@New York Knicks



Yeah look they love me yeah they love Jewel welcome back to it is what it is this episode is sponsored by Underdog fantasy the app is an easy way to make some cash just by making pi on your favorite players Underdog is available in more than 30 States including

California Texas and New York just to name a few make sure to support the show by hitting the link in the bio and downloading the underdog fantasy app they’ll also match your first deposit up to $100 and you get a special pick when you sign up I’m treasure Wilson AKA stat

Baby along with your host mace and what’s up man killer what’s good man B get e tent on matching matching huh Young when you match too much you old that’s young [ __ ] say that’s how they said they tell your age all that matching [ __ ] be doing got they got

The burgundy with the burgundy with the burgundy I didn’t I didn’t know this was burgundy I thought this was brown yeah no I like I like it pause I wouldn’t I thought I think they smooth I’m just telling you what a [ __ ] told me one day

Like y [ __ ] got too much red on it’s too coordinating with the red is too much they can start if you if you m what what do you think about that that mat too much matching um not all the time but I think it’s good because it shows

His coordination like you know but y’all from New York so y’all already know obviously how to dress so y’all set the bar up here that’s I appreciate that man you know you know look get St okay St looking for a ra pay that’s payman r [Laughter]

I’m dead guys it was a true compliment I Ain looking for nothing to return of course of course okay so I know past couple episodes we’ve been talking about a lot of sports podcasts popping up out of the blue yeah well the new next one is going to be LeBron James he’s

Starting a new basketball centered podcast with JJ reic how do you guys feel about the upcoming launch that’s really cool I think that’s really really Co because um JJ reick is one of the one of the guys that I see on the air that I appreciate his takes on how he um sees

The game he seems to be less biased than everybody else so I think that would be really good um LeBron definitely got a a plethora of information when it comes to basketball so he should doing a phenomenal job you know what you think uh two things first of all um I

Spoke to Glen Davis Big Baby Davis he actually wants to be a part of it is what it is I told him have them more for a guest this week and see how it goes but he like yo Everybody’s scared of me man he said nobody wants to give me a

Shot he said he said this what he said I’m we gonna let him speak whenever he gets on the shot said I got speak to murder about it I said but you could definitely be a guest he like man throw me in he said throw me in the loop said

Even kg and them they don’t want to put me in the loop so I said uh we have we’ll bring you up in a guessing I’ll talk to M and see if it makes sense moving forward but um I spoke to him briefly today and he was like yo I play

With JJ reic twice and he’ll definitely call you a [ __ ] he said he not type of guy he said I’m just telling you and he never swung on him when he said it no he said he didn’t say he said it we could get more information when he told he

Said I didn’t say he I don’t know if he did or didn’t but he say he’s the type of guy that’ll definitely call you a [ __ ] that’s what that’s what Glenn Davis Big Baby Davis said he said he he played with him two different times and

He’s that type of [ __ ] he said he’s not white he’s a red [ __ ] you know what I’m saying so um as far as my opinion on it look I like JJ reick um on television his opinions his takes I think sometime he’s um I don’t want to use the word too

Passionate but too like calm down [ __ ] you know what I’m saying I heard you know they make fun of him how he’s coaching seven uptight that’s the word exactly that’s the exact word I’m looking for and um it comes across on television you know he gets into arguments and you could telling set

Of you know when it’s cool when you have a debate and even when you get uh no like I said I don’t want to keep using emotional like me and you he may not be screaming and yelling you could tell he wants to scream and yell and he gets the

Attitude sometime um sometime as co-host but uptight pause is definitely a great word to use and it comes across on television um as far as him and LeBron I’m not sure um yeah that’s a weird combination I think I’m I’m not sure if LeBron because LeBron could have done a podcast with anybody in the world I don’t know if he chose him because he’s white and it brings you know you’re trying to go skip ba Multicultural

Exactly exact I’m not sure if that’s why he picked him or didn’t pick him but I actually call Rich Paul to get an opinion on how or or or his quote or how this podcast is going to be or not necessarily how it came about or how

It’s going to be and what rich said to me is this is for basketball sants with the highest IQ purely basketball um you know guests like Greg papovich um Bob Meyers high IQ basketball this end and I guess they felt JJ reick had a high basketball IQ and this is the type

Of podcast going to be nothing outside of basketball and just High Intelligence High intelligent basketball and I don’t know it kind of shocked me because LeBron could pick anybody in the world and I’m not saying JJ reick isn’t worth that why didn’t he pick Chris Paul

That’s his buddy and and JJ reck IQ is not than Chris Paul that’s a great point it isn’t like JJ reic has Championship experience either that’s a great point now that if we sit here and think about it what’s the list of people that it could have been also what we have to

Realize is too just because you have high basketball IQ that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to come across the screen like that I’m not saying Chris Paul couldn’t do it but uh you got the best basketball IQ best football IQ soccer boxing whatever it is

If you don’t know to talk into a camera or talk to people or have uh you know um banter back and forth with your co-host then it’s not for everybody I’m not sure about it to be totally honest my personal opinion what would have been

Better is if he would have taken all of his brothers which is Carmelo LeBron Chris Paul and D way all on the same podcast that would have been magical right I what I would like like to say is just real quick is like I don’t know how you just Chang your

Opinion in like three minutes but when we first started it was great and now I said what I said and now his brother should do it I really don’t know how that went we talking about IQ basketball IQ yeah I know I’m just saying just adding more IQ that’s not a problem with

You can say whatever you want I’m just saying when the show started it was great now you need your brothers and the IQ but I have the I have the ability to change on a pivot I I believe you and the an audience knows that yeah and that’s and that’s a great ability

You know but the problem is I’m never stuck pause if if something is wrong the problem is I don’t know you sometime you don’t know which foot is your pivot cuz you pivoting your left then you go to your right foot you change your pivot tring exactly I’m exactly exactly

Kevin I’m glad you said it you know these days the young boys they got moves that they can spin and still be on the pivot yeah list Kyrie Ramadan re yeah so but um seriously it’s like um I just I just found where look we’ll see what happens I think that my opinion

