
NBL24 Round 17 – Sydney Kings vs Melbourne United

NBL24 Round 17 – Sydney Kings vs Melbourne United

Hello and welcome to the Hungry Jacks NBL we’re in Sunny Sydney for this one but it is not so sunny and bright inside the Kings locker room right now they are desperate for wins and Brad Rosen the task does not get much tougher than this they have the latter leading Melbourne

United who themselves are coming off a fabulous win Joe cannot wait for today Sydney versus Melbourne Melbourne will great against Brisbane on Friday night but today Kings well they weren’t great against Southeast but they’ll be pumped for this one plenty to play for as as we

Get down to the pointy end of the season it’s the defending Champion Sydney Kings up against the latter leading Melbourne United coming up Jaylen Adams MVP level finish look he’s been unbelievable and he’s probably the MVP of the leag right now ball in the hands ofing it’s going up it’s going

In gave it to the hot hand of Denzel Valentine he goes upstairs and throws it down Bo word where did that come from tra throws it well today it’s crunch time for the Sydney Kings the two-time defending Champions have lost five of their last six games and with only three games

Remaining after this it’s become very very serious their opponents Melbourne United were back to their very best on Friday night with a resounding win in Brisbane great to have your company in front of a big crowd here at Kudos Bank Arena round 17 action in The Hungry

Jacks NBL I’m Jack he alongside Derek Rucker and Brad Rosen and the stakes could not be any higher for the Kings gentlemen no doubt about that Jack and the Sydney Kings face the best team in the competition in Melbourne United we saw what they did Friday night on the

Road in Brisbane they took the heart and soul out of the Brisbane bullets and the Sydney Kings Brad will have to be at their absolute best especially defensively to have any chance in this one you are so right Derek the Kings well they got duck on Thursday night

Against the Phoenix we saw this a few weeks ago against Adelaide and then they came back and we outstanding against New Zealand that is the minimum they need to be today here’s the starting five for the Sydney Kings no jayen Galloway out with a shoulder injury DJ H still out of

This team so Angus Glover coming into the starting lineup and Angus Glover is a player that you wanted to see more of all throughout this season he gets a big chance today cuz he’s got the assignment to cool down Chris golden yeah good luck everyone’s tried that but I love it I

Love the fact that he is renowned for his defense his energy and he will come on tonight we’ve seen what he can do at the highest level as well in a grand final Series so love what they’re doing for Melbourne United they’re starting five will include Ian Clark who was

Involved in an incident late in the game on Friday with a screen he came off second best against Aaron Baines has been cleared and will start this afternoon against these former team well Ian Clark is flirting with a 50 4090 season he is an out standing role player

To have on that Melbourne United Team we know he’s a championship level player based on what he did here with the Kings Brad this is going to be a fantastic one catway so Alex Tui standing next to Chris Golding at the opening tip that might be the assignment for the

Youngster this afternoon must- win game for the Sydney Kings and we are underway at Kudos Bank Arena after we just witnessed a thriller between the ilaa Hawks and the New Zealand break third meeting of the Season between the two teams and delova found hook py he lost

It Clark short with his first look and an early foul on mck Kings and right away you see Melbourne United attacking the paint I thought Matthew delova played one of his best games of the season the other night Brad and brisban despite only scoring eight points he was

Getting that ball into positions on the court that helped his teammates be extremely effective in that one beautiful point guard roll not only did allow that that Hut py was able to get the offensive rebound as they go upstairs and what great dime from delova on the B

Line inbound and you can see to continue my point he’s altered his role Brad he only took four shots the other night if we look at the replay we get a curling Travers long athletic and skilled he finishes that one easily well it’s interesting you say that Derek cuz for

Me A lot of people are talking about Paris and when he was scoring all those points we need him to do he is the one of the best in the world at a role player let’s he got to the highest level playing that role that’s what he’s so

Good at and you know one of those things if it ain’t broke don’t fix it he’s brilliant at that 16-point Victors on Friday night in Brisbane Melbourne and Sydney coming off a Sixpoint loss to an underand Southeast Melbourne Phoenix that was probably the darkest point of their season so far this

22 that’s what I love out Deli overplayed they went back door but the help defense from Huck py was there created them to have to do something different and they get the turnover Travis takes it out to he strong rebound by Jordan Hunter returns 27 on [Applause]

Tuesday what are we looking for from a Sydney point of view Brad and Derek after what we saw on Thursday in the first two or three minutes in this one this afternoon well first off it’s the first quarter their energy has been awfully in that first quarter Phoenix

Were able to get off very easily and get all open looks Melbourne they’ve put 40 and 35 in both games in quarters against the Sydney Kings they can’t allow that to happen today so right now energy Clark slips over Valentine misses from underneath stole it away from

Hook and my point was going to be offensive execution which I thought was very good right there got a great got a great look for Valentine as golden pulls one early from the top that’s how he started off in this an arena on Friday night he gets the same look coming

Towards his left foot rotation brat into his jumper great for a right-hander to get that shot and that’s why if I’m starting Glover I don’t want that defensive transition where you pick someone else up Glover you stay on Chris Golding that way you can fight over quicker than our fourman getting over

That screen cuz he’s so tough coming off that he’s knock down three or more three balls in 15 straight games Chris Golding he’s shooting the lights out at the moment Adams on his way to the basket an important early bucket for him and Adams has been good without being dominating

This season as Golding feeling his rhythm misses from deep Long rebound for delova who’s also trying to be aggressive py got to his left hand and that’s a wild one high energy up in here right now Jack yeah everyone knows what it what’s at stake Kings fans have a

Fairly large amount of nervous energy in the venue it must be said Travis had hook py running the lane what athleticism from the big man athleticism and a great dexterity he got that ball off of a tough pass finished high above his head Brad you kind of

Feel like you wish you were playing right now right I do but I love that you bought thorus out on that word as well you are outstanding with your words today already and it’s only the first quarter but I’ll tell you what I’m going to be back to what you were saying bro

That defense by Deli is out he is playing as hard as anyone out there and not only that when he got the ball the kick up to Travis great great ball up the two meetings this season Jaylen Adams has only scored nine points and eight points he’s averaging 20 across

The season Hunter steps out we know that’s a part of his game and something he’s been effective with at critical times for the Sydney Kings over the past couple of Seasons they needed that one right there just to continue to build confidence within this [Applause] game they keep letting golden shoot easy

Threes like that they’re going to be destroying their confidence United by one early stages Big Time game Big Time atmosphere Adams fou Clark with his hands [Applause] in shooting free thr D just to go further with what you’re saying and it’s a great point you make about the

Offensive end for the Sydney Kings Melbourne’s defense are outstanding this help defense is the best in the league the way they control that so Sydney have to be crisp and on point today but not only that that help defense they’re on ball perimeter point of attack Defenders

Shay IL is not even in the game and he’s one of the best in the business if not in the whole competition at on ball defense and what Melbourne United have the ability to do with Clark and Golding who aren’t great Defenders but yet they’re Savvy they have B High

Basketball IQ they can pick up anybody in transition and still feel comfortable with their defensive proficiency Kings in front for the first time hasn’t been a happy Hunting Ground of late Kudos ban Karina they’ve lost three of their last four in this venue which across their last two seasons when they won championship

They’ve been Unstoppable on their home floor P straight at Jordan Hunter an underrated attribute of both these Melbourne big men they can take you off the dribble JLA we know what type of skills he has off putting it off the deck and we saw aorty get his right there Valentine

Unsuccessful Kings can reset shot clock at n ball movement has been crisp but Melvin have got the answers defensively Adams is always the answer with he puts the ball on the floor well I’m liking this Sydney kings that defensive stop last sorry they score but that defensive presence was good look how they’re

Playing and there’s a moving screen if Adams is not up on the ball with Deli then those screens don’t happen so the energy is good in here for Sydney but look at these substitutions coming in Derek well Brad you’re used to living a luxury lifestyle and Dean vickerman

Lives one as a coach he brings in Shay ILY and joola wul Jr Off the Bench Midway through this first quarter this game’s a 10 out of 10 right now Jack joaa checks in after a career high 33 points on Friday GL short with his first

Look he’s returned since round 15 J W for personal reasons clar drives unsuccessful energy from the Kings early has been good two in the corner and rattles out to the grones of the Kudos Bank Arena crowd high expectations on that offensive possession but it was good basketball Jack good passing penetration

Jo hey Courtside good afternoon yeah thanks guys jack you talk about the nervous energy in the arena here I spoke to coach mood before the game he mentioned that the Kings players are feeling pretty good and locked in regardless of recent results and in particular that loss to Phoenix but

Certainly speaking to people around the club pregame they’re not as convinced you kind of get the feeling though that the crowd are into this they’re excited and given the good start that they’ve had things will settle here and that’s a very good point from Joe there’s high energy in here and

