@Houston Rockets

Alperen Sengun Houston Rockets Injury Update!!

Alperen Sengun Houston Rockets Injury Update!!

Yo what on guys it’s Houston sports back the video today I wanted to do a update on aling’s injury and after a great win you know if you put up the 29 wins this season for the Rockets this is one of the best wins of the season so far it

Was great it was a great win for the Houston Rockets but thing is is that you know as good as a win this was for the Rockets yesterday something at the end of this game with 30 seconds remaining it was 108 to 100 something tough for the

Rockets really happened uh some real a real bad sequence with rockets when Al singon in a collision with uh big man for the Kings Damonte sabonis happened shingun was down on the ground problem with his knee and his ankle the injury update is this was reported by Adrien

Wowski uh from from ESPN is that Al pru will be undergoing a MRI on his knee and his ankle tomorrow uh or today uh Monday um well it was tomorrow when WJ made that report but now it’s today it’s Monday it’s Monday morning so it will definitely be interesting to see what

That MRI uh says and it’s not good it’s not good um I’m not going to you know I’m not going to be selfish and say you know let’s get him back you know we we can’t we you know let’s get him back as soon as possible I heard uh I was

Watching the Rockets post game and they were saying something about oh you know you know best best scenario it’s you know he misses a couple games they get him rested and he’s back it’s it’s not it’s not that it for for him to get you know carded off not carded off um not

Carded off you know wheelchair It Off off uh where he couldn’t even stand up it’s bad you know I’m not going to the point where oh he tore his ACL and something else happened to his ankle at the at the um at the same time I think

It’s I think it’s bad enough to the point where he’s going to miss most likely the rest of the season and the reason I say that is just because of the fact is that The Season’s almost over um there’s almost a month remaining in the season uh what we have a there’s about

Like five and a half weeks left in the season so you know maybe there’s a scenario where shenon is only out four weeks I think that’s the best scenario uh now a hyperextended knee which is very possible for the case of what has happened to outr zon um I’ve watched a

Couple different scenarios of players hyperextending their knees and you know it looked a lot with what happened shenon now the difference with that is is you know when you see a guy hyperextend their knee usually they don’t have a problem with their ankle as well so so let’s say shingun

Hyperextended his knee there there might be a problem his ankle he might have sprained or uh or done something else to his ankle so he might have two different issues to deal with uh injury wise and um if he hyperextends if he if he hyperextended his knee NBA players

Usually are out 2 to four weeks on a hyperextended knee now let’s say he he does the minimum two weeks which uh would put him back um would put him back on the court March 25th but if he misses the full time of four weeks then he would be back

Around he would be back around April beginning of April April 6th April 7th something like that they only be a couple games left this season if the Rockets are at a point where they have no chance to make it into the plan unless they do have a chance there’s no

Way they’d bring Al PR Singin back they would just shut him down and tell him to start you know get ready for the next season but that’s saying that you know singon is is you know in the timeline about you know two to four weeks um I

Think if if it’s not if it’s a scenario where shon’s out Ford is it’s an injury that’s going to keep him out you know of the court for four to 6 weeks I think that’s the best I think I think the best case scenario is a is an injury where

It’s a hyperextended knee and he’s out two to four weeks or it’s something else like maybe a sprain knee um or something just something I don’t know about a sprain knee um or maybe he tours MCL if he TS MCL he’d be out four to six weeks

If that’s a grade one uh he’d be up four to six weeks if he TS MCL now that pretty pretty much probably take him out for the whole season now Torres MCL will probably be out four to six weeks he could come back right when the season’s

Ending four weeks you know that would be that’d be uh like April 6th and you’d have a couple games left in the year um I think you’d have like three or four games left in the season and I think the only way he’d come back in that scenario

Is if you know the Rockets still have a chance look the Rockets with the way they’re playing right now they’re playing better basketball they’re 29 and 35 they’re 4 and a half games back from the 10 seed and they have an easy schedule throughout I mean their next

Couple games are pretty easy so I’m not going to I’m not going to lie to you guys I think there is a decent chance now I think the chances go down with shenon injury but I think there’s a solid chance the Rockets could be fighting to potentially make it into

Play in um but we’ll see Lakers are getting hot but the Warriors have lost a couple um here and there now they just lost to the Spurs and the rockets have been winning recently so I think I think things are trending in the right direction for the rockets in the

Standings but this injury definitely doesn’t help and you know doesn’t help them at all um yeah let me your thoughts on the AL chingun injury in the that’s the video hope you guys enjoyed and peace out go Rockets

Prayers up for Alpy 🙏

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