@Milwaukee Bucks

Brooklyn NETS @ Milwaukee BUCKS Live PLAY-BY-PLAY (NBA Season 23/24)

Brooklyn NETS @ Milwaukee BUCKS Live PLAY-BY-PLAY (NBA Season 23/24)

E e e all right we are back welcome to the next watch along it is game number 70 um and it is the Net’s taking on the Milwaukee Buck and uh this is going to be well a cracking game if you’re a Milwaukee supporter because I

Think you go into this one with pretty high hopes you’ll win um From manette’s perspective um they probably are just holding out for the season to end to be completely honest um at least I know that’s the sort of mentality that I’m taking um the Nets lost the other day

Um yeah the n lost the other day um to the New Orleans Pelicans um they lost pretty convincingly I mean the game was done and dusted by the third quarter um Danny welcome to the stream Miracle tree welcome as well um yeah it it was a pretty comprehensive victory in the end

Um for the New Orleans Pelicans I mean it wasn’t it wasn’t really our defense cuz only she shipped off the 104 points in the second half the Pelican sort of slowed up on offense but it was the first half where the damage was really done and um we were down 20 and chasing

Tail yet again um Chris Middleton is out for Milwaukee he did play Yesterday um but he’s just coming back off injury so um they’ve brought jannis back in after a two game absence for Middleton out so Beasley Lillard jannis Crowder and Lopez starting if you’re wondering why the hell these caricatures

Are these caricatures are um here um NBA paint the Twitter account U is responsible for the bucks um art I believe for this starting lineup presentation um the Nets are missing Dory and finy Smith today so cam Johnson’s getting the start and I’m not looking forward to that because he’s just

Not tall enough he’s just not Um and Mel’s a twig as well he can’t box out um so yeah basically it’s a great recipe to concede 15 offensive rebounds and lose the game ultimately so we’ll see how we go um but yeah this is going to be a well really I I just look at

These games I mean the last 10 games are pretty empty for the Nets I mean we’ve lost six of our last seven games um would the Nets still lose to the bucks if they were stick figures you know what they probably probably would um it seems

Like the Nets can’t beat anyone at the moment um they probably couldn’t even beat a pack of kindergarteners honestly they probably play better team basketball than this team or probably more capable of making shots um which is something the team just continu continuously does not know

Um not know how to do um speaking of which I’m sort of sick and tired of that happening so Nets game um or we’re going to be missing the next three Nets games two of them I can’t get to well all three I can’t get to but one of them is

On one of my off days but it’s at 4:00 a.m. so I can’t get to it um so instead I’m going to do maybe one or two neutral games over the weekend um wow the Wizards tra or LED 5 minutes ago by 19 they’re now all tied up

Um yeah so we’re going to do a couple neutral games over the weekend hopefully um the first one is tomorrow and we’re going to be covering Cleveland Minnesota that is going to be a cracking game even though Mitchell is out go and Town’s out for the timber wolves um but still some

Pretty good players taking to the court so um if you want to tune in for that make sure to do so um but yeah that’s basically the plan because I’m just I I want to be able to enjoy a little bit of basketball in the back end of the season when it’s

Supposed to be heating up actually so um yeah I’m I’m sort of interested to see what sort of performance we get from those two teams tomorrow because they are fighting for spots um yeah but um yeah it’s going to be for sure very interesting to see what

Sort of Nets version we get today um cam Thomas is at a cracking period of form um he is currently uh since he was his returned on the 9th of March um he’s got a plus 8 net rating and Mel Bridges has a -10 he is

Not well in 14 games since the allstar break he has not shot more than 45% um in 12 of the 14 games and that’s probably why the uh record very much correlates with those two games um where he did perform so yeah I think it’s pretty clear like yeah it’s it’s ridiculous I

Mean there’s something called DPM and I don’t exactly know what it means but um Mel Bridges cam Johnson Nick Claxton and Dorian finny Smith their value has gone like it’s taken a steep dive um it’s yeah it’s pretty shocking um but you know um at least cam Thomas is is