Sometimes it takes a minute breath for the cow to die down but you’re looking at the Sydney Kings offense I was about to make the point it looks like they’re moving the ball well they look a lot crisper with their passing the shots aren’t quite dropping yet despite the high quality level they’re

One of three from the three but if they can continue to play like that I think it will assist their defense tremendously we wrapped it perfectly they’re not overdriven they’re kicking the ball on and that’s when they look good Valentine 13 on Thursday that time lost

It the pressure of shi is always a factor Golding Falling Away on malawat out Melbourne four of 11 from the field to start this game Jonah bald and foul and one well there’s the positive and negative I felt Valentine over dribbled that last possession and then there was a turnover

But that time great pass to Balden who finishes nicely on the rim what a treat this is as far as if you’re a fan of the big men here in the Hungry Jacks NBL Jordan Hunter and Jonah Balden up against joola Jun and Jordan hun you got youth you got athleticism

And they all possess attributes and skills that are so unique and so different across the four guys Brad Jonah Balden potentially with the highest upside of all of them well he’s actually been in the NBA so that’s not some uh crazy point I’m trying to make

But when you look at trying to get him back into the game and at that level he’s a key asset there is a bit of upside on him I agree with you but he has been there you are right 48 games with the 76ers and then spent some time with Phoenix after that

It’s been great to have him back in the League this season he’s got his hands full here trying to stop joa Jr rebound for kwoi it’s the Kings who lead by two 429 remaining Balden on the Move underneath well that’s two great possessions from J firstly great defense to be able to hold

JLA and make him into a tough shot and that’s the second foul for him and then to take it at him on the offensive end and that’s where bris were not able to put JLA Under Pressure the other night all great offensive players you got to

Make them play some amount of Defense so they know they’re in a two- in game that they’re just not playing offense the whole time out here [Applause] one and his return from a knee injury on Thursday Jonah Bal he lost to Southeast Melbourne a good start to this game has

We saw Dean bickerman roll the dice in Brisbane the other night and leave delova on the floor when he was in foul trouble normally two fouls this early get your pull from the game bucket for clock KS fly up the other end malat against his former team straight into the game

With impact well it’s when they’re at their best it’s when they even on scores you go hard I thought that was pretty ordinary defense by the Kings to allow the layup but then they go hard at this great move and man he has been given them some minutes over the last few

Games ker High 18 points last Sunday here against Perth malat didn’t go in didn’t go in of Seasons with Melbourne United in these first six minutes Jack it appears the Kings have a bit more electricity about them got a little bit more po to them than Melbourne United more importantly they’re shooting two

Shots on every foul with the rest of this quarter that one’s on jayen Adam you just can’t allow that as he’s about to come over the screen there he allowed him to fake and then go to the left don’t forget of course the Ultimate VIP experience could be all yours at Scotty pipman Luke Longley who’s in the house today I he’s sitting over there next to boat Scotty Pippen the noble tour will be in Sydney it’ll be in Melbourne it’ll be in Hobart tickets are s fast I can’t wait to see Horus Grant cuz from what I

Understand he is not going to hold back Derek he’s going to be let loose with what he’s got and I think he’s going to tell some great stories there’s the great man yeah he’s smiling he knows what Horus is going to say that’s why we’re certainly living in the land of

Privilege where we had the opportunity to have so many great come visit our Shores and share experiences you’re loving that word today that’s twice what privilege you’re liking that a story of dereck’s Life Adam lost the handle P has hilly riding shotgun swing to Clark in the corner in’s up an air

Ball he might yet claim that as an assist I’m sure he will how good’s Bowen for this team you know everyone needs those type of players ham Harris comes to mind when you think of Perth just guys that do the Dirty Work and always there look at him in good position gets

It up fakes bang goes down takes the hit hard but he will keep playing it’s been great for them this year dere yeah he’s a certainly a a different type player and someone I foresee potentially having a longstanding role with mour United rebounds the ball well shoots it better

Than you think and just has a knack as you said for finding the basketball where others can’t the product of St Mary’s which has been such a factory for Australian basketball so one thing you know about Aussies that go to St Mary’s BRS they are taught the right way 100% educated

Basketballers they know the game really well 1917 at Kudos Bank Arena Shan Bruce like the look at that one Golding target bow such a menace on the offensive glass ties it up at 19 the other thing I like about him Brad he plays with some Venom he plays with some the umph about

Him and not afraid to let you know and he’s made a good play one liel and that’s hard boys boys Adams in all sorts of trouble shayi all up in his grill and tried to take it upstairs and then Sydney throw the ball away there is a lot happening right now

That is two point guards Derek oh my goodness he went to go upstairs have a look at this for a replay what great defense though stays down in his stance used his hands when time called for just lost control of it a little bit nice elevation and

Effort from both guys Jay Illy feeling a little bit worse for it is the last two seasons and the shayy effect is real when he plays they win when he’s not there they don’t 29 and E pretty impressive delova with his feet set for three Melbourne certainly think that was

Last Touch by Sydney but Brad if you haven’t noticed Dean vickerman is now into the basketball game he certainly was not happy with that one is the replay tough tough to see very vocal on the sidelines both coaches in this first [Applause] quarter Bruce found Hunter rolling to

The basket his hands from Flynn Cameron he’s got his head down trying to bank it off the window and does if you don’t know by now he is not going to wait for an invitation to try and score he is aggressive he’s very good and he has one of the best net ratings

Individually in the competition the deps of melin United on show is Hunter as they continue to go basket for Basket in this first turn 21 a piece and don’t underestimate the coaching here as well look at the team he’s put on right now Chris can do his

Thing like that Cameron can get what he wants out of it like this team malat looks up has only Golding in front of him and draws contact malat coming in playing with a lot of confidence he had that big game a couple of weeks ago we’ve seen the

Potential in glimpses but he hasn’t been provided opportunities mention for the Kings only three games left in their season after today the most vulnerable th position you can be competition this competitive is relying on other results oh it’s a terrible feeling hoping that somebody you don’t really like helps you [Applause] out Valentine skates through the paint by Tanner [Applause] Krebs in an absorbing first quarter and an offensive foul Melvin second at this first turn you never stopped you kept running on the hand off and you took him out [Applause] let’s have another look technically see how he’s walking

Backwards but come out sha Bru definitely I think they may challenge is they are they are a coach’s Challenge and how timely how timely that Dean vickerman be in this scenario after what we saw and they were not happy aboute the the feeling in this venue right now Derek Shan Bruce was having

Something to say Dean Vickman and Jacob chance were talking to the officials this is tense Brad that’s momentum inertia it is but I know I can’t see how you can overturn that when he’s M what’s Deli supposed to you think stop he’s got to stop I know you’re saying it’s momentum

But you got to two feet stop that left foot keeps going back sha BR sold behind this is an interesting one I have no strong opinion other way either way other than say I’m not sure what Deli is supposed to do he’s entitled to continue moving [Applause]

Tough Dean viman was adamant there was nothing in it not that that has any influence on the result Jack you just notice Derek is just sitting right on the fence just hey Brad what’s what’s what’s going to be I [Applause] know after review the coach’s challenge is unsuccessful the coral floor is

Confirmed the illegal screen occurred before the extra action here’s the explanation from Michael alen fair enough un moving into him first he grabs him first is delov and any more out person you’ll be getting a warning all right don’t run out on the court and yell at us that’s

Not I didn’t right I was went like this I put my hands up is that warning warning here we’re having a conversation I’m not entering into continued dialogue jeez we’re having the [Applause] conversation kind of inclined to agree with de on that one there you go Kings by

One Adams in the mid-range back back that one off the front 40 running the lanes work by Hunter to get a hand on it so Derek I’m I’m going to ask you this with Jaylen that was a a timeout a long break and that felt over dribbled

That wasn’t a good shot no one touched the ball and it’s like if you make it great but no one else touched the ball now they go down the other end and do that there’s no way they drew it up no and and now we got to coach this

Challenge from Sydney we’ll be hit on midnight at this rate we’ve seen this before there’s a lot going in on in here was a lot of contrasting energy Sydney understand this is it for them today they need to get this game the way the ladder looks it’s not in their

Favor look at this here challenging the pushing Foul Brad you’re on a hot streak with the challenges I’m going leave this to you appreciate that Derek thank you um that’s not going to be overturned that you’ve got to protect take the guy in the air and to me whilst I like the D

From Hunter no that’s a foul you got to allow him to land what’s what’s the difference there than when there’s a three-point shooter going up and shooting yes I got you dangerous play he’s not allowed space to land he’s taking his legs out there I mean love the energy

I’m not saying it was anything he meant to do or hurt or anything yep that’s correct Scott after review the coach of challenge is unsuccessful the call on the floor is confirmed we will reached out with two shots to Blue [Applause] 15 so that’s it both teams have burned

