@Detroit Pistons

Is Zach Lavine to the Detroit Pistons INEVITABLE?! – From Half Court Episode 134

Is Zach Lavine to the Detroit Pistons INEVITABLE?! – From Half Court Episode 134

What is going on I want to welcome you from half court for today January 26 2024 I am Shawn Murphy alongside Mr h ollywood himself the man the myth the legend Jeff I Afra Jeff long time no see my friend so good to see you great to

Have you back on the Pod how are you doing my friend I’m doing good uh it feels good to be back I miss you Sean I know we’ve been talking but to do content again with you I I this is what I want um you could check me out also on

Crunch time with Jeff and Boer it’s just something a little something just to pay for the jet fuel money it’s just something I’m doing on the side uh but but in all seriousness though I’m so happy to be here um and let’s roll man I’m excited I haven’t been able

To talk pisses I haven’t been able to watch anything this week I’ve been so wrapped up and stuff so it feels good it feels good to be here I’m glad you brought that up if you’re if you’re tuning in if if if you haven’t heard

What’s gone on with with my boy Jeff of late he actually is starting his own Venture and going specifically to crunch time with Jeff I Fred and Boer you can also catch Lucas clots on there as well you guys make absolutely great content together obviously you know a lot of a

Lot of your time you know together on the morning Woodward show but now people can find you know you guys doing your own thing running it and and and honestly hitting up the independent scene and we’re just ready to take over Detroit man so Jeff I’m excited for you

You you’re you’re gonna catch me on this channel here occasionally too Jeff Jeff can’t keep me out y so that’s a fact yeah that is a fact 100% man we’re gonna have you’re gonna have a lot of fun I’m I’m really happy for anything else you want to mention about the channel or

About the podcast any potential plans you guys have coming up any like what time people can catch you guys at oh actually perfect you just asked that uh we’re getting a time slot together I think it’s going to be 800 p.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays so it’ll be more of a

Night Show U it just works better with everyone’s schedule we’ll have content posted throughout the day video at 10: a.m. video at 4 P pm and then we’ll go live 8:00 P p.m. to 10 p.m. so that’s a schedule you can follow it U official CT pod in all social media official crunch

Time pod on on Instagram as well but yeah ready to go man I’m fired up we’ll have Shawn Murphy on there we’ll have some from half court crunch time Jeff and Boer collabs on the way and people so stay tuned for that heck yeah man not only

That but also we’re going to be making more content here as well so you’re going to want to make sure that you’re subscribed to this channel as well because there’s a whole lot of stuff not happen not only happening with the Pistons there’s a lot of stuff happening

In the NBA and we’re gonna have to talk a lot about it before we get to the Pistons I have to talk really quickly about this like crazy experience that I had Jee I know I told you like kind of like a little bit in passing but earlier

This week the Pistons played the Milwaukee Bucks at home and it seemed like you know like another like normal game I got to go cover it in person it was fun and all that but um Adrien Griffin the next day turned out to uh to be relieved of his coaching duties which

Is you know normally that’s like a pretty surprising thing when that happens in the middle of the season I was front row for his pregame press conference not even 24 hours before he was released and then the other coach I’ve seen that’s an aake coach this year Jeff Wes

Unseld Jr so my question to you is this am I the Grim Reaper I mean I know I’m pale but like does that make me like the coaches G like if if they see me should they be scared well yes they should um I bet Adrian Griffin was at that press

Conference he was probably talking to the media and he keeps looking at the corner of his eye he’s like wait is that is that Sean Murphy and then he leaves and he gets a phone call and he’s like damn it I knew it it’s sha Murphy it is the most and you’re right

This typically does not happen especially when you have the second best record in the Eastern Conference so 30 and 13 yeah when it when a decision like this happens I mean could it be because you play two close games to the Pistons I don’t know I mean I’ll I’ll say this

Much you know everything from the sounds of it sounds like he you know that locker room was what was was not his at at that point and you know just from being there in person I can tell you that this is not the same Bucks team on

The defensive side of the ball we talked about it when the move actually happened of I wonder if this could actually kind of be like an undoing of the Bucks because it’s going to make them so different defensively and I mean they’ve just been a shell themselves on that

Side of the floor ever since uh ever since Dame came over and now not even like like 48 hours after they released Adrien Griffin Doc Rivers is now the head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks before we you know get into like Pistons trade deadlines just really quickly Jeff what

Are your thoughts about Doc Rivers being the the head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks on paper it makes sense nailed it that’s where I was going on paper it makes sense doc rivs to me is like a little cockroach that you know he’s crawling around you keep stepping

On him and he just won’t die you’re like what this guy is just still he’s still he’s still fighting back like Doc Rivers is still finding a way to get another head coaching gig even though he has the most blown 3-1 leads in in NBA history

But for real if you’re if you’re looking for a proven head coach he’s obviously Doc Rivers he he’s won an NBA championship and you’re a bucks you have veterans in the locker room players to some extent like Doc Rivers that that’s been his reputation but is it the right

Move I don’t know and to be honest if Adrien Griffin can lose a locker room and they’re still second in the Eastern Conference you know at the end of the day how much do you it’s not like Doc Rivers needs to come in here and fix

Everything he just can’t mess it up so maybe he is you know he’s the right one for the job but um so you know bringing in Doc Rivers to be your head coach doesn’t make me even more confident in the in the bucks if that makes sense

It’s just kind of okay yeah I I posted this when it happened this pretty this pretty much sums up my my thoughts well uh well uh did it work for those people no it never does I mean these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might but but it might work for us