Showing something blow out2 125 maybe um yeah I I’m interested to I’m just I’m just interested to see because they they talk about the same [ __ ] post game every game apparently they had a players only meeting they still lose games um because they can’t make

Shots I I mean it’s very much it’s it’s it’s just going to be a matter of whether the Team rocks up or not which they just have not done more often than not um Noah clown is been called up to the uh first team which is good because

He’s been balling out in the G league so look I want to see some minutes with him in the game honestly like some meaningful NBA minutes cuz when he’s played he has not been that bad I think there was minutes against Minnesota he played um when we played them away from

Home I think um just some really good sort of opportunities um I hope one of those situations arises today where he plays I don’t know why why we hold him out this game’s about to get underway and it’s won by the Nets in the jump ball and here we

Go so Thomas Johnson Bridges shrewder Claxton and then for the bucks Lillard yanis Beasley Lopez Crowder ridges open three in the corner it’s off so so you know what that’s just an indicator that he’s not not going to play well one shot in and I have no optimism

Whatsoever Dame good screen by yanis open three Dame it rims out the board by CT and 11 and a half to play two possessions elapsed and Thomas with possession here he’s going to get into the paint he’s going to bump bodies and score in the mid-range first points on

The board for the Nets two nothing so I did watch this Bucks team last week they they played Philly had a slow start where the [ __ ] is Dame throwing that he’s throwing it about 4ot above janis’s head and he’s tall enough already y so that just goes to show how far off the

Mark that pass was by Dame so Dame has already turned the ball over and missed a shot so Nets can start well here with a couple of early buckets here’s Thomas guarded by Easley and now the pass out to schrudder jab step Thomas pump fake gets through Runner and he scores over

Lopez for two a 4 nothing Nets cam Thomas the only player to have scored Janis muscles his way to the basket and it looks like plaxton may have that assignment well no [ __ ] because who else do we have Cam Johnson Bridges shuder ice scen bounce past to CL on the

Roll and he wasn’t fouled and yanis got the block and now he’s going to run the break Crowder is open in the corner that is a terrible bit of Defense by maau just allowed Crowder to bypass and it was a regulation floater for him for all ice scen and switch Lopez guarding

Johnson Thomas now picked up by Lillard six the shoot start a step step back three it’s off and the board by jannis who protects the landing space well Dame yanis the drive the spin the layup the score plus one that is so incredibly tough to stop he’s an absolute wrecking ball honestly

Like even for the agility or the um should I say mobility of Claxton he wasn’t able to keep up there like that spin move was pretty [ __ ] damaging if I’m being honest are you willing to say it wasn’t JB now well it was cuz he was dog water but

That’s I I never disputed that I mean I said JV was one of the first pieces of the puzzle that needed to fall but there’s so many other things within the organization that you know need to be held to account it’s not enough yeah like there’s so many more

Things on top that need to be addressed in the off seon with every game we play the only optimistic thing about it is we get one step closer to the yeah we get one step closer to the potential changes that could be made the potential you know organization altering moves that could

Be made truder step back three I mean that’s just really [ __ ] offense we didn’t even test test the paint once the Bucks have scored seven in a row and then jannis throws it away so 74 couple of turnovers early for Milwaukee and the Nets the Nets Trail by three early going

They scored the first two baskets through cam Thomas but no one else really wants to make a shot here’s Thomas lob blackon had to grab it and bring it down so he has to roll it back out of Cam Johnson and now the switch Johnson step back two mate that is just

A terrible shot again the shot selection is so [ __ ] crowed to Lopez the three is off the board by Bridges I don’t know why I’m so far behind the broadcast at the moment I’ll leaving things out at the timeout Claxton shudder into the paint lob great feed open man was Claxton as Lopez

Rolled across it was an easy uncontested Jam for Claxton Janis in the corner picked up by Claxton going to take it inside spin move step back two it’s off hits the front of the rim and now the Nets down one 4 minutes gone first quarter shudder