Their challenges in the first quarter good we don’t have to have these awkward discussions about whether we’re right or wrong Brad we can just move on they weren’t awkward you just said Brad you sit on it it’s a very interesting strategy from both teams here to burn their reviews so

Early we saw in the aawara game just gone that Justin Tatum used one ear it’s pressure and you know coaches feel it and everyone’s looking for the slightest Advantage right now Melbourne United have a major advantage in that they’ve taken 21 shots to the Kings four teams

The Kings have six turnovers already in the first quarter they probably really let Melbourne United off the hook because I feel the Kings have played a pretty good first quarter they’ve look much better defensively and overall despite a few bad possessions I think they to move the

Ball and get good looks at times well it’s the little things isn’t it six turnovers and four offensive rebounds is 10 possessions more when you look at Melbourne it’s two turnovers and two offensive boards such different contrast after all of that we’ still got 30 seconds left in this first turn still

The first quarter it has had [Applause] everything sh clock rolls down to 10 Valentine over dribbles Brad Rosen throws his head back and Melbourne swiftly get the other end five on the clock Illy steps back for three got it three ball is good with one to [Applause] come an excellent awareness from Flyn

Cameron to dish that ball at the right time Valentine got rocked a little bit not sure there was much of a foul but Illy Steeps back on on him knocks down the three ball one to come Harve Norman replay Brad his millimeters in it well I’m not looking at that on I’m

Looking at the other end when we over dribble you just got to be able to stop that and pass that ball he takes care of the extra Hunter plays the role of quarterback and very nearly found someone in the end zone it’s a four-point lead to Melbourne

At quarter time all on the line for the Sydney Kings this afternoon and the atmosphere inside Kudos Bank Arena reflects that as well quarter time on Sunday Hoops here in the Hungry Jacks NBL Go [Applause] some [Applause] [Applause] Con that’s Why there’s three rounds to go in the Hungry Jacks NBL regular season it may as well have started today the Sydney Kings and Melbourne United doing battle at Kudos Bank Arena in a must-win game for the Kings and it’s United who lead by four at quarter time 26 and 22 Derek rocket

Brad Rose well Brad I mean you look at the Sydney King’s performance in that first quarter eight turnovers they’re only down four but two turnovers in the final minute of that quarter was a serious turnaround from what could have been an outstanding first quarter to a below average one you’re so right Derek

And you set it in quarter time there as goes upstairs and dunks it not only that it’s a four-point play to end it as well so you are [Applause] right earlier today the aaar Hawks defeated the New Zealand Breakers in a thriller in the gong 8985 just to make

The playoffs and the playing race all the more interesting the Norman Angus Glover starting this afternoon see a lot of him in the first quarter brad that’s his first field goal of the game well he’s one of those players that can turn this Sydney King’s IT energy and play

And they just need those additional minutes with that and he can really help Joe Hil you were listening in at quarter time I was I was listening in to the Kings they were pretty positive I must say coach mood happy with their offense and the pressure that they’re putting on

The rim but as d to they weren’t happy with how they finished that quarter and want to up the energy here in the second Jaylen Adams trying to find a way through and does good start for the Kings early timeout from melin a minute into the

Second turn we’re locked away at 26 well I think Dean vickerman was feeling exactly what I am and I think the kings are playing with the right intent their energy and the vibe looks good and this is what vickerman is really worried about out is Jaylen Adams having an

Impact that’s too easy on his right hand Luke Travers knows better than that that’d be a major violation of the Scout well you’re right Four Points they’ve scored one’s a dunk and the other’s a layup that’s why he’s called the timeout not happy at all big afternoon for the

Sydney Kings and pregame Joe Hy caught up with the coach of Sydney mmud Abdel f m you spoke after the Phoenix game about the need to be more physical what have you done with the group what have you said to them between now and then that’s going to make sure that Melbourne do

Feel you guys out there yeah just the awareness uh you know obviously going back and watching film um you know we were on the floor want to make sure that the guys are rested for today’s game but it’s just being aware uh you know it kind of just starts with

Me just making sure that the guys understand you know how to do it uh and me simplifying the game plan for them um so hopefully that’ll help them out today tough loss obviously but there are always positives to take what could you take from that one that you can bring in

Here you know I mean offensively we played well I mean we did a lot of great things offensively um you know defensively just got to be able to get stops um and it’s you know it’s been like that um pretty much throughout the entire season uh like I

Said it just it starts with me just helping the guys um better understand the game plan and simplifying it for them um and just being consistent for the entire 40 minutes but offensively we’re great defensively we’re below average so we just have to be better on that end of the

FL and one of the things you noticed right there Brad is he talked about making things simple if you look at some of the teams that are playing well right now Jo L JLA inside but simplifying the game for your for your players ilar Adelaide they’re playing a much simpler

Style and it’s leading to more success I love the fact that he said it starts with me and it does I think that’s exactly what he needs to do and let’s hope that they can take that moving forward had the seal the help comes from bald better defensively so father Kings

Adams puts the and Clark on his backside and lays it up he’s dancing on the Melbourne United Defenders right now getting to the cup anytime he wants Clark blocked at the other end well this is the Sydney Kings that’s been waiting for weeks have a look at

This JLA Jonah Balden says uh-uh not here and then just a little bit of a dance and he says to his old teammate I got you in this one just saw you raise your eyebrows a little Derek Rucker you’re right we’ve been here almost every Sunday this

Season and we haven’t seen a lot of this type of intensity from the Kings well even the the nonperformance leadership that we’re seeing from jayen Adams trying to encourage his teammates that’s something that’s been absent maybe he understands now what more is needed from him other than just play out there to

Help this team be better 28 a piece D it over Basel great look for Travis knocks it down great fine from Delhi great fine Travis that’s just a big knock down from a great play 30% three-point shooter on the season baling at the other end a 38% three-point

Shooter and they continue to go blow for blow this time deliv over that rattles out Zer of two two to start the game Adam surveying his options GL a baseline didn’t have the right amount of Irish on It first chance for a few minutes to have a deep breath L over the top of Bal Bolt’s done a really good job on JLA in the one-on-one matchups allowing his teammates to stay connected to their men time Valentine relocates to the corner well that’s great offense Jonah

Balon could have shot that he gave up a shot for a better shot kick kick and giving it to him in the corner Valentine knocks it down three of seven from outside in the game Sydney as they take a three-point [Applause] lead deliv it over inside for laa

Melvin get it back to one while has six points off the back of his 33 on Friday night that’s nothing but New South Wales oxygen from Jon Bal that one wasn’t a good decision move that ball right now you’ve got some positive momentum in your favor getting pretty good looks on

The back of Adams move that ball get Adams back into contact with it and then play as a rule they haven’t been great starters Melbourne they’ve lost the first half in six of their last seven games Derek he’s just brought off Valentine I don’t like that CH he’s just

Knocked down a three letting F thoughts looking more engaged than we’ve seen him and a guy who really needs to perform at a high level Illy trying to back in on Sha Bruce sh il’s got six points and Melvin put themselves back up by one second quarter on Sunday [Applause]

Hoops Clark in the open floor make the most of his opportunity a very interesting match up here and Jaylen Adams clava did a great job to keep it in malawat lays it up and Dean viin is headless on the sidelines a lot of attacks on the rim and on the backboard

Right now from the Sydney Kings game vickerman would be iate with this offensive rebound great hustle there from Glover little flip from Bruce to malawat the Kings have an opportunity right now Brad we’ve done long road trips before you know there’s that point where you’re trying to decide do I

Really want to compete at this level that’s what’s going through Melbourne United’s head right now the Kings got to take advantage you’re so right just stay on that keep the ball outside the three-point line you’re happy with that if they make it they make it and now go and [Applause]

Run no three of 13 from Deep they shoot it at 36% across the season hook py shuts down Adams here’s Glover Kos Bank Arena Roars as the Kings lead by four well a few weeks ago they missed that shot and they all stand around and watch it but not today they’re crashing

The offensive glass this is a team that was embarrassed on Thursday night and now they’re coming out with the energy in front of this massive crowd and there’s that man Glover says I got you makes the hustle play The Possession before to get them a bunny then comes

Back and does the roll that we know he can do at a high level catch and shoot from deep and Derek you know and Jack this is the difference United a 35 points and another Miss there that’s usually 50 in this gym the last few weeks just not clicking as well as

Melbourne would like in this second quarter Derek Rock just said it here is the window of opportunity for the Kings Adams going to work that is spectacular from gyen Adams I just love the ball went inside outside then they got it over here on the wing and now look at this little

Shimmy bang takes the hit finishes off the glass gilen Adams and Brad we’ve been waiting for this type of excitement from Adams outstanding finish outside the frame looks at the bench and his crew get some love got a shimmy King’s feeling it 13 points for the MVP from two seasons