Um he may have that Dynamic he may fill with the shop the barber shop joint he got you know what I’m saying um Emy award winning show uh he’s up there with mavick Carter which is his homeboy it’s a little more loose not just basketball

Or any you know he has Tom Brady up there the jiss up there and I think maybe he just wants to focus on basketball JJ reck we’ll see how it goes and no disrespect to JJ reick but I think it’s a lot of people that he could

Have picked and maybe he ran through that we have no idea of knowing he may have said these are the people I want to work with and now they’re down to JJ reic but we’ll see how it goes yeah and I wasn’t switching I was saying that you

Know when you talked about the list of people it could have been I just added three more names that it could have been it didn’t sound like it m sound like said what he should have done that right yeah but in context of the conversation in context of the

Conversation we were talking about how many other people could it have been so I said what he could have done is put these three people together you’re turnning should have the cuta but okay it’s fine that was the content that has the context that has the context but go

DJ my DJ go DJ that’s my DJ go go okay I will just add I think JJ reic makes perfect sense not so much for entertainment purposes I just think JJ reck is the safe answer you know if it’s going to stay into a box of specifically just basketball orientated news I just

Think that JJ reck is probably who he’s most comfortable chatting about with that stuff so to me it makes total sense and to have that passion with LeBron you know it’ll be a little bickering back and forth but I think that’s a good choice for him but some athletes have

Real quick and because I [ __ ] a murder and whatever yeah to be totally honest with you LeBron might have picked JJ reck because he know he could argue with him because JJ reick is I’m not saying he’s skip baess but you know he thinks he has a high

Basketball which he does and as you name some players too LeBron may be like but you didn’t do this yeah you know what I’m saying so he may have picked them for that sole reason so to both of you guys point it makes sense yeah thinking

Of that then he could have um used um Van Gundy Van Gundy would have been good yeah I like Jeff I like Jeff a lot yeah Jeff and he knows his basketball yeah y okay so some athletes have spoken up and said that they actually aren’t really feeling a new podcast coming Draymond

Green was one of those athletes who said he felt a kind of way about it he said I must say I’m a little upset that LeBron James is going on the podcast and he still hasn’t been on the Draymond Green show when it’s your own thing you kind

Of can’t say anything so I guess I’ll live with it for now thoughts on draymond’s remarks who gets LeBron James when they want them to just get LeBron James PA like you know what Draymond is saying is this a’t we clutch ain’t we clutch a we

Clutch did I not sign with y’all yeah did I sign with y’all [ __ ] cuz I thought we was keeping exactly what am I getting out of this clutch Sports situation yeah so Draymond and you know what I wish I knew that this the first time I’m hearing

That because I would have asked Rich Paul that you know what I’m saying yeah that was a good point it’s almost like being on Rock Nation and you can’t get diverse and that happens a lot yeah that happens a lot you go to rockn you get

That there a few [ __ ] thought they was going to get the over yeah yeah you still waiting it’s it’s a few [ __ ] up there that’s waiting for the whole ver they go to Rock Nation like yeah this come with a ho verse when you sign when you sign

You think you getting the verse and the verse never pans out you know and um you’re getting an airplane hat that’s what you’re getting yeah yeah you get you get one of one of these joint paper plane joints man paper plane joints and the ventage paer S

Dots um but far as Dre me Draymond is concerned look I know they’re good friends uh and draymond’s been doing this for a long time so uh longer than we have anyway um and I think Draymond was one of the first athletes that was like New Media New Media New Media and I

Think what’s going on now and is that the market and of course never for LeBron James I’m just saying in general is starting to get oversaturated and when I say that I really believe it’s our fault not paning ourself on the back or anything like

That a lot of people like oh camon Mason statting them [ __ ] up there killing they killing yo we could do that we could do that and I’m sitting there saying we’ve been in front of a camera for Going on 30 years you know what I’m saying before stat was born like

Where where look at me [ __ ] look look how I’m I’m glowing like Bruce Leroy [ __ ] I got the glow I’m supposed to be here you know what I’m saying I don’t even look my age [ __ ] look at me dead ass ladies a no disp gentlemen but pause

I I got the glow look at me my suit is immaculate I’m at this age my headline still intact the skin is I’m supposed to be it and I know what I’m talking about and I pop [ __ ] supposed to be here this is not for everybody you know what I’m saying just

Because you could go get a camera and a microphone that mean that doesn’t mean you could start doing whatever you want to do it’s crazy and then not just that it’s people who have podcast and it’s not no shame because we may know people that we cool and I’m not talking about

What I just said but it’s people that we knew with podcast and it’s no no slight to them or whatever cuz they they my [ __ ] and I’m not going to say names cuz they going to feel like I’m call them out because it’s not just them it’s

A lot of people it’s a lot of people who was just doing podcast who transition to doing sports [ __ ] now yeah you know what I’m saying and no shot to Gilly because he isn’t Gilly was talking about sports on his podcast I had guest athletes before us so I want to clear Gilly’s

Name up cool so but it’s besides Gilly it’s a bunch of other [ __ ] now that’s trying to do Sports and they be like it’s it looks whack it looks forced it looks like oh them [ __ ] getting the bag yo oh [ __ ] maybe we could yo you see basketball last

Night yo who yo [ __ ] was playing B it’s still basketball season right when the Super Bowl Super Bowl pass damn Super Bowl pass baseball like yo my [ __ ] y’all [ __ ] look like y’all forcing it and it looks crazy but as far as back to Draymond back to original

Topic draymond’s been doing this a long time he may I don’t know if he was joking at saying slight in or being funny I don’t know if was it a video or was it a text yeah was a video I would I would like to see the video maybe not

This second because wouldn’t when you see did you see the video yeah when you seen the video did it look like it was joking or he looked like he was serious I mean everybody jokes a little bit but Draymond when he said something he definitely meant what he said so you

Think he meant it yeah okay so yeah yeah he definitely meant it yeah so I I take as with that personal um opinion from stat he like yo my [ __ ] [ __ ] you going to start your own but I at the same time murder look and he feel like and he feels like