Yeah that’s that’s how I feel it’s like you know Doc Rivers is one of the greatest coaches in the history of basketball he does have a great resume you know he has won a lot of games but when you start to look at the reality

That it is now 16 years since he won his last championship with the Boston Celtics in 2008 it is 2024 and now the only playoff streaks that we know him for are for game seven losses and 3-1 leads blown yeah so I I hope that doesn’t happen in Milwaukee I

Hope they also give him more than this season to figure it out I know they signed him on a fewe deal so they probably can’t fire another coach and be paying four at the same time but at the same time when you have Giannis in house

And he doesn’t if he doesn’t like what’s happening they they they pretty clearly will make changes if they have to yeah and I guess if you have a Damen lardan is two veteran guys in this league at least at this point um you want to bring

In a guy that that’s coached in this in this league now he’s been passed around more than a blunt but still that’s a that’s a whole different story right I mean he’s he’s um like you said it I think that tweet per L summarizes it like this is a thing that happens across

All sports like one coach will still be getting fired rehired fired rehired and a team will actually believe well maybe doc maybe it’ll be different with us you know maybe it’ll be different with us but we won’t actually know this move to me you won’t know um how significant it

Is or if it worked to me into the postseason like that’s when you’re gonna judge Doc Rivers and you’re gon to look back and be like did they blow another 3-1 lead did they lose another game seven or do they make the NBA Finals we’ll find out yeah I mean everything we

Were hearing out of this Camp you know like all all year is not great things and you know definitely definitely when you’re when you’re not winning convincingly and you know trailing for a good part of the games against you know a Pistons team that only has five wins

At this point that is obviously something that people in the league are going to talk about speaking of those pistons in those in those only five wins Jeff they have gotten three of them in the last month or so so they’ve they’ve more than doubled their win total has

Any other team in the league done that thought not uh you know that That’s History right there but but in all seriousness it was obviously a historically terrible start to the season so you could really only go up from where they were but they have been playing better basketball over like

The last month you know if there are you know like obviously I’m sure you’re you’re you’re far more in in grinded to Lions football right now as as a lot of people are because you know the the the great run that they’re on but what have you been noticing like when you have

Been tuning into Pistons games what have you liked and you know are there still things that you look at as okay there is still some building blocks here there are still things that I I’m optimistic about uh well for me and I’ve been consistent with this at least if you

Look at the core Foundation of players I I like the core right now you know when you have you know a trade go down that that welcomes in a muscala and a galinari and you find out that muscala is actually you know Marvin Bagley Goes to Washington but you find out muscala

In his ability to stretch the floors is actually benefit of this team and you find out how much they needed spacing um it kind of gives you an idea of where they should go in the future like this team desperately need spacing they need star talent and I know the trade

Deadline conversation it’s been center around Zack LaVine which we’ll get to in a little bit but for me it’s just these guys continuing to take the next step this season’s already lost we knew that from the first 15 games uh you know what I like about sample sizes you can use it

To to support any argument I could say that the Pistons of the last five games are two and three I could say that but then we just ignore the other you know chunk of games but the last five games are two and three and I think bringing in veterans

That understand how to play the game of basketball they can space the floor and you have Jaden Ivy who’s essentially taken on the the role of being the guy with Kade out um it helps now the thing you have to figure out is when Kade gets

Back him and Jade Ivy being able to play on the court together that thing needs to continue to gel um but again who knows I mean the trade deadline I ideally i’ like to keep your core Foundation of players but at the end of the day like we talked about this before

The podcast the Pistons don’t really have any Leverage if you’re going to go get somebody you’re going to have to lose a key foundational part of this team a young player um that you drafted within a year or two ago so um that’s the reality of the situ situation

They’re in I like the pieces they have but there’s so much work to do and this trade deadline is one of the more important recent trade deadlines in Pistons history man and the off season too because we could talk about the money all we want but Troy we compliment

Him in the past for his ability to wheel and deal he’s going to have to wheel and deal uh pretty impressively to to save at least the fan base to keep them bought in and cap flexibility is great but it’s about how you use it it’s about

How you utilize the you know the space that you’ve given yourself and when you are a team especially when you’re in a city like Detroit let’s be honest it’s not a glamour Market in the NBA these players want to be living you know in like South Beach or you know Los Angeles

You know places like that you either have to overpay someone you know to you know slightly in order to you know Sade them to go to a situation like Detroit or you have to trade for and acquire contracts you know players that that have long-term agreements a guy like a

Zack LaVine and you know currently where we’re at you know as far as the the trade deadline right now you know obviously you know there was the the promise that the Pistons would you know be aggressive that to improve the roster and to take things you know like in a

Better Direction and obviously you know if if that’s only the Marvin baggley Isaiah liver’s trade then I think there would be some disappointment but from the sounds of it the Pistons are pretty active and you know the most likely candidate has kind of been all along but

Also kind of remains to be reportedly Zack LaVine and it sounds like there’s kind of you know a situation right now where a deal could potentially be done if if Agreements are made but ultimately one of the sides are going to have to end up giving in either either the Bulls

Are going to have to accept that Detroit is not going to be willing to give up one of those four prospects in order to get uh to get Zack LaVine and then they just compromise and and Surround it around something different or Detroit has to decide if it’s worth giving up

One of those guys in order to pull the trigger I don’t see that happening and I personally think it would be a mistake if they did and just to be clear those four players are Kade Cunningham assar Thompson Jaden Ivy and Jaylen Duran but if you could get Zack LaVine around