Ago for Angus Glover it’s a game high seven-point lead as Angus Glover comes out Brad Rosen pulls another strand of hair [Applause] out No Golding on the floor at the moment little mid-range Jumper Long rebound Falls to Adams what a pass inside for Baldin it’s all happening for the Kings right now and this is what these Kings fans expected in December they wanted these types of performances with this type of tempo

Better late than never brat well just look at Adams playing that defense I haven’t seen that from him the majority of this year he’s playing both ends and he’s great they lost five of their last six games the Sydney Kings and because of that it’s made today such a serious situation for [Applause]

Them Adams drags it out guarded by The nextar Who did a good job to use his length and trouble Adams and there he is at the other end Ariel hook py ferocious oh my you see all that skill and the next star coach Dean vickerman amused with that and look at

Him go up against Jonah Balden and he throws him and everybody in Kudos Bank Arena through the Hoop the stop at one end and then the way that he put his head down Brad and just took off and ran to the basket outstanding finish next star forget that he is just outstanding he he told us on Friday Derek that he wants to go to Europe

After this season and just keep playing he missed all of last season with an Achilles injury he’s going to have a big future but that time way to [Applause] sleep and Tui with an easy bucket at the other end Sean Bruce and Mel United coach Dean vickerman having kind of friendly kind

Of not friendly words the jumper from Valentine give Sydney 48 on the board we’re still two and a half minutes left in the first half often say that about Melbourne United teams to have allowed this many golding’s pass a little too hot for hook py Bruce wide

Open double figure lead for the home team well I’m just loving the ball movement here from the Sydney Kings it’s kick kick and then they’re able to open it I’m watching Shawn Bruce and Chris Golding here it’s Shawn Bruce versus all Melbourne United right now turnover Valentine to the rack behind

The back for no it might be as good as Sydney’s looked all season the floodgates are open and they are generating outstanding offensive looks off of good pressure defense out in the lanes using their lengthened athleticism to disrupt melbour United offensively what a quarter for the Kings and it’s not not done yet

Bowen March needed bucket for Melvin just to settle things slightly all of the momentum and all of the noise right now is with the Kings as we head to [Applause] halftime here’s the ladder as it looks right now and this is live so this is with Sydney in front you can see the

Importance of it with ilara winning this afternoon New Zealand winning the other day and then there’s also the percentage Factor Brad yeah that’s just huge look at that 101 that just gives you an extra game should you be tied so they just got to keep going here the Kings but it also

Points to the the big significance of that ilir comeback the sixth coming into today well that is smart from two he went into the offensive rebound and if he bought that down that’s not free throws I don’t think they’re in the bonus no they wouldn’t have been but

Because he shot it that allowed him to get to the free throw that is very clever work from the next start Tui hasn’t been much of a factor these past couple of weeks so it’s good to see him not lose confidence and find the resolve to have an impact this competition is

One you want to be involved in you can jump online or you can scan the QR code on your screen right now it’s accommodation all taken care of you can win your way to sit in the pump by Rebox seats courtside at John Kane Arena this place I’m down with that I’ll

Even be a chaperon am I eligible for that I know I can’t win but chaperon need a jack no Derek you walk into any venue and they let you sit wherever you want oh thanks BR where to build my confidence up sure the winners would love to have

Derek rocker shaer on them I’m not sure the winners would but okay they might want to know what coach is doing instead okay I’m number two on the ranking last 30 seconds of the first half wouldn’t put you that High by the way shot clock at six for

Valentine trying to get busy on deliv over that little floer drops valtine it’s been that sort of quarter for the Kings everything that they’ve done has worked and the veteran Savvy of Delhi to put his head down and draw a foul well you can fall called Matthew

Delova he’s been very good putting that ball on the deck and trying to create opportunities and the tough part about this league Brad is you can be playing well individually but your team may not be coming along with you and or you face a hot team like they have here

Today he’s got no review timeout called I think he may have canel oh he was going to review that he’s got none left he is going to still take the time out smart move there with 5 Seconds To Go you might as well use it if You’

Got 5.2 seconds left it is a Monumental day here in the Hungry Jacks NBL early this morning a partnership announced between the NBL and the Japanese Professional Basketball Association known as the B League it’s big one it’s a memor memorandum of understanding to talk about the two teams working closely

Together to promote the growth of the sport and the respective competitions in both countries there’s Jeremy La Liga Courtside today we’ll hear a little bit more across the afternoon but this is big it is and it goes across a broad spectrum of basketball activities from Junior involvement to pre-season games

Look the B league is well respected um a great commercially viable league in Japan it has been for a number of years High corporate level involvement for decades and it’s just a very strong position for the NBL to take and I congratulate and applaud everyone who’s involved with that decision making and

And activation 100% that’s what I love about it as we see DJ H there expect to do back sooner rather later from what I’m hearing the bit I love about that is that is just another thing that generates our NB we see what we’ve done with the NBA and games that are played

There now we’re bringing in be like people want to be associated with the NBL and leagues want to be Associated and it’s just great look at that second quarter score though 3415 great also to have the B League’s chairman shamata sitting alongside Jeremy La Liga this afternoon taking it

All in he’s picked a good game to come to he has and right now melbour United maybe wish he came to the game Friday night where they put on a much better performance right now the Kings have restricted United to 37% from the field and only 20 % three of 15 from the

Three so while we have been highly critical of the poor Sydney defense throughout this season today in the biggest game they’ve stepped up thus far in this first [Applause] half Del over makes both 5.2 seconds left for the Kings to try and manufacture something sha Bruce on his way to the

Cup had United reaching in well he had a bigger defender on him and someone who’s probably not comfortable pressuring the ball up the floor in that type of situation and Bruce used his experience and the geometry of the floor was able to draw contact and a foul these are Big two

Points here potentially Brad it is and great coaching there by mood as well to be able to call that time out that was ran that was played that’s exactly what they wanted to get out of nothing behind you great work King’s Captain sha Bruce he going to be a really really important lead that Sydney are taking into the long break they challenge is to bring all of that energy and enthusiasm to the second half Sydney lead 58-43 over the latter leading Melbourne United at halftime now standing first half perhaps one of the best halves of

Basketball we’ve seen the Sydney Kings play this season but definitely for a couple of months Brad they are well positioned to get a spot in the top four if they can maintain this and that’s what they’ve got to do let’s get over to Joe Healey yeah thanks I’ve got Angus G

With me Gus you guys are playing with a whole lot more urgency ja is down here shimmying what is it how have you been able to elevate the lead by 15 at the half uh we’re just talking on defense everyone’s uh backing each other down

That end and um yeah it’s fun to play and we’re just getting out and running you know they won’t back down are there any adjustments that you want to make in the second yeah I’m sure we’ll talk about it um we’ve been in this position before against them down in Melbourne um

We’re up about this match um at Hal time and they ran over the top of first in that game so um we’ll make adjustments I’m sure they will too but we’ll be ready good luck for it thank you it’s a marquee matchup and it’s delivering the first half has been one

To watch 58-43 at Kudos Bank Arena the halftime show is coming up next in the Hungry Jacks N [Applause] you K fans they’re always working for you every put your hands for [Applause] crew our performance is all about the audence I need [Applause] [Applause] everyone [Applause] world [Applause] I well first I went to Serbia I played with redar in Belgrade then I went to China I had a great time I learned a lot I was able to pick pick uh other good players brains while I was over there I was able to see that Euro league

Atmosphere um so you know it was a lot of ups and downs the Sydney Kings sit on their Throne backto back champions was watching my old teammates uh you know Chase was still here was really in contact while he was over here um and so

Was like Brucey and X so yeah I just I really always keeping a close eye on the league I really start watching it again when it’s the playoffs so I don’t be going to sleep either so I just you know typ the on YouTube and next thing you

Know I’m up till 5: in the morning watching winning Championship so it was special get to the my goodness charl Adams what a play just the environment man the love that you get shown uh just by the community then the fans of course and the front office throughout the first half of the

Season we wasn’t even winning like that and it still just felt like home like everybody still treated you the same everybody was just showing support so you know it’s like as we started to win it just started to grow and start feel more and more like home and the way they

Treated my family when they came for the playoffs it’s just always going to have a special place in my Heart yes welcome back to the Hungry Jacks NBL it is halim here at Kudos Bank Arena the Sydney Kings leading Melbourne United by 15 points Joe Hy and Dereck Rucker with you d uh a massive game we love this rivalry but there aren’t many people that would have expected this

Score line Hal time well I was one of those people that would not have expected this at all but the Sydney Kings have come out and played dominant defensively have done a fantastic job on the offensive end moving the basketball getting people involved and Jaylen Adams has been outstanding you mentioned

Jaylen Adams Melvin United had had his number the last two times they’ve played but he is having a significant impact out there as we look at the Hungry Jacks halftime highight well he’s been really smart Joe he’s been attacking the bucket he realized early on that this was going