LeBron Jack is idea I’mma just go ahead and say it okay you feel like LeBron Jack is idea I’mma speak for you Draymond you feel like LeBron Jack your idea you told the [ __ ] what you was going to do in in all confidentiality you said this show is for Champions this

Is not the regular Sports show the whole idea and then you went on vacay with them remember that was your fault you went on vacation with him when it looked like you was going to be a free agent you told them some things y’all was playing around and then he doubled

Back stabbed you in the back but you know allegedly hypothetically figuratively figuratively but that’s what you’re mad about what you’re really mad about is that you told the [ __ ] your idea I remember you saying that that this show is for champions and I remember you saying that then he said okay we’re

Going to put a little spin on it is this pause this is going to be for the basketball sants that’s kind of put it that way yeah and and the thing about it is this we we had a conversation yesterday off camera about um finessing [ __ ] to get what

You you want pause yeah you know so Draymond and I don’t know this for a fact it may have been genuine it may have been to get him on the podcast or to get him to Golden State I’mma show up to the baby shower I’mma show up to the

Birthday I’mma show up to the picnic I’mma show up to the clutch Sports 15 anniversary whatever it is I’m showing up because I’m gonna get something out of this and nothing’s panned out yet remember he missed he missed the the Golden State game to go see LeBron break the

Record did he miss it or he wanted to he wanted to miss he was asking Steve Curtis so he felt like I’ve been keeping it real with you Braun and you ran with my idea and you didn’t show up for my show yeah and we supposed to be clutched we supposed to be

Clutched sounds like a rich Paul to fix this situation if it is one okay I mean maybe Draymond will be a guest soon we’ll see what happens hope so we love to be up here yeah okay so let’s talk some back basketball the Cavs beat the Pacers 108 to 103 do you guys

Feel like in general the Pacers fell off or are they still heavily on your radar or do you consider them a threat still um if you were to start with me on this on this particular topic of the Pacers I think they have completely fallen off like the I think from the day

That they traded what was the guy name Bruce Bruce Brown Bruce Brown yeah sometime when you when you remove that kind of grit off of your team it changes the dynamic of the team this may not be the person that’s scoring 40 but they add a toughness that that you need in

Order to win whenever you’re winning in in a postseason it’s going to be God play center play pause or is going to be great Wing Defenders people that can defend on a perimeter so when you remove a person like that it changes the whole dynamics of the team you may have people

That are scoring but they can’t stop nobody so in a lead that’s that’s overwritten with just High Point scorers you got to have some defense on the perimeter um yeah listen I think a lot of people and it’s a long season uh no in near at baseball but

It’s see the thing about people who love football and why football is the number one sport in America is poor the buildup every week you you get build you you have all week to see who you playing next week it’s a buildup youo and it’s only 17 games in the season so every

Week your town or your city or your state wherever you’re playing it’s like yeah we don’t got time to play to where during the season the NBA season is 82 games you go in a five game losing streak and still come play the next 10

Games and go nine and one and you have spurts and to me the pace were doing so well Until the End season tournament n Season tournament they was them [ __ ] uh uh holberton was pointing at the watch Dame Tom you know they was in first second third place so now they

In up playing and it’s a long season and right now I’m not mad at their team I’m not even mad at them getting the Bruce Brown they got SE yakum which is a good player as well M made a great point though they were doing better with Bruce

On the team but um have I lost faith in them yes oh I was about to say I hope you didn’t say no cuz I was GNA say I have I’ve lost all hope in them [ __ ] okay and the Sixers beat the heat 98 to 91 on Monday the Sixers obviously

Took the win but how do you guys feel about their performance without MB I it look like how do you say his name UB yeah Kelly yeah Kelly UB is come alive with this team you know pause he’s he’s been really playing like like he he really meant that thing he said about

James Harden he know he’s he got to back it up with points and he’s basically been doing what you say about James Harden I mean just the whole idea of you know he I think he married he married um or engaged to his ex-girlfriend so C what did he say about

Him he said some slick [ __ ] I don’t I’m asking oh no no I mean you know your action sometimes say stuff okay I know about I thought he said something behind this [ __ ] that’s why I was asking yeah you you take a [ __ ] girl and wife it

Yeah I mean that says a lot I just I didn’t I didn’t know if say something I didn’t know if it was something on top of that that’s why I was asking I was that’s what I me he he said that and then when they end up moving Daryl Mory

End up moving um James Harden out of there pause he know he had had to um perform cuz a lot went into this they moved him off the team you got his girl got to show up um not even being messy that’s just what what I see and with him getting 22

And 11 against this kind of Miami Heat team that is stacked at the position that he plays that makes the points more um more notable this is what I was telling you DLo when you’re playing at the Lakers it’s who do it against like if he gets 22 and 11 against Miami that

Got Jimmy Butler that got Triple J yeah Jimmy is out though and Tyler hero and dunan Robinson and Kevin Love they all out yes we have five players out so then this don’t count this the same thing this is the same thing well this look

And so to that point though is that look right now it’s it’s a game and a half between Philly Indiana and Miami to get that six seed right now Philadelphia is in the six seed Indiana and Miami’s in the playing but it’s all a game and a

Half away from each other not even a game and a half it’s a game away so Miami could get that 6 SE Indiana can get it and Philly has it now but it’s it’s 13 14 games left and [ __ ] is taking off this is yo this is not the time to [ __ ]

Take off now if [ __ ] is really hurt I dig it but for that many people to be out on the heat and this is playoff implication cool but then again this is the Miami Heat they get to the championship and from the play in so I’m not sitting there saying that’s what

They want it to be but when it’s you got 14 games left 13 games left and you’re in a one game situation to be in the playoffs I think whoever’s not uh injured should play hurt hurt you could play hurt if you’re injured you shouldn’t play but if you

Hurt you need to be on the floor um back to the Sixers though I’m really impressed on how they’re holding on without Jo lmb to be totally honest with you um you know Joe lmb has 70 points the season everybody knows that he’s the engine that makes the 76ers run uh T