Something that you know was surrounding say a boang bogdanovic a James wisman and and like your even like your pick this upcoming summer because let’s be honest this is one of the worst drafts in recent memory so I’m not sure how much I necessarily value that pick even

If it is top three yeah I’m with you I’m over the the um you know taking another uh top five pick I I think at this point you got to get proven Talent now ideally it would be a it would be another wing and we’ve talked about this at nauseum

On this podcast like you need a Wing preferably a four that could come in be a respectable three-point shooter be able to defend be able to play both sides of the court and I don’t know who that is that’s really the question because you you only can you know

Acquire guys that are available and Zack lavine’s been the one that the Pistons have been the most interested in now what is a Zach cavine do to move the needle I don’t know and what is he if he comes to this team he’d immediately be your second uh some on some nights to’d

Be your first option which isn’t ideal uh I would say I think if you’re if you’re in a in a position where Zack line could maybe be your third option that’s great right a guy that can get you 20 a game we know Zack LaVine because every time he plays the Pistons

For some reason he gets 50 30 and that’s probably why Troy’s like yeah we we want this guy a part of our organization but I just don’t want the the Pistons to get and maybe they’re already there but Troy to get to a point where they start

Making moves out of desperation just to keep the fans the fans bought in and you start to regret this thing couple couple months down the line because Zack LaVine let’s be real here availability is a big question mark That’s always been a big thing with Zack LaVine I like Zack

But he’s not getting any younger and he is a pure scorer he is but what does he do for this franchise currently right now does he move the needle yes but by how much and what do you have to give up one of your foundational players like a

Jay iy for example who is still developing and still can reach those Heights number one way younger a lot more potential and I get the three-point shooting is a problem which I would agree with that and Zack leine is is a much better three-point shooter but I

Just I don’t want Troy to make moves out of desperation there’s a b bance Sean between making a move out of desperation but you need to get something done like it’s it’s a near impossible thing he has to has to accomplish but man I just don’t know if Zack lavine’s the answer I

Don’t and I love this team to improve but man at what cost like at what cost and I think it comes back to this you know we said it you know a couple months ago this just feels very similar to when the Pistons you know decided to make the

Blake Griffin trade it’s a very similar risk of a guy who is you know who is who is an All-Star caliber Talent who we have seen you know have the ability to take over games to you know to be a a really effective player you know especially on the offensive side of the

Ball I mean you know Jeff you and I both saw him drop 50 earlier this year I mean like the guy can just score effortlessly and take over a game we know that and you know I I absolutely think he could be electric but like you said the the a

The availability you know is a question in particular just over this year now like La now last season he played 77 games the year before that you know 67 so over the last few years his availability has been a little bit better it’s really just been kind of

Like the the more towards like kind of the beginning of his career where it was a little bit more of an issue but it would kind of be similar to Blake where he’s not getting younger I mean he’s 28 right now and he still has like three

Years left on his contract where you’re paying him quite a bit to me Jeff where the difference would be between when we traded for Blake Griffin and if we traded for Zack LaVine is if Zack LaVine came in it’s not like he’s going to be surrounded by Reggie Jackson and Andre

Drummond and a ton of whoever else you know is on the team Reggie bolock was our best three-point shooter but even then I think he was traded that’s besides the point he would be coming in with Cade with ivy with Duren with with on paper a more talented roster around

Him on the other hand I mean that team’s only won five games so how dramatically better to your point is it actually going to be I mean it it’s it would not be their final move by any me any means they would have to really flesh it out

In the off season yeah and your point about Blake Griffin obviously Blake never had a Kate Cottingham which you know it’s a guy that’s going to give you 226 and six On Any Given night and him and Zack LaVine would be a hell of a back court it truly would be now you

Know what do you do at the four spot at Tobias Harris like whoever that is like that’s to me more of a concern um just with how Ivy’s been playing like I know efficiency has to improve but still I and maybe I’m crazy but I still have a

Lot of a lot of faith in what ivy can still become so for me it’s about just let playing really well of yeah and just just letting him run free I I don’t want to you know intrude in that now LaVine as a player right a peer score next to

Kate it works but to me Sean it’s about who’s playing the fourth spot and can we get somebody that can can be that type of scorer like Zack lven is but just at the fourth spot and now who is that is it a guy in Jeremy Grant I don’t know

Who it is but to me that’s more of a problem that’s more of a need than just going out and getting another guard um that’s not that great of a Defender anyway like that’s just that’s my opinion on it um but again if they make

A move for Zack I’m not going to sit here and be mad about it because they need star Talent right and I mean really if you’re if you’re looking at what the actual options are going to be for getting you know that type of four because again those types of players are

Are at a premium right they’re generally either you know like they’re they’re generally either like Star players that are at the top of the draft which you know doesn’t really look like at this at this current point I mean you know who knows you know there could be some

Breakout candidates in the tournament or whatever but as of right now there’s not really that type of player so you can’t really look at the draft so really the the only ways that that you can really look at it are like either through the trade market or free agency any team

That’s worth a damn right now is not giving up that type of player so really your only hope is a guy that’s going to be available in free agency and to me it is going to be a guy like Tobias Harris to me would be the best option I know

Another player that’s you know that’s talked about a lot as well is the kale Bridges as a potential option but in my opinion Jeff just with some of the off the court related things and also just I haven’t been fully convinced by his play this year either it’s not like the the

The play on the court justifies the potential distractions and things that you bring that that are that are off the court you know like I I’m sorry I met miles Bridges not Mel Bridges miles yep miles Bridges so um you know ultimately that that’s where my question it you