To be his way to success and help lead his team to a victory in this game Melbourne United have not been able to guard him no matter who has been given the assignment he’s caught Arya ha 40 in mismatches at times and has been able to

Exploit him very well if you look at him in this game in the Blackmore shot chart uh look at that all attacks at The Rim he hasn’t made a perimeter shot yet and there’s no need for him to attempt any with the success he’s had he’s made five

Layups in this game and he’s doing a fantastic job not only of generating offense for himself but secondary offense for his teammates as well yeah great work putting pressure on the rim Jaylen Adams we love the Battle of The Bigs in this one to Ariel hot for Melbourne United he’s also been pretty

Impressive out there well he’s been one of the the few shining lights he’s been able to get up and down the floor and create offensive transition he’s dominant in there when you let him get on his left hand he’s doing a a fairly good job of Rim protection but that dunk

Right there was a huge highlight in the first half I love putting you on the spot at half time who wins from here what’s going to happen I think the game means too much Joe to the Sydney Kings we’ve seen them blow leads like this to melbour United this season that’s not

Going to occur today I think it means too much they understand now how they can beat this team and I think Jaylen Adams right now is a premier player in this game and he’s going to carry this team forward they are the back to back defending Champions the crowd at Kudos

Bank Arena are absolutely loving this one stay with us the second half is coming up next you’re watching the Hungry Jacks [Applause] NBL YouTube l [Applause] d on 7 re welcome back to the Hungry Jacks NBL I’ve got Sydney King’s assistant coach Flur McIntyre Flur 43 points for Melbourne that’s better yeah definitely better I mean I think we’ve done a pretty good job in their coverages and what they’re trying to run so fast is possession which has been the story

Of our season the inconsistency so hopefully we can keep that going in the second half so inconsistency another 20 minutes what have you said to the team to make sure cuz you know Melbourne are coming back oh 100% they’re they’re always coming back and we’ve just talked

Over a couple of their plays um at Hal time to reiterate how we want to guard certain actions so I think it’s just keeping things fresh in the guys Minds um and I think offensively we’re doing a really nice job of just spacing the floor moving the ball making the extra I

Think it’s just keeping that mindset and being locked in for the next 20 I know as a Sydney person I’m going to say I’m going to miss you so much but let’s just say it we are also proud and happy WNBA you must be so excited I am I am I mean

I said the other night on the broadcast I’m really emotional um I’m going to miss you guys too I’m going to miss this place I’m going to miss this team um but I mean it’s a great opportunity um but right now it felt very real this week

When I got announced but you know they’re here and now you know they’re my guys I don’t want to leave them but I’m excited for the new challenge we love you good luck thank you very much we absolutely love it that’s Flur McIntyre who’s headed to the WNBA to be the

Assistant general manager of the Phoenix Mercury Derek what an incredible opportunity for such a wonderful person it’s so certainly is and she’s had a huge impact on this on the success of this Sydney Kings Championship run and she deserves everything that comes her way and what a fantastic place to go to

Brad Phoenix Arizona not sure if you’ve been I recommend visiting and you were doing your best to get an invite in that interview Shameless self promotion yeah I felt it too got to be said yep you could chap her own FLIR like d is going to chaperone our rebok winners yeah well

There you go I’m just happy to go and watch now the third the second half is the the big issue here for Sydney in the two games they played this year in round eight Melbourne won 10593 Melvin outscored them 6740 in the second half in round 14 here out for outscored them

6345 in the second half so plus 23 in Melbourne in second halfes against Sydney this season High attention span must be dedicated to that man right there Chris Golding and that is not the start that Sydney kings were looking for that held him to one for seven in the

First half one of six from the three but letting him get that little bunny to start the half not a good one from the Melman point of view a good one for Golding too only had three points to his name in the first half it’s a nice easy one to get him

Going Adams one on the shot clock Hunter hard of the cup didn’t draw IR so it’ll be a shot clock f he started across well hun just not happy he felt he got fou but this is a key 5 minutes Derek you said in the first half Melbourne seven game away

From home how are they feeling in this second half if you give them a run this is going to be tight otherwise you can come out here in Sydney in this first 5 minutes and go whack no you haven’t got today miscommunication between delov and Golding and Golding made a cut

And delova interpreted as a scoring cut and uh hence we get the turnover threw it into the front row the Kings sixth on the table coming into this game 11 and 13 for the season their biggest problem is that everyone else around them keep beating each other to keep this thing

Interesting the biggest change that you can see I CL is not starting the second half where they have bought out that says the frame of what Dean VI’s like no we don’t give up that many points in a half we go back to what we used to do and that’s get Shay he’ll

Pick up Jaylen Adams and he’ll make sure his life’s tough and get back to that defensive stance that’s been so good for Mourne United well I Clark was a minus 11 his 14 minutes whereas Shay Illy was a minus two Golding from a long long way out off

The back of the rim py kicks it back out to delova try to keep it alive a second time melon’s three-point shooting Wes continue now three of 17 for the game got it they normally shoot it a lot better than that Travis slays it up nice finish have

Got the first two buckets I might blow a timeout here if I don’t get something on this possession because you can just feel things shifting a little bit and that’s what they needed they needed Adams or Valentine to get the usage rate going stop messing around go get the

Basketball you guys are the guys that have been driving this in the first half don’t back off Now 20 points of more in each of their last five games Jaylen Adams 24 on Thursday and they lost to Southeast Melbourne their star of the first half with 13 points is it almost a cotton approach with Adams in the second half Derek does everything just go through jayen to

Start with if you s we’re at that do or die point of the season and as this game goes on every play becomes magnified and when that magnification increases Brad I want the ball in my guy’s hand I agree but it’s got to be careful like Bryce is a very good

Decision maker and he plays Adams very good but can sometimes have the tendency to over dribble a little bit where he’s not getting his players [Applause] in on the W pick up his third was only sub back in the game now melbour have got a decision to

Make I’ll let it ride here above you what would you do Derek I would do the same let him play yeah and right now Melbourne United three of 18 from Deep the Zero from for Golding one of seven Travis blocks Jaylen Adams wuli found had the seal Melbourne

Get it back to 10 great work by Travis but great rim to rim by JLA and planted himself inside they just waited for everyone to clear then he had a nice open bucket 62 run to start the third quarter Melbourne looking to bridge a 15-point halftime

Gap he GL up right in front of the Melbourne bench miss that short stay here stay here you can just imagine the com ation that Dean Vickman had with this group at the main break so far they’ve responded Illy with another two time out Sydney you called for it Derek that’s

Not the start they wanted in that first three and a half minutes they’ve come out here on the back of what I like Shay il’s defense it’s one move one Personnel move to have Shay start the second half but what a difference it’s might it has and

Right now the Kings highly threatened by this Championship infrastructure of Mel united we talk about it all the time we saw it best displayed Friday night it’s showing up right here to start this second half hey y about wait the hell up what the hell you doing in the pick and

Roll you’re supposed to be up and then get under you’re not waiting for him at the free throw line that’s exactly why you want me to push up be smart all right hey offensively right now they’re just up into us they’re being more physical than we are but we’re not

Getting stopped so we got to go against a set defense that’s the difference in the game right now all right hey we’re going four down all right four down four down four down four down all right Z you’re the no catch play out of pick and

Roll you and Jonah you and Jonah pick a roll hand Pi the one thing I take out of that Derek what I love and I have listened to a lot of his timeouts this year it was all about defense to start with I’m not happy with you he looked

Straight at Alex Tui and said that’s not what we do on the on Ball and that’s what’s hurt them these first few possessions and it was all about how we get better at that and he’s taken Jaylen Adams out of the game going to go with a different looking lineup he got balen

Back in there Bruce and malow watch guys Who provided excellent energy in the first half critical juncture of the game Jack Alex Tui might have also got the message he’s sitting at the moment must win game for the Kings while it’s she sat off sha Bruce you can’t make them

Pay they’ve scored eight of the 10 points in this quarter Bruce picks up the foul at the other end what’s turn Derek from a Melvin point of view what’s been better in this third quarter obviously the injection of Illy totally changes their Dynamic he’s doing a very

Good job defensively but on the other end right now there’s no way I can not have Jaylen Adams in the game if he’s healthy as Travers gets a dunk to cut this lead to three I’ve got to have Adams in the game why is he not in the game

5953 and all the energy that was in the building in the first half is being slowly sucked out by the visitors that time an offensive rebound for bald shot clock at n delova all over Valentine great defense that’s world class defense right there wow that is just great defense just better offense

Uh I’m not going to go that far I’m just going to say luck he just threw that up there and wish for the best 11 points for Denzel Valentine he becomes the Third King in double figures Melbourne only have one in Luke Travis who’s their leading scorer with [Applause]

10 hasn’t been golding’s afternoon two of nine becomes two of 10 off that [Applause] Miss time no good from the elbow for a foul there one of the things you look at the Sydney Kings and what have they got to do look where they’re getting the ball ball doesn’t go inside the three-point