Tyrese halber tyes Mai having Sensational season um Kelly UB is definitely contributing um I don’t really you know I don’t really [ __ ] with homeboy like that not in a bad way but I just don’t like the fact that um from Indiana no from the Sixers um what’s they they

Starting three the starting three guardin [ __ ] give me the starting five real quick that Tobias Harris thanks thanks PT Tobias harrris I I don’t like Tobi har this game because you’re the same height as Tatum you lightskinn like them you get paid where you need to step

Up you can’t be 68 67 69 in between that height just average player with that body por and that bill pors you have the same exact body and build pors as Jason Tatum and and you’re average and you’re average at best you should be more than average minimum bro you’re too tall and

Too athletic and is not translating because if you would step up at least to what Chris Middleton did the year that Milwaukee won the championship the 76s might be favored but year after year after year you don’t step up and that’s the key piece missing you got Joe lmb

There you got Tyrese Maxi who just came in yeah surpassing you as an allar yeah he had 310 and eight right I’m just talking about season Wise It’s just about it six seven season with the Sixers I I remember Jimmy Butler dissing dissing him because when Jimmy Butler

Was with the 76ers that year they didn’t want to pay him and they end up paying less for Ty I keep saying Tyrese for H Burton Tobias H Burton and when the Heat played uh the 76ers it’s some footage if y’all want to go check it out Jimmy

Butler bust his ass and he was walking to the locker room at the end of it Go on YouTube and check it out and he says H Burt I mean I keep saying halber Tobias Harris over me yeah Tobias Harris over me yes sound like Soulja Boy yeah

And exactly and walked off on the [ __ ] so at the end of the day uh I think he’s the weakest link and that’s what’s not getting the 76ers over the hump my personal opinion but as far as them as a team without Jo and beid I am Joel

Embiid I am very impressed yeah they’re averaging um 100 and 11 points every game so they getting a lot of baskets without him and honestly Kelly UB ended up being the biggest blessing for the Sixers because Tobias just has not been performing how we expected him to

Granted he’s injured right now but still like he’s been able to kind of step up and take over that spot because it’s really been Maxi and UB really together now that embiid is out as well but still a lot of excuses in my mind the thing

That I don’t like though cuz we know that Kyle Lowry is now with the Sixers he dropped six 16 points and I have never seen that man Drop That many points even in a Heat game in the past year or so so I think it’s crazy granted

I know that’s his old team but all of a sudden now you want to drop 16 when I ain’t never seen you drop more than six seven points like that’s crazy I don’t care talking about him being thick so he couldn’t get into the game they talking

About the [ __ ] was thick yeah they was fight for his manhood down there which is true and this you guys can search it up that is a very statement everybody has been getting on um him for being thick but I don’t care like now you want

To drop 16 if he remains consistent like that for the Sixers that’s dope but I just what happened to um what’s his name Buddy he bu doesn’t he play with the Sixers so yeah this is looking this is looking really interesting they got a good team yeah okay and then moving

Along to another game the Knicks beat the Warriors 119 to 112 they are the fourth seed on the East R now how do you guys feel about the Knicks in general cam are you ready to jump back on the New York B bandwagon you still letting the cart go

I’ll tell you one thing murder though I I tell you this man New York is pissed off with us up here they are they like what do we got to do to get some light on the show it is what it is we are in fourth place we beat go like they are

Sick of us not giv the Nick I tell you what they got to do you got to bring me a extra large K New York Nick jacket and then I’ll support the Knicks a ke New York Knicks jacket and an extra large that’s that that could be here tomorrow

You know Ronnie feed that’s my man the owner K that could be it tomorrow yeah they never supported me okay yeah I don’t support them I support who support me you work with ke you work with Ronnie I’m talking about the Knicks I’m talking about the Knicks K is good didn’t Nicks

Give you a Jersey oh yeah you’re right my Pivot is crazy Janet Jackson what have you done for me lately I forgot you know I’m from New York I’m forgetful you know yeah yeah he got a New York mix be Jersey and all that man I’m

Just no but I think the Nicks um this St to look like a good team but I’ve seen this before I I guess what I want to see is the Knicks go to the championship that’s what I want to see in my lifetime I want to see the Knicks cut the net

Down you know like like they won the championship I want to see champagne I want to see confetti in New York and is it’s it’s like tough love you know what I’m saying we’re rooting but we can’t root cuz you might let us down that’s what that’s really what you’re getting

From us will we want New York to win yes and will we want you to win before the net win yes especially win before Brooklyn at all costs but are you going to win is the question are you are you really or is this just another John

Stalks moment a a Chris Smith layup a Yuan finger roll is this one of those yeah look and I can’t say it any better what happens is y’all out there who accuse us of not showing the next part me let me get my [ __ ] right my blood [ __ ] pieace of not showing the

Next enough love is because we’ve been let down too many times Time After Time After Time we’re scorn yeah yeah we’re scorn with scorn being a Nick fan comes with high blood pressure it comes with anxiety it comes with anger it comes with beating your fist pores on the

Table it comes with a lot of [ __ ] being a New York Nick fan and when you get to a certain age you can’t let them disturb your piece like this that’s just you feel me p and [ __ ] disrespecting you from other cities you know what I’m saying yeah it’s it’s about protecting

My pieace at this particular age when it comes to the New York Knicks cuz they’ll have you frustrated you got to realize you know M and and some of these fans may be too young not the people that Nick fans that I know but yeah Ma made a

Great point it’s just another John stalk situation where they’re in the championship and lose they went to the championship again 2000 they lose not only that then you have these decades in between championships to where they don’t even get anywhere look I was I was hyped they had me at the Garden two

Years ago performing welcome welcome to New York all type of they loved it you know what I’m saying you got me in the garden my adrenaline running I got the the Diplomat New York Jersey on [ __ ] make it out the first round [ __ ] like it’s lit it’s

Lit Trey young put a stop to the [ __ ] Trey young walked right in the garden started bowing at half court all type of [ __ ] I can’t be I can’t deal with that I’m not gonna let myself get that hype again and I was on one I got it on my