Know lies with that what what would your thoughts be and and me and me and Kool-Aid had this conversation too about um miles Bridges and I’m I’m past the character thing like I I know at the beginning we we talked a lot about it it was well you

Know are things off the court going to affect what’s happening on the dude like the Pistons they’re at an all-time low right now you need guys that can put the ball in the basket and Miles Bridges can do that like even coming off the suspension him being banished for a

While he comes back and he’s a 20 point score like right you need like I I if if you told me right now that a miles Bridges deal got done I’m the first to be like you know what let’s ride I love it I absolutely love it now you could

Argue well miles bridg is being closer to home I I get all that stuff but I think Miles Bridges would be a slam dunk to me you’re bringing a guy that immediately provides athleticism he’s he’s gonna give you 20 points he’s efficient uh by the way and I think he

Adds another dimension to what this team could do especially with Cade throwing him lobs I think it’d be exciting so I’m all four miles Bridges they made that clear I know at the beginning was more it was more is it worth it but at this point Sean it’s DEFCON 5 like you bring

In help and if if miles Bridges is available sign me up it’s that simple yeah I I think to your point you know it is kind of a question at this point of whether or not they can afford to to not bring in that that type of talent

Especially you know since it is not available very very wide you know throughout the league I know Pascal sakam was a guy that they really want really wanted but we saw very quickly how how much of a market there was for him and for ogan and Obi and you know

Even guys like Lorie Markin like like like there are like everyone is trying you know is really trying to compete right now because everyone sees how much parody there really is and it’s like you know there there’s there’s there’s more teams that are good right now than there

Ever has been but as a result it feels like it’s like those teams at the bottom you know like like us like the Spurs like the Wizards it feels like the teams are that are that are bad are worse than ever yeah yeah that’s how like the Pistons the the

Wizards the Spurs it’s not just bad it’s horrendous it’s not even double digit wins at this point so yeah and part of it like you’re seeing a lot less you know like I know um load management was a big top topic before the season I think the Pistons have proven that load

Management has been much less of a thing this season because during that losing streak teams you know in theory would have all the right in the world you know to sit guys out I mean it still exists to some extent throughout the league but like players are are are are much less

Likely to sit out in those random games and and even if they do they still leave Enough stars and and enough talent in the lineup to where it’s still going to be a long two and a half hours yep yeah that that’s just how it’s going to have

To be uh and it’s funny because you you see what happened to Adrian Griffin with the with the Bucks and then you look at Wes unsel and he just moves right up into the front office and they’ve stunk and then Adrian Griffin’s like see you later uh yep you know

Sayara um and then Monty Williams that man I I don’t think he and people want to blame Monty go ahead I don’t think he understood how bad it would be like no way no way he he knew like he he you know he understood it was

Goingon to be a long process it would take some time for these guys but I wonder what kind of told this has on him yeah on him to have to get these guys like H and and you’ve been in these press conferences I can’t imagine after after the winless months him going

To the press conference and he has to answer the media every single loss like my gosh it’s like a broken record yeah I know there’s people um you know you know I know there’s people on online you know that that talk about oh like oh Monty’s

Just there to collect a check like he doesn’t care that is that is so far yeah from the case I have I have seen that man fired up um and you know and and passionate and he he is very dedicated to you know to to trying this figure to

Trying to figure this out to your point like yeah it absolutely has to take a toll on a coach especially a guy who you know not even three years ago was in the NBA Finals you know and and I think at this point he recognizes like this team

Needs a Chris Paul like this team needs a Chris Paul like this team needs like uh maybe not that direct play but somebody to come and be like all right guys relax and honestly and honestly it feels like Monte Morris like has a chance to like be that guy for at least

You know part of the Season you know he was someone that was going to be counted on you know very you know very much so at the beginning of the year you know in in the lineup and I mean he he only played in like I believe it was like 11

Minutes or 15 minutes in his first game but yeah he was like three he was like he was he was either three or three or four or four from the field he made his first shot from Beyond The Arc and you know the thing about him is you know he

He is such a good playmaker but is historically great at not turning the ball over like like not just like good at like he is literally one of the all like he has one of the all-time best assist to turnover ratios in the league minimum like minimum a thousand assists

So this guy can absolutely come in and and feel that need and it’s like Mike mascala and and danal galinari it’s like it’s not like those guys are World beaters but you know what the honest difference is when you notice those guys around the court you can rely on them on

Both ends unlike when you when you have James wisman on the court you know as as much of a talent as you know he as as he people thought he could be at one point he’s so inconsistent as a rim protector and could be and could be taken

Advantage advantage of so easily and even when he gets the ball on the offensive end it can be sporadic in a lot of cases whereas mcalla and galinari they know what to do with when they get the ball and in fact when they get the ball their job shoot that damn thing

Yeah which something that this team needs and it’s like not that they’re World beaters but damn it they just have the threat and and that’s and that was to me was the biggest sign how desperately this team needs uh more of those guys right I think calling them

Adults would maybe be a little disrespectful but they are really just adults like guys that that that get how to play the game right galinari muscala morrris guys that have played at um in in this league for a while and they understand it like you’re running around

It’s like a chicken running around with his head cut off and now you got Monty MO who like you said historically great at taking care of the ball muscala and galinari who get their roles they’re Pros they’re they’re Pros pros and it just slows everything else down for

Everybody else like right when you have Jay nvy out there no Cade Cunningham and you got a bunch of Youth all around him he’s running he’s going and this is goes back to what Dwayne said he talked about you know he’s got to turn the 90% down