Line everything’s outside they kick they kick and you’ll see Shawn Bruce gets a wide open three that’s not what the Sydney Kings want to be playing it’s when they get off on balls and get into the seams that’s where they play better well we saw Adams Blackmore shot chart

At the half Brad and he had five buckets at The Rim let’s see if they can get back to some pick roll stuff generate some mismatches and pick up their offensive [Applause] productivity Clark in the corner feet set another who’s not having a good day shooting the

Ball W was a little ambitious for malat this time Clark happy to put the ball on the floor go go the couldn’t keep that alive so 416 remaining Melbourne have cut the deficit from 15 at half timee to eight and they’re getting good looks in Clark

That’s two good looks that you want him taking but right now I think I’d be going back to that man JLA let him see what he can do down low early in this afternoon Ila defeated New Zealand a brilliant exhibition that went right down to the wire

8985 and this is the last game of round 17 in the Hungry Jacks NBL Bruce has had a couple of attempts this quarter still can’t get it to go Balden crashes the glass it’s controlled by [Applause] Travis wild good D from malat better offense though from Melbourne an

Excellent offense there that bucket was generated by Chris Golding setting a nice screen on the ball a rare two5 on Ball results in a good bucket there from JLA T cribs and car bone set a check back in malat Off the Bench gives them more punch he’s got eight points and it

Been plus five in his time on the floor a very handy roll for the the ball in Illy shot clock at five it [Applause] Rolls six-point game at Kudos Bank Arena there’s the quarter by quarter breakdowns you can see how Melbourne have made their move he’s still no good sha Bruce they’re almost giving him that now well they are JLA is guarding him and not even looking to go out there on the three-point

Line clock early in the offense strong rebound bya and the Kings looking disjointed and the mere fact that they haven’t come out with the expected level of energy has given united life you can see the United bench is now up they’re full of belief they realize a six-point lead

Is nothing with this much time on the clock brat it’s a game oh yeah Melbourne are the best fourth quarter team in the competition they’ll be well aware of that they won 14 final turns across the season more than any other team double comes for hook pory this

Time deliv overa bank at home Bowen with another big offensive rebound up top for Krebs got it well Bowen’s been outstanding just the physicality of him down low getting that off defensive rebound hitting it out to Krebs watch this bench team go to work out here they love

It Owen has four offensive rebounds to back your point we look at the Harvey Norman replay Krebs gets that one in Rhythm straight over split line look at this straight Shar brat pow 20 points to five in the third quarter the lad leaders are making their

Move great look for malawat has had a big [Applause] afternoon that just eases the anxiety somewhat in the building but don’t get comfortable you’re playing against the best team in the league Char to [Applause] respond a minute 30 remaining in the third turn malat draw a close out that

Time and there’s a timeout from Melbourne malat going to work out there today he has been giving them injections for the past few weeks but today knocks down the three in the corner up fake lay up Kings by eight that’s a way to make a known for yourself big stage big occasion maquat

Malawat has 13 points on five of seven he just knocked down the three so he was smart enough to show horty the ball knowing that he’d be stressed out and overreact and then one t plants the feed in the lane Brad he is is an elite level

Athlete he just gets up and makes his decision in the air and the decision there was just a simple finger roll it’s a big crowd they’re all the way up this afternoon at Kudos Bank Arena it’s another big afternoon in our pumped by Rebox seats that’s Dom Thomas who’s a

Creator that’s worked with a variety of Brands including our very own NBA 2K who the NBL are involved with and right there is Ali Morford and Laura Gardner from the Sydney Swans aflw team both aflw all Ian this year and Laura there in the gray was their best and fairest

Ally on her phone was third in this year’s best and fairest count as well so as a wife the hottest tickets in town she’s texting her teammates saying you should have been at the Kings game today we got the great seats we get to hear the commentators

Talk where else would you want to be although this morning Brad I was over in your neighborhood had breakfast at Bondi North Bondi to be exact thought about inviting you but I thought you might that might be too much for you to be

With me in one day oh it is um it’s it’s struggling up for two hours I did get a call from bonai asking why you were there Clark played through the bump coach abdell Fatar not happy he’s saying that there was no contact with the call for a push from

Behind I know the front guy is over go and the rare teammate possible block shot that results in a bucket brat after a foul well it’s a tough one and that’s where you do question burning timeouts earlier I’m never doing that I’m not a fan for the coaches challenged our teams without a

Coach is challenge after burning him in the first quarter Krabs gets to the other end really quick and we’ve got a three-point [Applause] game and Sydney must not let the ghosts of this season come back to haunt them right here they’ve got to exercise all those demons and just get back to

Playing good basketball I know it’s hard but his doer di G overa chasing around Jaylen Adams oh he just found a way 16 now for Jaylen Adams Del over’s pass goes astray got it back Krebs can’t make it count big hustle from Bowen loose ball in the corner

Great effort he steps out of bounds unlucky great eff put that guy on my team Kyle Bowen like you said earlier Brad Hyrum Harris these types of guys look at the work they do and yes you did step out of bound your hustle was great correct Paul referees four offensive

Rebounds for Carl Bowen the most in the game he’s done some very important things for Melvin you got one possession time here for the Kings at the worst they should go into the fourth quarter break up five clock Switched Off Jay now guarding jayen Adams oh he’s holding ankle there that

Did not look good you don’t have a he’s going straight to LeBron unlce your laces and tie him back up tighter bit of a roll on the ankle just on the left side there that discussion with still went a bit early Brad leaving 5.7 on the clock it’s not ideal so many

Referees he had plenty of plays where he has created I’ve got you forward creating 16 points a couple of rebounds a couple of assists he’s the leading scorer in the game right now Jaylen Adams you talk about exercising the demons for him nine and eight in his two outings against Melbourne this season so much better performance well pride of that last layup and now shooting this it was 228 is the quarter it’s scored 12 now look P he gives it straight back to

Sydney it’ be fitting the mqu mowatt scores the final bucket of the turn he’s been the unlikely spark Off the Bench and Sydney takes the momentum into three quarter time 7265 we are set for a big finish at Kudos Bank Arena WI [Applause] Congratulations the refere [Applause] Winer [Applause] comeer congratulations up [Applause] [Applause] it welcome back to the Hungry Jacks NBL what a game we have on our hands the Kings leading MN United by seven points heading into the fourth quarter but they led by 15 at the half te Vickman really happy with the United defense at the moment this blowing the Kings down in

Transition and picking up their man earlier than they were before a frustrated Ariel hord there at 34 time but they’re just focusing on the positives here as they look to close this Gap thank you very much Joe Healey a quarter to go at Kudos Bank Arena that

Last turnover for Melvin a costly one huge and I’m sure Dean vickerman would have been very happy with the performance until that turnover and the little mini jump shot Adams unsuccessful in his p [Applause] ation Hunter Adams Glover brutes malat on the floor for Sydney laa Jr delova

Clark Travis and Illy for Melbourne United they were going Friday night they’re not today for laa Jr malat the hero of the third quarter he couldn’t score Hunter tips it in and good offense there penetration led to a great look and sometimes when guys are that open it leads to ironically Brad better

Offensive rebounding [Applause] possibilities M has a fumble and cl got in the passing [Applause] Line minute gone in this last quarter in a must win game for the Sydney Kings and context this season and Adams makes that turn over number 11 for the Kings that’s just too loose with the basketball yeah given the context of this game chance to really get some

Energy into the building with a play there missed opportunity out of those 11 Jack four of them from jayen Adams got to take care of that for sh down a nine chly running the point for Melbourne United run up doesn’t count United 17 and six on the season

They’ve walked away their spot in postseason just a question of where they finish now Bruce wasn’t hitting them in the third quarter he starts with a big one in the fourth well he didn’t shoot well there in the third quarter but the coach has said it’s okay I’ve got your

Back he pointed to the bench after he hit that tree and now they try and get the stop down the other end Golding ready to check back in for Melvin has had a pretty quiet afternoon by his lofty standards his CLK trying to get busy that’s

Class Banks it home and brings it back to 10 points the [Applause] difference turns the corner reset with five on the shot clock safely taken care of while while the CH the pass not quite as Safe we got Hunter up in the air de from malat though he stepped in stand anticipation and commitment to holding his [Applause] ground Clark with a hand in the face he was found by Hunter and three free throws coming for the visitors he smart play from Clark realizing he’s got

Hunter out there a space where he’s uncomfortable lures him into this foul here unnecessary just a strong contest will do now that’s Hunter’s fourth foul you can download the NBL app now it’s got all of the live lad of the stats how many times a week are we all

Refreshing the ladder at the moment to try and make sense of what’s going on you can download it now well I refresh a lot Jack and it’s still makes no sense what about the NB app that makes plenty of sense got it open right