Instagram if you go back two three years however long ago it was I’m on there screaming yelling to only be let down again so all you New York Nick fans who think we’re just not showing the Knicks some love this is we it’s painful pause we’ve been scoring but as far as the

Knicks are concerned this year they look spectacular look and that’s another thing with with the Nick you feel me Pete is that we keep settling for fourth and we excited it ain’t like the Nicks been in first place oh [ __ ] Ain’t Going to say nothing because they not

They in the playoff picture which is is great for New York’s the next organization why are we celebrating fourth you you you know this is what we’re used to is New York Nick fans like wo we fourth oh [ __ ] it ain’t like y’all been in first we are the mecca we’re the

Mecca [ __ ] the mecca don’t settle for fourth I’m mad at y’all [ __ ] for for for dealing with mediocracy yeah it’s like [ __ ] saying he’s number one on iTunes yeah like look you’re dealing with mediocracy and and I’m not and I have a problem with that I

Have a problem with that they call the garden the mecca how are we the mecca what are we the mecca of wringling brothers burnam and biley circus when they come to Garden when the Raiders when the Rangers is playing like yo we can’t be the mecca if we ain’t winning

50 years and not figuratively 50 years real 50 years 197 three this is 51 years I have not been alive to see the New York Knicks win a championship so stop acting like we don’t [ __ ] with them [ __ ] we’re tired we’re tired this is look I have friends died they never seen

The Knicks win they dead they never seen the Knicks win they never go you know what I’m saying [ __ ] don’t tap out before the next door you know what I’m saying like yo it’s crazy man so stop acting like we don’t [ __ ] with them it’s just building

Your hopes to let us down and we and I get that y’all [ __ ] is boyal and y’all gonna ride till the wheels fall off but the wheels done fell off a few times y’all [ __ ] riding on Spears you know what I’m saying and if y’all make it to

The chip to get some new tires I’ll be right there him is more scorn than I was n cuz [ __ ] be calling me murder you don’t even understand the [ __ ] y’all [ __ ] disrespectful y going to talk about the Knicks why you don’t say nothing about

The Knicks oh we in fourth and I’m like all right we going to talk about them [ __ ] but this is the point this is how bad the Nicks been doing over the years that we’re happy with fourth I said yo y’all the kind of [ __ ] we became yeah yeah yeah yeah yo

But y but [ __ ] is in the playoffs we not even in the player okay like yo my [ __ ] don’t act like we’re not rooting for them we just been let down too much too many times okay y’all we’re going to go a break when we return we will discuss the

Most impactful NBA free agent don’t go Anywhere she call this thing about Toxic four years and counting got you feeling like I op maybe I’m My Own problem bab she tired of here and I don’t know my stubborn and me won’t fall oh oh dealing with this thing called trust trust but she really thinking she want to be

Free why am I in this woman to be free welcome back now let’s get into our Underdog fantasy pcks of the day Tonight’s The Warriors will will play the Grizzlies Underdog fantasy has Steph Curry at five assists do you have them higher or lower mace um higher hey cam I

Think he could get 30 playing against time the Grizzlies who’s playing who oh Warriors versus the Grizzlies and what’s the points Steph is at five assists Steph better shoot that ball I’m gonna lower pa okay Draymond Green is at one and a half first quarter points do you have him higher or lower

Hi ha of course hey and jiren Jackson Jr is at 32 and a half points rebounds and assists do you have him higher or lower mace how many again 32 and a half points rebounds and assist lower lower okay download the underdog fantasy app and you can make

Your picks too so I know recently we were real quick stat before we get to the next topic what’s the [ __ ] they got rid of for um Brock pie they got rid of the quarterback it was yo lry who that [ __ ] they got rid of for Brock PR sent to Dallas oh Trey

Lance okay Trey Lance I ain’t want Trey Lance you know Underdog hit me up so K you read them [ __ ] good when stat wasn’t here man you know what I’m saying you may want you may sure you don’t want to be reading I said now that’s that thing

Man like yo you kind of you read them [ __ ] off how you figured I say y I’m this that this the [ __ ] I’m talking about this the Cera I’m talking about but ni hit me up he said yo you killed it you you sure you don’t want to do it

I said I ain’t going to trade Lance [ __ ] now you got now y’all being a little bit disrespectful I’m just telling you I got the call Cuz you know when you wasn’t there I did the little intro and all that so they was like I know they missed you but [ __ ] was

On I se it tell Nick yo Nick my [ __ ] Nick hit me up he said yo you killed that I said yeah yeah let’s the train land thing right now man I ain’t no I could be Brock but you going to let Trey stay where Trey need

To be just want to throw that out there man they definitely traded him he not even touch the Feld yeah yeah no no you ain’t never getting traded but you know Alex Smith had to S on the best when Colin Kaepernick came out man but I this

Sh thing baby I did PE it though I did peep you know okay so I know you’re talking about so Larry I know we were talking about the dicks WJ believes that Jaylen Brunson is the most impactful NBA free agent signing in the last decade aside from LeBron James and Kevin Durant do

You guys agree it’s a good question man listen what I’ll say is this I have to think about that I I seen this question before we started I didn’t want to actually do any homework I wanted to go off my memory and what what w did was he put a cap on

It when he said 10 years cuz I could go back further than 10 years to some free agents that made a difference and won championships about it so in the last 10 years he may be correct but it’s a bunch of people before 10 years that made a

Bigger impact what I will say is this watching Jaylen Brunson uh play Golden State the other night I liked his attitude the [ __ ] was FR [ __ ] had a little chip on his shoulder he was making shots holding it up after he finished looking at Golden State bench I

Said see that’s what New York needs New York want that attitude right there and I don’t think that RJ Barrett would have had it um Julius Randle He has it to a certain extent but not the frontting not the entertainment you know we we grew up and I know it’s

Legendary and so on and so forth but we actually was as kids watching Rucker Rucker Park games and when you’re good really good and you can entertain at the same time that means a lot and Jaylen Brunson not only is he killing scoring he’s very entertaining when you start

Looking at the bench and and talking [ __ ] to the other team or when you make you know he’s left-handed when you make a right-handed shot and you walk down the court just looking at your right hand frontting you know what I’m saying this what oh [ __ ] my right is crazy look