To about you know 60% what he’s going at 150% so now you got guys that are like all right relax we’re okay Monte Morris is back impact is very visible so you’re absolutely right they need more adults but not just that guys that understand their role and can excel in their role

And it’s it’s so bad like if Mike muscala and galinari can can really be uh even a one% of a difference it shows you how bad this team really needs guys like that obviously better players but it that shows something it just shows how massive of a difference it is when

You have a roster that fits around what you’re you know like what you actually have in house you know like the we knew at the beginning of the Season that this team was reluctant to you know to to make a lot of moves because they wanted to see what they had around Kade

Cunningham and how to best build it going forward well I think we saw very quickly and and and I think anyone could have made the the Judgment that that he needs shooting around him you know Playmakers in order to space the floor the best thing to you know to utili to

Utilize that with is shooting I think all like we all knew that was a thing that this that this team needed but I think like we underestimated just how much you know this this roster did truly need some form of a shakeup or some different voices or or or just something

You know just different in the rotation because even like you said like just those two like role players have just drastically flipped the the energy of the team right and it feels like they’re like you know granted it’s it’s a five game You Know sample size they they’re

Two and three in those last five games they look like a much more competitive team than they did a month ago yeah and spacing is everything especially when you get a guy like Kade Cunningham who’s a such an elite playmaker and you have Jay Navy who with

His the the way he plays the game again creating shots for others jayen Duran assard Thompson which you know the shot you know it it’ll come around hopefully eventually but you still need more spacing a ton more spacing I mean guys they have currently in house um

Like I said earlier about the muscala and gallari thing how much of an upgrade they are um getting them from from Marvin Bagley in terms of spacing the floor like dude that that should tell you right there how bad this team needs more three-point shooting now people

Would bring up the ivk dynamic and how Ivy regress a little bit as a three-point shooter but we’ve seen him at at points in time for a consistent period of time be upwards of a 34% three-point shooter he can be respectable right and Kate Cunningham in his shots he’s improved so even though

They’re shooting high volume but they do need spacing it’s everything in this league man that that’s how teams succeed right you build around your star players you get guys that know their role it’s kind of like the thing over in Miami they do every year they don’t have star

Power everywhere but they got guys that know their role they got guys that can knock down shots and they have Eric spra of course but still guys that get the role can hit can hit three-point shots this team has lacked it all year spacing has been a consistent problem and just

Getting in two guys that are that you know at this point in their career they’re I wouldn’t say washed but they’re getting there they’re basically washed the fact they make it the fact that they make they’re making an impact like they are tells you how bad they need more three-point Shooters bad

Consistent three-point Shooters too Alec Burks has been that’s why I’ve always said like Alec Burks he better not leave I want Alec Burks here for until he’s cooked because he can space he can hit threes he can create his own shot he’s such a in boan I know he’s probably

Gonna be traded as well but those guys and preferably boan coming off your bench if he doesn’t get traded but he’s going to be traded this this this uh trade deadline those guys are how you build this thing and you got to keep acquiring Talent like that now you need

Better Defenders but still three-point shooting is everything in today’s NBA it’s everything yep I you know and and from the sounds of it you know like a p you and again a lot of these reports you know come from our guy James Edwards I third shout out to the work he does you

Know go check out the athletic and and read a lot of the stuff that he does but you know uh one of the points he brought up was um um that that uh you know as regards to BD donovich and albergs the Pistons are you know they’re they’re

More willing they might be more willing to be giving them up to give them up than they were a year ago they might be more in more of a position to accept an offer it doesn’t sound like they’re actively shopping each player either which to me in my opinion makes sense

Because I understand you know like people wanting us to maximize the the assets that we can get out of these players and that’s why I do think to your point like more than likely I think boan will be traded just because he does have value and I do think that if you

Add him to say a Philadelphia right now with another like key role player that could push them over the hump to be a finals team like like there like there are teams where I think Boon could go in and if he’s their six man even even if

Oklahoma just said we don’t want to overcommit but still want to like see if we can make a run Boon as their sixth man would be would be like incredible and it’s like I know people are like hearing like oh well the Pistons want a good player and a first round pick for

Boon that’s ridiculous I think people are putting too much stress on a good player if they can get like a serviceable young player who like who has like some form of upside and then like a lower like first round pick for Boon that that’s decent value so but

But even then I understand not wanting to give up your best shooting when we talk about how important that is and how much you need it on the team yeah and ideally I we and I just want to say this too we talked about this last trade

Deadline I I think that was the year to trade boan I do last trade deadline that was like the like the Lakers wanted them and I think teams wanted him I and the argument I had is he’s not getting any younger like his value is at an alltime

High he was available he was playing he’s playing at a high level they needed to trade him last last trade deadline but now we’re here and now you’re in a point where it’s like okay you don’t have much to give up he is the piece if

You’re gonna give up a piece but then you face that battle of would it be better if we kept him and he was our sixth man like can you afford for a team that’s single digit games to get rid of a guy who’s one of your best he’s your best

Three-point shooter one of your best players y you’re in like a you’re in a tough predicament because he is your only really a bargaining chip that you’re you’re you’re you have that you’re able to give up I mean I know they don’t want to trade away their their core

Foundational their talent but for boan it’s that’s kind of the thing the Pistons are dealing with right now is like for boan what’s you’re asking price and I saw it too was a young player in a first- round pick I don’t know I I don’t know who gives you that at this point

Time I know he’s playing well I I would I would much rather he stay because he can come off your at this point uh he could come off your bench if the offers aren’t intriguing and I I think you you what he provides offensively is is super