Now if you would have said to me at the beginning of this game that between Deli Clark and Golding they would be six of 28 ouch and still in this game that is scary times because you know they’re going to come good but that’s the thing about those guys and I’ve learned a

Lesson with Deli and Shay ILY you can’t always valuate those guys by the numbers and that’s why if you’re a heavy analytics person and you’re not doing the video work you’re not getting the whole picture and you know Shay ILY and Deli do so many other things and when

You’re in the venue and watch them play you realize that seven points the difference Sydney led by as much as 15 and as we headed to halim I should [Applause] say have the better of them in the third turn Glover stepping back with confidence started the game today but

See a lot of him in quarter number three the shot of a man who is perhaps a little cold Clark slicing and dicing hook py left it short and there’s clber low scoring start to this last turn Valentine assesses his options five on the clock his touch is spot on he’s very good he backs him down and loves to go back over his left shoulder for the right hand hook one of his favorite [Applause] shots Travers inside what a pass for hook py fou

Hard he gets hit by three people he doesn’t clear [Applause] out have a look at the replay here it looked like balin’s right hand may have gotten aort across the face hey I understand he’s done that but okay obviously there that’s aou obviously a foul Brad yeah that’s a foul

But I didn’t see the clearing out that coach AB was looking for well my question you now Derek is I thought taking out Jaylen Adams was probably not a bad move cuz he was doing that over dribbling bit but they’ve taken him out now the question is 5

Minutes 30 out by eight free throw how much longer do you keep him out I’m probably going to bring him in at the next break get him in for Bruce and tell Bruce to stay ready Hy takes care of both the other from a Melbourne point of view is Chris

Golding two of 10 for the Afternoon how do you get him involved in this late stage I’m sure he’ll he’ll find his way but right now they need to they need to slow that man down as he has come in and provided big big threes today for the Sydney kings that gives him 11 points big bucket from the

Captain and some breathing space for Sydney that’s tough from delova the last 5 minutes at Kudos Bank Arena in front of a crowd of 12,000 921 in the house for Sunday [Applause] Hoops again it’s Valentine late in the clock and again gets to his spot this time will shoot free trucks

Well you’re right Brad you look at the Harvey Norman replay Valentine’s done a good job of penetration and cre an enormous amount of space for sha and Bruce to line it up now they’ve gone with the substitution here Bruce thought he was coming out when Adams came in

They made a change and brought out malow watch which is understandable after Bruce knocks down that last three ball you need to go with hot people now yeah and look at you look what’s on there everyone can shoot the ball this opens it up think Adams is going to get the

Ball with Jonah Balden setting screens have the other three stretched out to the floor now allow Adams to attack the rim with Jonah rolling well you’ve got a lot of pressure on the Melbourne United point of attack Defenders four guys out there can really actually all five guys

Can put that ball on the deck and make plays for the Kings Adams Glover Bruce bald and Valentine out there for Sydney delova Krebs py Golding and IL for Melbourne United who Trail by 12 Golding darties it’s only a matter of time he understands the moment better than

Almost any other player in the league and you see him stepping back away from that that’s a highle shot and a groan from the Kudos Bank Arena crowd that’s the last thing that they want is Chris golden getting hot late bow in a turnover it’s going to be intentional and a pretty straightforward

Call for the officials got P 43 Jonah was a bit Rush here we have a look look at Golding his hips are moving backwards on the catch Brad he’s so talented and technically sound that he’s able to raise up and knock down that jumper and now it’s the next one you

Just said it before Jack how do you get him involved well he’s just hit a tough shot in a tough day for Deli goes to the free throw line will make take these free throws now run a play for him and there’s Jonah bald’s fifth foul Jordan Hunter comes back in he’s got

Four one and they got to be careful here Derek you were there on Friday night you take a hunter out of this game now JLA that’s a big presence for them to go inside right now I’m going to hit I am going to H run that play for Chris see

Where he’s at then JLA get it inside here and if I’m Sydney I’m putting JLA on a lot of pick and roll trying to get him matched up on someone like a valentine see if they can take advantage of him out on the perimeter he got a

Mismatch here in the low block L see he do well to get the ball out of his hands Golding from Deep not that time good basketball both ways Kings will be happy to absorb all of the available time Valentine for Mowat 17 now you just got to keep that

Kid in the game he just finds the right spots finishes well doesn’t need the ball to make good things [Applause] happen he had 18 here last Sunday he’s backed that up with 17 on S of 10 this afternoon MCAT malat c f i watch it live def United from the Baseline

8677 Illy left open JLA got away with a push in the back right there the Kings have had a couple of wins at the other end but that he’s going to hurt them offensive foul on Sha Bruce put them in the cage deliv it over and sha Bruce having a [Applause] chat

Out don’t come they’re still going tensions are high inside Kudos Bank Arena come out the end of the oh Derek I love this that is just two teams that just want to win and they don’t like each other well we know anyone who’s been involved with the Boomers program NBS no

Backward steps and two guys couldn’t be more symbolic of that than Shawn Bruce and Matthew delova Brucey seeking some confrontation Deli generally willing to generate confrontation great matchup three minutes remaining in this one it’s Sydney who have led for most of the afternoon from the second quarter onwards they have lad

8677 at Kudos Bank Arena 3 minutes and 2 seconds remaining the kings in front it’s tough It’s tense and it’s tight as deliv diver and Bruce go at it well not too much different than the foul we saw the other night or the no call on Aaron

Baines but look both of these guys NBS no backward steps Bruce always looking for it and delova no stranger to the confrontation oh no two Warriors of the basket ball court Jonah Balon has fou out for the Kings Jordan Hunter playing out there with Four Kings by

Nine Golding catch and shoot it’s short bounces off the face of Adams love that offense love that offense he set go back to Melbourne I think you’re right Brad that was a welld designed and executed play and Chris golden just missed the shot but kudos to the coaching staff are

Coming up with that one into the execution Travers is going to come back into this game tner KBS checks out Joe Hy caught on yeah it was just listening to the Kings time out there coach move talk three game about simplifying things for the players that’s exactly what that

Time out was said good defense at the moment guys let’s keep our heads defensively it doesn’t matter about the refs or calls just stay levelheaded they’ done so much right this afternoon Sydney they will be well aware that Melbourne will be with them until the very end Golding lost possession Valentine for [Applause]

Globa Kings by 11 225 to play malat’s got a hand in what desperation from Sydney they’re playing like it means something right now and driven by mow watch and Glover Off the Bench these guys have provided the energy the excitement and the productivity that we’ve been waiting for

All Season Brad Valentine hand on the ball the redheaded rocket knows how to finish two hand slam angers Glover here’s the ladder as it looks Brad Sydney sitting in fourth position should they hang on to this result well it’s exactly the way they should have come

Out of Thursday night’s game cuz it was a loss you just couldn’t have but right now this bench crew are giving it to Melbourne United [Applause] 12,923 points lead and it might very well be enough for the Kings we’re inside the last two minutes Sydney have scored the last six points

In the game delova forces his way in tough now you just take the air out of the game get a good 20 seconds here they will double and get a good shot time is Sydney’s friend [Applause] you go shot clock rolls down to five Valentine for

Hunter well I have been saying this for weeks he is the best screen and roller in our game the way he comes off hard sets a nice pick and then goes up hard to finish it great work a great job there by Denzel Valentine on the on ball

Was able to get the matchup in the alignment that he was looking for and then got the knce drop down to Jordy Hunter who displays great timing and space and feel as a roller out of pick and roll situations he’s got [Applause] two 10 points eight rebounds for Jordan Hunter this free

Throw means everything to the [Applause] Kings it’s back out to 13 with a minute 22 to play it’s going to take something very special from here for Melbourne Travis it must go down and and it does there’s a pulse it’s a faint one but there’s a pulse for Angus Glover sha Bruce is

Coming in the game for Angus Glover good knock down three by Travis in that last position when do you start fouling Derek yeah I think you’re trying try and get one more tra they Tred Kings have cracked the [Applause] code malawat dribbles it out all the way in can’t

Score Hunter with the offensive [Applause] rebound Bruce inside Valentine not that time they just can’t get that final bucket well that’s going to be free fre throws for United not really what the Kings wanted but with 30 second 7 seconds left and United they’ve only got

Two foul so that is not on their side Valentine very disappointed with himself that he wasn’t able to finish that playoff probably went a little bit little bit Carefree in there I thought he could have gone in there and punched it the Kings will play Adelaide in Adelaide

On Friday night in front of what’s going to be another massive crowd at the Adelaide entertainment center Scotty inis and that team are doing an outstanding job at the moment Adela got them a couple of weeks ago on that same venue so that’s going to be a ripper

Game and Melbourne United will host Southeast Melbourne on Saturday in a throw [Applause] down return don’t forget the round starts on Thursday the can’s Tiant will start us off at home at the convention center against Tasmania and then that Marquee Friday night game as we mentioned Adelaide and [Applause]