I grew up watching Master Rob fuchsia the dancing doie speedy this was skip the Malu Ali Mo and I know y’all may know my nashley y’all may not know a lot of these names I just name very good players but entertaining as well so when you can win and be entertaining

I think that’s amazing and he has a New York chip on his old shoulder he’s from the tri state area anyway so I think he gets it but as far as him being the best free agent in the last 10 years outside of LeBron James and Kevin

Durant um I’m not gonna say yes or no I would have to think about it but I’m not mad at W’s argument yeah I was I was thinking about Kawai but Kawai wasn’t a free agent when he went to um Toronto that was going to

Be my um come back pause for that he’s a free agent when he went to the Clippers though yeah and when he said most impactful that’s the only person I could think of that would give that statement a run for the money um or yeah or Kyrie Kyrie will be another one um

So it’s it’s definitely some other people but I see where he’s going with it because he’s doing so well now and and the reason why I say that is because when we look at Kyrie right Kyrie is is is doing the same numbers it just doesn’t feel the same for some reason

Because it’s happening in New York but Kyrie is doing the same thing Kyrie just hit a hit a gamewinner with the left hand is that entertaining Kyrie to me Kyrie’s the most entertaining and me and Larry had this conversation before about best player and most entertaining um so

When he says that about um Jaylen Brunson that would be absolutely false cuz Kyrie is the Best Entertainer but you know it’s okay to be an expert from before I’m an expert up today either that was my thing the most entertaining that was that was me that ain’t what w

Said he said the most impactful me personally I like a little entertainment with my [ __ ] I like when big strick come up the court and start waving to the crowd and and you know I I like all that [ __ ] that that’s entertaining to me but as far as

Impactful I think that has yet to be seen because this is the [ __ ] I’m talking about get the Knicks in fourth place damn that [ __ ] impactful yeah and it’s because it’s happening in New York because Dallas KY is doing the same the same exact thing the same exact thing and and winning

Games with the left hand that’s crazy I think that the reason why W man said that is opposed not disagreeing with your point with Kyrie is definitely is it happening in New York but Kyrie is not the number one option on the team Jaylen Brunson just came and snatched

The team away from whoever was there Julius Randle you cool this is my team now RJ Barry you gonna have to get the [ __ ] up out of here this my team now to where Kyrie is the second option and and that’s a terrific second option to have

But the new Jaylen Brunson this is his team as of right now the New York Knicks team is Jaylen brunson’s that’s what I think it’s like that no I I agree with that but the part I would disagree with is that for him to do that as the SE

Second option is even more impactful because I got to get my shot after he gets his shot so to say I’m the second option and I can get the same points you get that that makes it even more impactful cuz I’m you’re getting those shots and you’re the first option I’m

Doing this as the second option so as the first option I probably would double what you’re getting want to disagree with you Dallas could have kept Dallas could have kept Brunson they didn’t see it and not saying that and not saying that Kyrie isn’t a great option first option to have

But and I know they’re in two separate conferences but the Knicks are actually in a better seed than Dallas right now with Kyrie and with Luca and with with no Superstar on the Knicks the Knicks have no Superstar The Mavericks have two superstars so it’s a different between

Allstar and Superstar the Knicks in the fourth seed with no Superstar Dallas has two superstars that was a good point okay you don’t want to keep going let’s keep going do you have a re to that I actually do I actually do that was good when you look at it this

Way it’s not Dallas fault that they they put all the eggs in one basket and put all of their focus on guys who is going to be hurt I’m saying when you look at the team that Dallas got they really only have Luca and Luca takes all of the

Shots I’m I’m going to leave it alone I’m going come back to it I’m going let you in today you got the red on you threw the White Flag in man I have more of you if you want to keep hey that’s that’s part of that’s part of the laws

Of power you got to know when the when the um don’t exceed your victory yeah I thought you gonna pick it on both feet again I didn’t know what you going to do I didn’t know okay well to M’s last point do you have a closing statement to

Your statement that you just no I mean like you know um it’s it’s good you know two mils going back and forth but just realistically to be honest with you I didn’t think Dallas could have kept Jaylen Brunson they didn’t want to pay him and I was sitting there saying damn

I don’t know if he’s worth $10 million to where the Knicks gave him $110 million and a lot of people was like damn the Knicks got jerked the Knicks got jerked to where PA to right right now it’s looking like the [ __ ] got off cheat compared to what [ __ ] contracts

Is what is out here getting it looked like you may have got a discount because even in Dallas he was doing good but it’s back to the point that I’m saying now with Luca does he make his team better see Kyrie know how to get his

Like it’s one of them situations like I don’t really need nobody no help I’m here to play Team Basketball don’t get that [ __ ] up but if worse come to worse I know how to get mine to where Luca I’m I’ve been watching Dallas play the last month or so full games I think

I’ve seen about six seven Dallas games games and Lucas trusting people more I think he had a trust issue because he’s been so good so long he’s been a professional since he was 15 that he may come in but little [ __ ] like yeah y’all [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] over here B to

Where like now he’s trusting his teammates more and I used to be like that on certain teams all the time like you know I I didn’t trust [ __ ] you know I mean I didn’t I didn’t trust [ __ ] and it be like that yeah I think when it comes to

Brunson this is like his first year of of pretty much being a man so that’s why I really don’t um side with that view because it’s it’s easy to play when you’re the new hotness like but give it a year to where people focusing on him the assignment is to stop jayen Brunson

And then then I believe I’ll know more about who he is right now I can’t say that so you don’t think he’s on a scout report tomorrow when they no I think I think um it take time to figure people out like you’ll have a guard that’ll

Come out of Kentucky he’ be 6’5 they put him at the point guard he’s really not a point guard he goes crazy that first year the next year everybody is on them everybody is focusing on them then now the points change everything change because now we know you’re the person we

Had time to to put together a scheme it’s not the same is on the Fly we play y next week I totally disagree this is professional athletes they need to be ready on the Fly Like You The Scouting Report says Jaylen Brunson if I’m if and not saying the Knicks don’t have other