Valuable but man if you can get like you said a young player that has a ton of upside I know people are sick of hearing it but it’s true or and a late first round pick that we we’ve seen what Troy can do with it yeah even even if New

York calls you today and they’re like hey we’ll give you Quinton Grimes in a first round pick for Bo donovich are you telling me that’s unrealistic yep knowing what he’s done with first- round picks and Quinton Grimes another great three-point shooter with upside yeah I think people would be

Okay with that again I just think people like put too much stress on the word good player like it’s not like they’re looking for OG and anobi in a first round pick for Boon you know what I mean yeah you’re not yeah yeah yeah whereas with Alec Burks it sounds like you know

Even though the Pistons you know would consider listening to offers and I’m sure teams will be interested especially just because because of the the the three-point shooting that he brings it does sound like Detroit believes that they would have a pretty good chance of retaining him in the off season and in

My opinion if you just if he if he just keeps shooting the way that he’s been shooting and if we just see him you know like like being the player that he’s been we know that he like I know that that that run that he had especially in

Like November and like October like where he was just like couldn’t buy a shot was just like miserable but like he the way that he was resilient and out of that shooting slump and where he is now just shows you why he’s so valuable and

Why he’s as good of a shooter as he is yeah he’s a true professional I love Alec Burks man and and even if you’re at a point now where you need to be selling to some extent to be well buying to to try and uh or selling to try and buy

Alec bur’s a guy that I just I just don’t want to get rid of like I just and I know it’s he is if we’re talking boan then of course you have to include Al like another guy the contenders are going to want but man like what he

Provides Off the Bench like I’m comfortable with trading boan because you have Alec Burks like so that that’s where I’m at so if you’re if you’re trading an Alec Burks and a boan like you lose your two best three-point Shooters on the roster it’s it’s concerning so for me preferably you get

To keep a guy like Alec bur I don’t know what his his intentions are where he wants to go if he wants to stay or he wants to be traded um but man Alec bur that that’s a guy that you you just every team he could he could fit in on any Ross

Any scheme any situation and he flourish that’s the type of guy he is and that’s why I love Alec Burke so much man and he’s not old either he’s like what is he 30 31 maybe he’s not he’s not older so um he could be around for a couple of

Years we’ll see what they do with him well and I think the only other player that really might have some significant value that is kind of a veteran but also is kind of one of those young pieces as well is Isaiah Stewart and he’s on you know he’s on that that mid-level

Exception contract which listen at this point if you don’t think he’s earned that contract I just think I just think you have a vendetta against Isaiah Stewart like he is objectively proven his worth this season in my opinion but on top of that like we know that teams

Like the Celtics have expressed interest teams like the Thunder have expressed interest you know I’m sure even Golden State who’s looking to like make some changes well look I know they’ve been interested at one point you know in a guy like Isaiah Stewart would he maybe

Be a guy to watch at the deadline as well because you know if you are looking at again guys who could potentially get get Detroit more assets guys that potentially could be a value to more team I know Troy loves Isaiah Stewart and you know before this season it would

Have been really hard to see him be moved but like you said man despiration calls and as much as we like him he’s just not feeling that need of the four right now no he’s not and it’s funny because we had this conversation with a couple buddies of mine excuse me and the

Biggest argument for them was man Isaiah Stewart he’s just He’s Just Not it like he and I agreed hey he’s not going to be a starter when you’re when you’re winning a ton of games um turns out he’s not really a starter even when you’re not winning a ton of games but that’s

That’s not the point uh but they gave him a contract extension and it’s it’s not a it’s it’s you can trade it you can trade that and I think contenders would welcome a guy like Isaiah Stewart It’s funny because even if quote he stinks Boston the Boston Celtics and these good

Organizations want him so it’s weird how that works but I think Isaiah if you’re talking about a young piece for an organization that is on the market like you will you will you will be okay with trading it would have to be him like right it’s not your core four um love

Stuart but like you said desperation calls and if you got to get a deal done and you’re trading a bogey and you’re gonna have to throw in an Isaiah Stewart um and maybe some other players who knows to try and get somebody you’re just going to have to do it and it

Allows you to you know match some contracts get them you know any Contender would love and Isaiah Stewart off their bench and I think if you’re if you’re looking at the future he’s not going to be a starter when you’re at the top anyway so it’s just the reality

Where you’re at I know it sucks to see a guy like that go he represents the city but at the end of the day like you got to get better and I think the way to do that is to trade Isaiah Stewart he has to be included in some deal uh I don’t

Know specifically what his value is I know teams are interested I would have to see what kind of offers they you know what what would take for them to trade Isaiah but I he would have to be included with to me with a guy like bogy

If you could package those two you might be able to get a decent player um yeah I think there there’s some value there yeah 100% And you know and again if people are like oh well like can he like if you look at Players throughout the league I would argue Isaiah Stewart is

Probably the most effective of guarding Giannis of anybody in the league oh yeah like there is no stopping Giannis but there if there’s any player that’s shown that he can get close it’s Isaiah Stewart and piss him off a little bit too and if you’re telling me that that

Guy isn’t going to make key plays in the playoff series someday respectively I think you’re lying like whether it’s in a Pistons uniform whether it’s in like another uniform I fully expect Isaiah Stewart to you know to be one of those guys that we look at as like oh so good

What a what a glue guy you know MH but I mean yeah and and I mean Jeff like ultimately like you know you you could see too it’s like the you you thought like man like Detroit this this young core it’s like you know it’s it’s really

Talented they have a lot of you know like like upside but I mean you’ve just seen even how quickly like you know like the Pacers man like freaking Troy now gets to go see Pascal seum and Tyrese halberton for less than a Subway meal like for a freaking $ five foot long man