Will be guarded by Jay Crowder and now Thomas picked up by Dame gets inside there’s the foul and we’re going to get free throws here for cam Thomas and this is a great opportunity for me to even things up ham Thomas makes both and the bucks now Trail by

One Janis in the middle the Net’s playing a bit of Zone but what sort of zone is it when you’re leaving Dame wide open he did not shoot the three though he’s got it here that being said they got four to shoot and cam Thomas is guarding oneon-one Dame

Takes it inside the body bump didn’t get the bounce couldn’t get the rebound then it bobbled out and then ‘s got the ball Johnson to the trailer which is shudder will swing it Cross Court to Johnson who’s ready to fire and that’s off as well what the [ __ ] is the point of

Having these guys on the court if they make their shots so many open looks already in this game great fine to Brook Lopez under the basket who threw it down with one hand over Claxton who was late on the rotation it was a good little pass to

The roller there Bridges to the corner for Johnson shudder it was knocked Away by Jay Crowder who cut it off and we’re going to get our first time out of the game and the Nets are down 9 to8 it’s been a pretty sort of offensively lacking first

Quarter I honestly don’t know how you summon the strength they keep doing these streams it just uh for some reason this team keeps drawing me back I think it’s just out of habit at this point so yeah I honestly couldn’t give you an answer to that question to be quite

Honest um but the Nets have started H giving away a few easy ones but I mean we’re getting a few stops early problem is you got cam Johnson in the starting lineup as a replacement and if you’re going to play small ball four he’s got to be able to make his shots

And he said quite a few open looks early and it’s just been absolute [ __ ] three shots two misses or all three misses we’re three of 10 haven’t made a three the only real good player out of that mix is Cam Thomas who’s two of three and I put

Him in the spotlight because quite frankly I don’t think think I don’t really think anyone else is worthy of getting in the spotlight in the spotlight at this point of the season because they can’t do well really anything um shud has made two dimes early which is nice I guess um and then

For the bana’s got five two boards one dime a couple of turnovers for the bucks early on um they are shooting four of nine so they lead off the back of well having an extra field goal made with one less free through that’s basically it there’s not much to really separate this

Team early on but I thought it’ be well a decent idea to keep you guys aware of who scored the buckets early um I really don’t know why the game is a little bit laggy this morning like it’s it’s doing a little bit of buffering which is a bit frustrating

So cam Thomas in the last six games per the Yes Network feed 20 points in the last six games in each of the last six games for CT he’s averaging 262 points five boards three dimes and he’s shooting the three ball at 40 half% which is a cracking percentage it’s a

Pity that no other net knows how to really play play basketball in that time um Mel Bridges is the starting point of all this we simply cannot win games because this vog cannot make shots it’s just here he is on Q let’s see what

He can do but I don’t have any faith he passes it off to shudder who drives and puts one up did not get the whistle and the Bucks can really push the pace here it’s a 5 on four Beasley what is Cam Thomas doing in the middle of the park

Not picking his man up they do miss the shot though so the Bucks have let us off early despite our pretty poor start offensively Johnson’s open for another three if he can’t miss or if he can’t hit I was going to absolutely slate him for it but he heard my call and he

Scored the bucket that’s his first make of the game on his third attempt from downtown it’s Lopez on the outside to J Crowder picked up by Thomas and now Dame open Lane here for the bucks they don’t have anyone inside now Lopez goes there Dame will fling it across Court to

Beasley who shoots over Bridges it’s off the board by cam Johnson the Nets will push the pace again but the Bucks are well held up and they get in front Thomas pulls up for three and that rims out poris is in the game with jannis having gone to the bench on the previous

Timeout poris to the corner for Beasley again that’s too easy I don’t know what cam Thomas is thinking there yet again allowing one pass now we an open shot one pass away Noah Clown’s on the bench oh my goodness we’re getting early Clowny minutes blackton pump fake it was fouled