Players and they’ve been Sensational since OG been there from Toronto but if I’m and listen you know who said it the other day like Tariq Evans you know people like that that came out and they was smoking and then the next year everybody focused on you like okay

You’re the man now we’re GNA treat you like the man like you when you would say certain people when it was football season you want the focus on you now the focus on you and now it turns into something different I I really can’t say

Until I see jayen brussen do this in the playoffs against um Milwaukee against you know Miami there’s a lot of things that he still has to prove to me he don’t have my approval but I understand he has your approval I’m just saying it ain’t about my approval the question was what wo

Asked it isn’t about my approval it’s about what I’m watching and seeing Mike Brown when they played Sacramento the other night Mike Brown said we threw we didn’t throw this many double teams at the player besides this whole season except for Steph Curry we blitzed him we

Double teamed them we did everything we could possibly do and y’all can Google it Mike Brown’s comments after the game with Sacramento played the Knicks maybe about four or five nights ago he said we did not we have not blitzed the player this much since Steph Curry and we could

Do nothing nothing with him he said he’s a awesome Sensational outstanding player they counted the number of times of compliments they gave him in the um actual press conference they said 15 times Mike Brown is just going Jaylen Brunson crazy because they said whether it’s dearon Fox whether it’s monk

Whoever else they couldn’t do nothing with him and I think that Sacramento team Sacramento Kings have some good guards so um we’ll see but you’re right we’ll Happ to see what he does in the plays but looking at his attitude and how he been acting lately uh it’ll be a

Good test but I like what he’s doing so far yeah and me too I do like what he’s doing I’m just trying to keep keep keep everybody understanding what’s really at stake because you got McBride who had 29 as well and we don’t know who he is is

Is sometimes it happens know who he is I’m I’m just saying he’s not you can’t say we okay well McBride is not intended to get 29 for the Knicks and as time go on I’m going to go on the record and say McBride will not be getting 29 I’m going

To go on the record and say so yall got the record that Brunson will not get them to the East Coast Conference Finals whoever said that though that wasn’t the question impact means wins my impact doesn’t mean just points the impact you’re turning the question on what you

Want to see to make it seem like you’re right no I’m just saying if said he’s the most impactful the person he the person he comparing them to is LeBron LeBron won he’s comparing them to Kevin Durant Kevin Durant Kevin Durant won so if you’re going to say

He’s the most impactful player since these people all the people you’re comparing them to want and I’m saying he’s not going to win that’s a great Point who would you put after Kevin Durant LeBron James um probably like Kawai Kawai was one of those people I just said Kawai though yeah yeah you

Went to the Clippers that’s a good one yeah I can list I just curious I can list a couple other names and tell me if you would put Jayson above or below okay Al Horford yes above that he’s definitely above half Harford he’s doing an exceptional job I’m just saying my my

Um my my vantage point is a little higher yeah I’m just going to name just a couple of the big names that people name Gordon Hayward definitely higher than Gordon hawood Demar de rozan higher than that okay so like those were oh Dwight Howard Rock what about what about uh I know he

Signed an extension pause but he’s eligible to be a free agent what would you say about Jaylen Brown I I don’t have him over jayen Brown me personally I don’t cuz my preference is who’s going to help us to win the game not you look good and we lose you

Look good and we win that’s what it boils down to it cuz that’s why we’re playing we’re playing to win and then just one more in here Ka Leonard 2019 with the Clippers that’s what I was saying so you would just okay I just wanted to throw some names out

There so people are falling because the basically the argument was most impactful free agent in the past 10 years so you just feel like there’s some from your Vantage Point Kawai didn’t win yet neither yeah you’re right you’re right I’m about the winners yeah they so so you got Kawai over him

Now cuz Kawai is a formal winner no cuz right now we the Clippers Clippers like to leave in Forth yeah and forth to so if they’re both at Fourth is a tie then you get to choose which one is your preference gotcha good try though Kaleb I’m I’m not trying anything when people

Watch this they going to be like MERS just SP that was actually really good you don’t even know I put I did one of you a even realize what I did I did one of these joints poison and it should just be spinning that’s what you was

Just doing the whole time you didn’t even know you was in it you was in the he was on a ferris wheel just they’re not going to win we already know that that was never the topic it was never the impact the impact is no I get what you’re saying you’re making it

To and I’m not saying that’s wrong your definition of impact is saying if you’re not impactful if you don’t want a championship that’s why I said people got different Vantage points my my vantage point of impact is not being a [ __ ] in the room it’s being the [ __ ]

In the room hear that fly not one of the [ __ ] I’m the [ __ ] that’s what you coming that’s what we go by as Harlem when you had the pink fur on you wasn’t one of the [ __ ] right you was the [ __ ] right so if the if the

Nicks walk in this room who the [ __ ] they ain’t them [ __ ] I’m just asking if if the Nicks come in the room who’s the [ __ ] who’s gonna be the [ __ ] from the next you get what I’m saying you know exactly what I’m saying like when he comes in if him and Maxi is

There it’s not he’s not 100% sent the [ __ ] he’s still it’s still up in the air if it’s if it’s him and Daman Lilia it’s still up in the air I’mma Be honest with you and that’s not a bad argument with you saying but since Allstar break

I think he’s been the best point guard in the league in the east at least in the east at least at least but a lot of people when we been we were so quick to Badger Doc Rivers um because how poorly the Bucks played before Allstar break

They’re getting a lot of sneaky wins they’re in a good position Damen Lillet is playing much better um I’m not mad at I’m not mad at the Bucks and Damian Lil going and um and um and uh Giannis and them right now to be totally honest with you the duck bucks [Laughter] yeah

Okay so we started slightly talking about entertaining player so Anthony Edwards had an insane dunk on John Collins and dislocated his finger while doing so how do you guys feel about his performance as of lately and then what did you guys think about the dunk well I actually I actually really

Appreciate the the mindset that Anthony EV Edward come to the game with because he’s he’s reestablishing that that that um mindset that we used to see in the likes of Barkley in the likes of um Jordan and the likes of just all of the great um Kobe people that really um