Sydney valenton he’s fou by Crips I thought that foul may have come several seconds earlier just to start to burn him up but I think Melbourne United are semi- resigned to the inevitable mhm and we speak so many times about the Kings it’s pretty simple basketball game

As a timeout calleded 84 points from United that’s how you win basketball games Derek and they’ve restricted them the 21% from the three-point line just an outstanding job overall this is why they have that eight-point lead jayen Adams has been outstanding Denzel Valentine likewise but makat

Malawat when the game was up for grabs in the third quarter in the start of the fourth gave them something 17 points on seven of 11 well he’s just given them that punch that you need s of 11 like you said at 63% and it’s the simple

Things he doesn’t need a lot of the ball to make things happen you see here wide open knocks it down and that just comes you look at it Derek repetition you said it before knock the three down the next one up fake that’s to end the quarter

What a wow of a game he has had and I like the fact that he can come on come in this late in the season and have enough belief in himself and have an impact in big games look at the black Moore shot chart he’s been outstanding

Anytime you can get 17 points off of only 11 shots in a victory you know you know you’ve been a key contributor and now the Kings have another piece they’ve got a guy that can deliver in a big moment well they do and now is the biggest problem where are they going to

Fit him in if you’ve got Galloway coming back and Adams uh sorry and Galloway and then you’ve got DJ ho coming back as well it’s a big problem thank you foring 12,9 the final stages of the [Applause] game Bruce will try and inbound and does and that’s going to see us

Out we’re just about done at Kudos Bank [Applause] Arena one last possession to finish off and we’ll have a foul before that honor will go to the line to try and Pad these stats nearing a double Double and we may still have a timeout yet for Melbourne United and the Sydney Kings Brad have never ated their way through some potentially choppy Waters late in this game and have have done it in a really professional manner yeah they have and uh you got to put it in context giving

Up what they did South Southeast Melbourne Phoenix and you go back a few weeks ago for what happened in Adelaide and they just didn’t play with that heart taking nothing away from the two wins it’s the way they lost but they’ve come home here on both occasions and the

Question is and Derek I know I listen to you guys in your NBL now in your pods that this is the situation they got to keep going it can’t be one-offs you’re right and they have the talent to win the championship okay yeah we saw a glimpse

Of what was possible a couple of weekends ago against New Zealand on this court now we’re seeing it here against Melbourne United the league leader is this real is this sustainable can they replicate this performance on the road now here is what’s coming up next

Week in round 18 in the Hungary tax NBL we mentioned that it’s cans and Tasmania on Thursday night the tip bands may have just hurt themselves in a big way with their losses in this round yeah ilara and Sydney Derek is a big one on Saturday as well particularly for the

Bullets after losing on Friday night it is and then you’ve got you look down there the Jack jumpers and the Sixers I don’t care which game you’re watching and they all have playoff ramifications every team is still alive including Southeast Melbourne Phoenix well the only thing you worry

About is Melbourne are the worst team to play against when they’ve lost something like this correct you know and not only that Dean Vickman has got the whole week with them these players are going to have a tough training schedule and now he’s preparing cuz when we get into

Playoffs they haven’t had a whole lot of backto back games now is this is like playoffs right dere you get that and if this is how they’re going to be in back-to-back games that can hurt you down the stretch so he will be talking a lot about That fans on their feet at Kudos Bank Arena and a quick bucket for [Applause] Melbourne they take it back to seven no no after B can’t my [Applause] bad C need to be careful just take care of things Valentine threw a long pass that was intercepted by laa Travis three doesn’t

Count that might have very well been the last chance and now joa he just wants to have a fight with anyone first it was Bruce now it’s Valentine help me there well there’s certainly something in the air Jack the hostilities are high here in Kudos Bank Arena as Bruce attempts of block

Out JLA took exception to the technique and then Valentine not afraid to go nose to nose with J [Applause] wow it’s been one of the those afternoons well I don’t think it’s over yet the referees are having a chat here you’re not wrong bro contact with the head with a

CH just keep an eye on Shan Bruce he’s never far from it he had his eyes on him the whole way [Applause] down while the leans in oh Conta the head of Bruce after that and I’m not sure how many I’m not sure how many events we’re invoicing for here to Jack here Kudos Bank Arena but it’s thrilling to say the least wow [Applause] the officials assessing this last one what about the atmosphere they all of a

Sudden it’s been Doom and Gloom for the Kings over the last 6 weeks that’s like a party right now I do give this Sydney Public Credit for staying behind this team when they had every right not to show up Brad they continue to come and get at least 12,000 in here game after

Game obviously during the p I’m just telling the truth he’s been giv it to the Kings but all today I’m so happy for him Derek rer says I’ve been down to Bondi Brad I love Sydney y after this the Kings as we mentioned have got Adela next Friday night in

Round 19 we’re all back here yeah when they play the ilara Hawks and then round 20 they are at Southeast Melbourne who is going to make the final six this season it’s anyone’s Cas Well Jack you alluded to next round schedule and you know tazzy and cans

That’s a massive game Tasmania have not been playing to the level we probably expected Brad they’ve been losing some tight games especially at home so that’s a big one going up to CHS they drop down to 12 and 13 they start messing with the playing real they do but I like what you

Said you can see their percentage at 105% they’re losing but they’re right there they’re not losing by 20 and 30 they’re right there I just love Scott Roth love that program and it’s a small tweak in my opinion that as soon as they get going they’re

Fine normal foul and then a un Sportsman like on and that’ll be his afternoon done Deli FS out laa f out D Jack you pointed out before this Arena everyone is on their feet the music’s blaring that look tells the story for Matthew delova it’s been the patent for

Melbourne in their last six they’ve gone lost win lost win lost win and now a lost today so Derek I’ll put you on the spot when I say this it is no worries but when does it start to become one where they’re not playing like they were at the beginning

Of the season oh I think coach Dean Vickman would be there right now yeah especially looking at per getting people back Alex looked pretty good last night got the first foul after the rebound which is the bonus situation so that’s why we shot the first two and we’ve got

An unsportsmanlike foul after that for Bruce that’s why two so Sydney will get the ball up well good referee there just explaining why there is so many free throws no no no one’s on Delhi one’s on Joe let’s go guys we got this up sha Bruce comes out

Force 12 points plus 15 and he annoyed all of Melbourne United it did his job clber puts the icing on top of the [Applause] cake and Sydney smil in a way that we haven’t seen them smile for quite some [Applause] time6 9886 when there could only be one result today for

They found a way to make it happen they absolutely needed this type of performance they got it Brad outstanding defense and they showed a bger that was much needed well there’s our Foot Locker player of the match malow watch how good was he 18 points s of 11 from the field

Yes there were some good players Adams played well Hunter Glover but that man right there he’s bowling today and helped them and was a huge part of why they got that win well one of the most balanced Sydney attacks of the season seven guys in double figures they shoot

51% from the field and overall one of their shining lights this season the Sydney Kings improved their record to 12 and 13 now in the season and just when it looked like things were slipping away they dig deep for their most meaningful win of the NBL 24 season

98-86 the final result at Kudos Bank Arena we’re back to wrap it up on the other side of This Sy MP syy everybody what feel Got 98 to 86 the final result this afternoon on what was a wild afternoon at Kudos Bank Arena it was all happening all afternoon long so much emotion so so much tension in this game and Sydney win a must win game I don’t know how we’re

Going to sort this top six out we still got three rounds to go it is a mess and you look at it that that Victory puts the kings in fourth position they go on top of the bullets but if you look at it everyone is alive with some massive

Games coming up unless you’re suser or a psychic of some form Brad I don’t know how you know how it’s going to wind up well as good as everyone’s feeling I’m sure the Perth Wildcats are as well look at that 16 of8 16 and8 they are a chance

To top spot well and truly now and that is homecourt advantage throughout the whole time and you know what that means over there speaking of what it means it meant to hell of a lot for the Sydney Kings today he saw the ladder and saw

What a loss could have done for them and what a win has done for them and well very quickly we turn our attention to what’s coming up next week cans and Tasmania on Thursday night are we drawing along L for the ti fans yet oh certainly not they’ll be at home and

Similar to the Sydney Kings today they will understand how important it is to play well and try and win that game against a against a teetering Jack jumpers yeah I agree and tans you know they’ll bounce back he’s a great coach 40 and he’ll have them fired up for that

One so many big games across the round Tasmania in action again against illa against Adelaide on Sunday you do not want to miss a moment of what’s coming up in the Hungry Jacks NBL on behalf of Derek Rocka Brad Rosen Joe Hil and team who are the best in the business thanks

So much for being with us what an afternoon what a season we are [Applause] Having this program is brought to you by hry Jacks and Bunnings [Applause] Warehouse

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