By Lopez and we’re getting free throws for Nick Claxton but Clowney is checking in and we were calling for some Clowney minutes and I think with the finny Smith absence Jaylen Wilson hasn’t really played recently I love this by Kevin Ole and and it’s AB absolutely criminal that he

Has not gotten much run this season um so free throw for clar first one rims out clown is going to check in for well first dsj is going to check in and I believe he’s going to send shudder to the bench cam Thomas is going to the bench and

Clowney is still on the side I don’t know what he’s doing looks like Shuda hasn’t gone to the bench yet which is a bit of a dumb idea considering cam Thomas has been our only offensive Source really early on La at the free throw line missed the

First one and he’s got a fair bit of [ __ ] to deal with behind the basket but he scores the second Pat conon is into the game for the bucks we have had seven minutes of laps in this opening quarter and the game is tied at 12 conon Dame up

Is good I don’t know why CLX didn’t even try contest that cuz he probably has a nailed on block if he doesn’t foul bucks up two Shuda Drive kick out that is just the cam Thomas list minutes are going to be just absolutely wful tell you what Mel Bridges just he just looks

So horrible on defense like he looks like he’s giving up on half the possessions bro just lets him bypass so easily Dame Clown’s in the game and he’s guarding Dame first assignment Lopez guarded by Johnson we’re playing Clowney at the five I [ __ ] hate this he’s just going to they’re just going to

Cook they’re going to kill here dayon on the bench I think he’s fit it’s interesting they brought Clowny and first he’s just like this team is too lanky it’s not big enough Bridges the fade away too is short again I say that even though he’s only

Taken two shots but bro cannot make a basket recently he shot all right from three last game but you need I I honestly would love to see what would happen if you had dayron in the game with Clowney great defense by Clowney Dame lost it got it back and

Scored nothing you can do about that from a Clowny perspective it looks like we’re getting a timeout at the 338 Mark Clowny is a gun but I’m like the issue with Dron is him playing drop coverage now he if he’s guarding Lopez on the outside Lopez is pretty

Slow like a slow mover so you have dayon on the outside guarding him but then you have Clowny Manning the middle against a potentially smaller player or like a A poris or a I don’t know Pat conon or something I don’t know just try something different because like the

Amount of times we try to cookie cut these slim built centers into centers or slim built power forwards into centers is ridiculous I mean granted Claxton was a center out of college but you know you probably probably had a bit of potential playing him at the four but

We’ve tried to play him at the five and it’s probably not the most ideal sort of situation I just want to see some clax and Clowny minutes like we saw CLA be an absolute defensive monster when um he had good defensive plays around him I want to see Claxton and Clowney at some

Point in the back end of this season getting a bit of run together and and today is a great excuse for that like play Deon Off the Bench or something and then when you need to bring Claxton back in bring Clowney in with him that’s just

My personal take on this all um the timeouts being called though the Nets struggling as per usual offensively um we’re just a bit fortunate the Bucks haven’t made their shots early cuz I’ll tell you what this game’s going to get this game’s going to get pretty ugly if

If if this is just a sign of what we’re going to see for the rest of the game cuz right now no one can [ __ ] buy bucket at the moment um I won’t show the box score until quarter time we’re sort of closing in on that

Um but like it’s as soon as cam Thomas goes to the bench um the Nets are four or 14 from the field amazingly only down six having conceded well an opponent field goal percentage of 53% they one or six from Deep um have looked after the basketball but 12

Points in the in the paint to the box to our four that’s a problem so bro what are we doing so I’ve just heard on the broadcast Dorian fin Smith got an injection in his ankle if his ankle’s not good don’t rush him back the season is

Done I’d rather see Clowny Play It’s actually an excuse to Ure that do doesn’t play the rest of the year and lower his trade value dsj the wraparound pass was well read by poris who had rolled over from the corner here is poris now it this is just one of the shittest