Competed on the highest level and wanted to dominate pause their position that’s what I really appreciate from from him and it seemed like he’s taking your advice killer about the sneakers one time he did something I was like oh [ __ ] is listening to us so I I really

En enjoy that and I I really do like the way p perceive the game and approach the game from the aspect I’m trying to be that much better than everybody else yeah uh yeah I think that Ant-Man is looking like my opinion is he like yo this leag

Kind of for the taking right now it’s up in the air who gonna be that [ __ ] [ __ ] in this league that’s what I’m talking about right he’s like yo I think he thinks it’s in the air like look Steph is getting older KD’s getting older LeBron’s getting older it’s you

Know you got John Morant who’s keeps getting in trouble uh Jason Tatum he could have did it but he might just be a little little act too lightskinned Jaylen Brown I don’t know Ant-Man got that this [ __ ] is for the taken and I’m coming to take it not just on offense on defense

Too you know he missed a free throw a few games ago I think about talked about on one of the shows and they were down they were actually up one or two points and he missed the free throw with like six seconds left they got the rebound came

Down and not a game-winning shot he had a game-winning block where he almost hit his head on the backboard and I was like yo that’s effort that’s tenacity that’s who wants it and we was talking about this dunk this that was talking about me and church was

Talking about it and church was like yo I don’t know if he could be the face of the league cuz he a little too rugged after the when Ant-Man went back and looked at the video he said oh [ __ ] too little [ __ ] out of here church was like I don’t know if

Adam Sila having all that but I’m sitting there saying Adam Sila one of them [ __ ] though Adam Sil a David Stern yeah he letting them rock yeah Adam Silva may have the have the mindset of take the word [ __ ] out of it calm it down and taste but keep that

Attitude because at the end of the day where we’re at now is too Kumbaya it’s too cool and who’s going to be the face of the league if we keep hugging and kissing PA and and trading jerseys and and holding hand like yo my [ __ ]

Who’s going to be the real face you know I’m looking at at uh a [ __ ] like Shai as well sh sh however you want to pronounce it because his numbers are stupendous man his numbers are real stupendous he’s playing in a small market so it’s not standing

Out like everybody else is but look you got to realize OKC went to a championship before with uh James Harton y Russell Westbrook Kevin Durant so it isn’t like they they aren’t familiar to playoff basketball or even championship basketball they didn’t win but [ __ ] as a face of the league my personal opinion

Is that Adam Silva would rather have and I don’t know this for a fact just my personal opinion an American be the face of the league rather than somebody who’s not because to me even though you could get more eyeballs from around the world watching uh it’s going to look like we

Lost control and we might have as American that’s true we might have just lost control my [ __ ] you got you got Luka you got the Joker you got sha who’s not even he’s Canadian you get what I’m saying like yo if we thinking about Americans that we we may have the face

Of the league outside of Ant-Man who do we H murder yeah I’m asking yeah it’s not a rhetorical I’m really asking outside of Ant-Man for It’s Just J and can we count on J to be the face of the league right so I think if we going that would

Be a crazy back court in the in the Olympics though giant Ant-Man crazy crazy so I mean you can sit there imagine imagine when you’re doing an advertisement for next season for the NBA and the posters and the commercials and so forth and you got the middle

Person pa uh the Joker the person on the left Luca and the person on the right Giannis what does that say about American basketball if those three are on the poster for next season I’m just giving an example yeah that that they have taken over the NBA the world caught

Up okay and then last question before we wrap Orlando’s Anthony black and Toronto’s Grady dick did a jersey Swap and after it hit a million views on the Orlando Magic social on Twitter they deleted it so how do you guys feel about the viral Jersey Swap and then just the

Turn that Sports social media has taken in the past couple of years that [ __ ] just trolling at the highest level my [ __ ] you can see it in the picture they were trolling yeah they first of all it could have been and I like I said I don’t know black like that

But it seemed like this was well planned out before the game even started yo I know we going to do it the end we going to trade jerseys because even with way they were standing they could have SW you know what I’m saying this was they was trolling at the highest level and

That’s what we in the society that we in my thing is this why take it down pause you know what because if that’s really their nice names what can you do about it what can you do about it you know you got to think about homeboy um dick PA whatever what’s

His first name I don’t even yeah that sounds crazy sound crazy it might be overrule on the POR for that yeah you going to overrule me America and a worldwide over but Grady you got to think about when I was getting to is the backlash he had to deal with growing

Up yeah yo dick Shut up dick don’t call me that that’s your name right shut up dick ass [ __ ] you know what I’m saying you got to think about what he grew up with to where now I guess he’s embracing it po personally when I got 20 21 and I

Could change my last name I would have cuz I ain’t got time for it what would you change his name too could have went Phillips could have went Williams yeah he’s white know you could have changed that [ __ ] to mad [ __ ] you could have if you wanted to you could

Have went Shapiro n would have might have booked you foru case yeah Shapiro is a prominent if you come to court and your lawyer name Shapiro you trying to win yeah defin came in here with a Shapiro man don’t don’t look good [ __ ] [ __ ] when you come to court with a Shapiro

[ __ ] you might go home [ __ ] you might go home great points well that’s all the time we have for today thanks for watching and as always it is what it Is

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  1. He should've gtf out that office realistically when he had the chance & now he regret that ish period

  2. Stop interrupting statt when she gives her takes shit is mad disrespectful to a women her opinion for the youth is vital for us young people

  3. Brunson 28/4/7 kyrie 25/5/5 but kyrie is a superstar and Brunson isn’t? He’s also winning without randle OG and Robinson… btw I’m a Brooklyn fan saying this

  4. 50:28 @Mase this is Jalem Brunson 2nd yr being the man and he's doing helluva job and 2 he's on every teams scouting report and with all the blitzes and doubles teams that they throw at him and he still cooks em idk Mase seems to me like you don't be watching Knicks games how yall feel about that Cam & Stat??

  5. So don’t talk about the Knicks who’s in 4th… But speak on the Lakers and Suns who’s in the play in rn??? Fix it cause y’all sound crazy

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