-spoon mentality, and seems to have no visible dominant or emotive force to challenge themselves in-house/game.

    There's an underlying problem to how this team developed that they can't seem to overcome, and I truly think moving on from Barnes is a step this team needs to take to do it.

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