Lineups I’ve ever seen Lopez and poris are both oh no we’re got to box out thank you Lonnie bis is down it’s a five on four if you can’t capitalize here it’s a travesty and Mel can’t make a [ __ ] shot but Clowney battered it back out and recycle The Possession for the

Nets dsj was open top of the key for moments Walker in the corner Rises up and misses another Clank Pat Bev is in the game kicks it back out to Dame and now Lopez back to Dame back to Lopez in the middle now shoots of one leg and scores

For two that’s something out of the the book from his Nets playing days a shot that you would see more so than not with him in that time the the Bucks have gone on on an 111 run and it’s no coincidence it’s come when Thomas has gone off Bridges finally gets a bucket

To go and it was off the back of a Patrick Beverly block which fortuitously landed in the lap of Mel Bridges he scored the wide open two in the mid-range that’s his first point of the game the net only of 14 pis in the mid-range that’s good as well

Walker now Johnson on the outside Bridges High screen Clowney lob Clowney the completion of the play first two points of the game bro Clowney has not done anything wrong in these first few minutes yet he will not get minutes for the rest of the year it’s an absolute

Joke how we handle this yet again Dame has been caught up in in a Clowny contest bridges for three in transition hits and have converted defense to offense in the last couple of possessions which is nice to see and it’s Clowney again this is just rubbish the way we’ve managed Clowny this

Season especially when the The Season’s really been gone for the last 20 or so games Clowney on the outside now guarding Damen Lillard for the third possession and then forces a turnover the pass is Wayward the net of the numbers lob Clowny that’s a terrible pass what the [ __ ] dsj

Had open numbers on the wing he just had the swing it to cam Johnson who was wide open instead he threw up an absolutely egregious lob attempt so 22 to9 we’re inside the final minute of the first quarter and uh fair to say the Dame’s been locked up early

On Mel’s got five points now and the three rebounds but I much rather he has a better defensive showing than anything he’s guarding pat conon on the outside now screen by jannis who’s in Kick Out knocked Away by Walker Con in the drive the layup oh my

God didn’t get the angle but CLA tried to get across to block the shot instead didn’t get the balance right and he’s just allowed Janis to easily put it back up and in this is what I don’t I don’t get send Johnson to the bench and play

Clany at the four it doesn’t make sense Mel just lost the ball and it’s going the other way the 24 to9 we in the final sequence of the first quarter bucks up five they’ve led by no more than eight conon the drive the pass to Janis and he gets the score to

Go 4 seconds to play what can the Nets do here they give it to Mel Bridges and he pulls up from way downtown that is just terrible out here but um I don’t really know what cam Johnson is doing playing the entire first quarter just doesn’t seem necessary but

That is quarter time Nets are down by seven um and yet again their offense is basically the main Pioneer of their woes um 26 to9 is the score line thus far in the game and uh well nine points for Jana 6 points Lopez Dames had a few troubles

He’s already had the couple turnovers um he does have the three dimes but he’s been clamped on numerous occasions there by Noah Clowney the Bucks are shooting very very well turn the ball over a few times they’ve only made the 1 three but it doesn’t matter when you’re shooting

52% from the field and you’re holding your opponents um to 19 points you’re going to be in frontmost games um we’ve seen six from cam Thomas we’ve seen five from Mel Bridges and cam Thomas Thomas’s or Cam Johnson’s got three as well but there’s really not too much to talk

About here the Nets are shooting like absolute dog water um and they they’ve turned the ball over more so it’s actually a bit of a miracle with the way they’ve shot the ball um that they’re only down seven um but I guess it’s a it’s a plus that players like Noah

Clowney even though there’s no blocks or steals he’s done a pretty good job when he’s had to guard some decent offensive Talent in Dame for example so yeah if you are enjoying make sure to drop a like on it and uh subscribe as well if you are new we’ll be back next

Week for Nets Bulls um and then in between them we’re doing some neutral games um or one or two neutral games we’re probably going to be doing Nets versus the um or not the Nets we’re going to be doing the Cavs versus the Timberwolves I think tomorrow so if that’s something