And on top of that like just you know you look at halberton you look at at Matan you look at you look at Pascal seum even Obi topping off their bench you’re like they they have some pieces man and I mean it just shows you just

Even a lot of the young team even Toronto like I love what they’ve done done over the last month yeah I I I do I mean look at the treasure chest of assets they have on top of young players that uh like quick a quickly a a a

Barrett like the the guys they have already like those are those are good young players great young players and they have a treasure chest of draft pick so if you’re the Pistons like especially if you’re a Pistons fan it’s hard not to look at what the Pacers are doing what

The Rockets have done and be frustrated like I get it like the Pacers like that is the most that is the ideal way to to start from nothing and to end here now they didn’t start with nothing y that that’s also partially true not like the Pistons actually started with nothing

But you get a Tyrese right then you you get a Benedict ma you already have a Miles Turner there uh you go and draft uh some great players that they’re even coming off the bench for them they have a good collection of young players and then you go trade the farm for sakam

Which they actually have their first round picks so that helps too um but look at a siakam’s a perfect piece like in the Pacers man not only are they fun to watch but they have one of the best peer point guards You could argue the

Best peer point guard in the NBA like is special man they’re going to be a tough team to face especially compos like that’s gonna be a fun young team to watch for the next handful of years handful um I I feel like um I feel like

They are definitely a team that you can look at like you know that that team should be looking at like how can we model our roster around theirs this is a sentence I never thought I would say Troy I mean Jeff I’m sorry I I pod with

I Pro I pod with that that bastard Troy so much I I get out Troy a legend yeah exact yeah shout out to our guy Troy um but you know when I look at like teams that the Pistons you know intentionally like look at to who can be a blueprint

Like like like what are teams that you know have been in this situation I can’t believe I’m saying this I’d look at teams like the Timberwolves in the way that like they you know like they they obviously it took you know a lot of uh a

Lot of grinding it took a lot of years of of losing even some years of like mediocrity and like even as Su even as previous SE like last year we were like okay but like what are the Timberwolves doing right but like right but like what

What they did do was they they stayed consistent to building around the talent that that they do have the young stars that they do have and actually let them see their potential but also built a roster that both complimented them but also complements the style of the modern

League I mean you look at the you look at the Timberwolves roster from from top to bottom it’s guys that can defend guys that can shoot and guys that that can defend multiple positions and it’s like the like and you look at Detroit and and you look at their versatility in a lot

Of ways it’s kind of like it’s almost the exact opposite so you know it’s just you you look at like what you know if Detroit’s looking at like all right who can we actually like look at as a a potential blueprint of getting us out of

This mess I know Houston’s a popular one people talk about but like it might have to take a little longer and that’s why I look at a team like Minnesota who really had to play that long game yeah and it helps I mean I I I man I

Think Anthony Edwards if you talk about the the young talent in this league he there’s a short list of guys like hey if I’m gonna start a franchise with this with this player he’s on that list like he’s he’s one of the best already in the

League and then you have a Carl Anthony tals who just went for what like 50 the other night like 10 threes yeah so he’s been playing really well the gobear stuff I know we made fun of it last year but he he hey he he looks like he looks

Like the The Rock uh defensively that that they they thought they had when they first acquired him and I mean if the rest of the team’s playing this well offensively and he can you know like he can finally embrace you know like this um you know like this role of just being

That defensive anchor it’s just perfect but you know ultimately you know like I know like people think about the Timberwolves and immediately they’re going to think of the dunks they’re going to think of like cat shooting the three but you know what really makes them so good and again why I say they’re

A team that Detroit needs to needs to really be looking at look at the look at this defense man first of all Anthony Edwards is Elite defensively himself but just this entire team is just swarming and suffocating and doesn’t allow like a damn thing for Brooklyn to do like like

In this possession like how often does Detroit look anything like like that suffocating or that threatening or you know like like like when you have like like when you really look at what are the teams that actually win championships it’s teams like that who let who leave you like looking for

Answers when you have the ball in your hands MH yeah and that’s how it I mean you just look at how these the team plays in comparison to organizations that like Tims that are actually winning games it when you watch the Timberwolves and I can’t believe I’m saying this

Because again we’ve been praising the Timberwolves and it’s it’s we’ve come a long way on that when you watch them play and it’s not just them but other teams but the timble specifically you’re just like yeah this this looks this is a team like this is an actual this is a

Team that I think could could make noise not only I know the regular season’s one thing but man they’re going to be a to play in the postseason like the Pistons are yeah I mean it you’re watching them you’re like yeah number one they they don’t look connected like that’s a big

Part which I think youth has a lot to do with that like you when you got some guys on the Tim bolves that number one guys that have played together for a while but other guys that have just played in this league for a while it’s a

Little different yeah but a lot more established people know who they are in that team yes and they and again it goes back to what we said earlier like they know their roles there’s guys on that team that they know their roles there’s no questions there’s not it’s not like

All right a bunch of young players just figuring it out that’s that actually is what looks that’s what you’re seeing when you look at the Detroit Pistons it just looks like young players figuring it out trying to play as a team but there’s guys with individual agendas at

The same time trying to figure out uh their own game who they are in this league like there’s a lot of soul searching that needs to happen like that’s why you got to get old older you got to get older guys that just come in

And be like all right relax this is how we’re going to do this and the tumbles did a great job at that man they have a good mix of of young players um and guys that have played at a high level in the starting lineup not just on the roster

Like actually starting uh on this on this team starting with their starting point guard for the Tim wolves who’s play a high level for a while yep 100% you know ultimately again I know people you know are are calling for heads right now and I understand because when you

Only have five wins at this point in the season when you’ve been going through everything you’ve been going through as a franchise you know it it is tough it is you know there there are few Silver Linings when you get to you know like when you get to that point you know what

I mean but right you know all all we know right now is you know like all all we’re hearing is you know as of right now those moves aren’t aren’t being made and so at that point all we can really do is look at what got us to this place

And what moves we can make to get us out of it and I still think if again if there’s any this would be one thing if we year four and we had no idea who could lead this Fran like like who on the court could like lead this franchise

You know it’d be one thing if our best Prospect Over a four-year stretch was like a Brandon night or you know like an Austin day but at the very least again like when you have guys like like Kade Cunningham like Jade Ivy like like guys like like who I still think assar

Thompson you know can very much be I mean Jaylen durren the the monster that kid is too like there very much still an upward trajectory there in my opinion and maybe we’re crazy um but I I do I I like very well very well hey I’m not putting it past

Anybody I I I do I like I If you look okay Kate cutting him we love right you like Kade I love uh Jaden Ivy I I love I like I like what Jaden Ivy could be but now there there is a part of my me that is real and says you

Know what if there is a an opportunity to go get a a star star player then yeah maybe Ivy’s involved in that deal but right now I like Ivy I think him and Kay there’s still time for them to grow together assar Thompson I think it’s it’s unfortunate that you see the start

Of the season for assar and you see the impact he was making to kind of now like he’s got to get back and he had some good games recently um but he has to get back to being a key contributor and playing a significant amount of minutes

That that start talk about someone who’s really benefiting positively from the Scala and ginari yeah like because when when when that facing was like a closet he just he just couldn’t do anything yeah and I think jayen Duran there’s no questions about what what he

Brings to the table so um I like the chord now it’s just up to Troy it’s up to this guy behind me you know he’s got his glasses on he’s trying to act like he’s Stevie Wonder but he’s gotta lock in you gotta go get somebody and save

This franchise man and these fans they they they deserve a winner they do without a doubt without a doubt and and Jeff one last question before before we wrap up this this uh this podcast I gotta ask you about this incident that happened with Luca donic uh the other

Night against the against at home against the Phoenix Suns there was a fan that was that was two rows back behind uh behind the scorers table and apparently he said Luca you look tired get your ass on the treadmill and Luca’s response was kick this fan out of the

Arena tell the ref to get him ejected and the fan who spent like hundreds of dollars like couple rows behind you know you know just chirping which you know is something that you see at sports sporting events I’m all four players standing up for themselves but Jeff maybe maybe I’m just an insensitive

Prick unless you say something that’s truly like out of pocket I don’t think that’s something that’s worth kicking someone out for especially if you’re a professional athlete and someone’s roasting your condition and you’re kicking someone out over it maybe if there’s a little smoke there’s some fire Jeff yeah and that

That’s absolutely true for me at least it’s it’s soft like I love Luca but at the same time like there’s what would Kobe Michael Jordan these guys do they would hear that comment and be like okay even Anthony Edwards we brought him up early someone called Anthony Edwards if

They said something about Anthony Edwards he look at him be like okay let me go score the next 10 buckets straight like let me let me take care of business that’s how Luca should have approached it just to get the fan kicked out for talking he’s opposing teams fan

Like that’s to me at least like I there’s there’s players that have dealt with so much more than that and they still like I get there’s some instances where Russ will speak out against fans but they say some very very yeah yeah you say something that’s truly out of

Pocket that’s you know it’s racially insensitive religiously you know about someone’s family like anything like there are lines that you just do not cross if you’re just saying bro hit the gym yeah that that’s soft as hell like like I’m not saying that’s soft let me

Get you some charming my guy like you multiply that’s soft as baby as some would say that that’s what that is love Luka but damn you gotta be better than that yeah 100% clearly stop talking trash people never stop talking trash what makes it’s what makes the

Games fun clearly what Luca needs is just to be is to be traded to Detroit for a very little package so he can come here and get that toughness built into him you know yeah yeah maybe I could just maybe I could just dream but speaking of dreaming Jeff it’s a dream

Come true to be back with you my friend dude it’s this this is a fun pod man thanks so much again for making the time and I’m again I’m just excited for you know continuing to make content keep doing her damn thing but also people if

You want more of of these types of conversations if you want more great content go subscribe to crunch time with Jeff I FR and Boer go show them some love you can even become a member as well give them all the the love in the world check out their content they’re

Going to be streaming late at nights also have all sort all sorts of Clips coming out as well so definitely a must follow a must subscribe Jeff thank you so much my guy iy appreciate you Sean had fun let’s do it more stick around guys we got a lot of content coming on

I’m excited yeah man thank you all so much for tuning in to this episode be sure you like the video subscribe to the channel hit that mother notification Bell so you don’t miss anything coming from the channel we will catch you guys next time from half court sure you subscribe Peace

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Zach Lavine, Detroit Pistons, NBA Podcast, NBA, Cade Cunningham


  1. Might not be popular with everyone because his legal situation but I want Miles Bridges. He fits right in at the 4 giving them 20pt a game player at that position.

  2. I wish I could stop being lectured. As a fan. Thinking my gm sucks at 5 and 40. The whole front office sucks. Coaching sucks.

  3. I'm disgusted by Pistons fans that don't care about a guy beating the shit out of a woman as long as he can help us win a few more games. You really have your priorities straight, Jeff.

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