That interests you you’re more than welcome to tune in then as well um okay all righty second quarter of action about to get underway Nets are down seven and cam Thomas is back in blackton is also in do this is what I don’t get who are we playing at the four Watford rather

Have rather have Clowny at the four doesn’t really make sense Clowny had some great minutes off the bench we play him for four minutes bro oh Cam Thomas allowing offensive rebounds wats new and the Bucks missed the three blackton gets the rebound and gives it to cam Thomas

So a couple of Misses early for the bucks here in the second cam Thomas the bounce pass to Walker in the middle who has open space went behind the back it was too Saucy for dsj who’s fumbled a couple of passes walk up gets inside the scoop is good the soft

Touch and that’s incredible craft at the basket with so much intention on the inside and when we can’t score buckets and we have trouble dealing with the interior presence um of Milwaukee these plays are so so valuable and Lonnie Walker is able to get us on the board

Here in the second quarter through two bodies so good start to the second I guess by the Nets conon on the outside now to Pat Bev the jab step in the three is off Janis gets the offensive board how the [ __ ] are you supposed to defend that

[ __ ] that’s such a lucky landing spot for the rebound Janis just seems to be in the right place at the right time I mean I don’t think CL could have done much Thomas scores the two the reverse it was a great cut back door good find

By the Nets to see him under the basket I think it was dsj with the dime poris to yanis open three on offer shoots and is short the board by Claxton and the Nets can cut into the deficit just a little bit more Thomas is open drove

Shot fading away and he scores for two more just like the Nets did in the first quarter they’ve started the second with four straight and now the Bucks will play through Pat Bev here the cross gets inside to Janis the kick out to the corner for green over Thomas

Yes who is that guy 60 overall Walker to Watford blackton to Walker got a screen off the ball I don’t know who on but it will be Nets ball on the side down six 940 to play the drive the kick out to Watford thought about the

Three Thomas is trying to get freed up here good screens off the ball the lob and that lob was way too high for CLA at turnover green pulls up for three that is ridiculous bro who is this guy oh my God just the nobody who is

He how many points is this guy averaging on the year I know he’s been scoring a few buckets lately but really who is this guy who does he think he is I’m going to have to do a little bit of surface level research here because this is just ridiculous AJ bloody

Green have a look um okay AJ Green made six points off the bench for the bucks in three minutes we don’t have any sort of player that can do that the Bucks had made 13 the entire first quarter make two in about well 1 minute this guy’s averaging

4 and a half points a game on a 42% field goal percentage and in his last turn is shooting 33% from Deep so on brand um even though in the regular season he’s shooting about 41% from three I mean he’s not taking that many shots their win against Philly which we

Saw a couple of weeks ago he scored 14 points but then he’s had games where like against the Kings against the Warriors where they got smoked he he was one of six um and then yesterday against Boston where they lost he had 8 minutes and didn’t score so

It’s like typical sort of performance against the Nets typical he had a Clippers game where he scored no he had a game where he scored 28 points against Minnesota but they lost by 24 but realistically he’s had like he’s only had this season one one two three four games where he

Scored more than 10 points all righty so 32 to 25 early going second quarter the Nets got within three but then two uh successive makes thereby AJ Green has given them that n point lead all righty so 9177 to play in the second quarter bucks lead by

Nine Thomas on the outside the screen by Claxton Wilson’s in the game what is this lineup bro Thomas has not passed the ball the whole possession and misses the three and now it’s a five on four because Wilson was on the deck the trailer was Pat Bev we got shudder guarding poris under

The basket and Claxton on the outside guarding Beverly what a travesty that is Skip pass green is wide open what is Watford doing that’s just terrible defense what was the idea behind that that’s just simple fundamentals bro shrew extra feed Claxton takes a dribble and he scores over the top with the

Hook with the left hand ends the run there a 90 run only scored with all the points scored by AJ Green second leading scorer in the game poris we sag off but a short jumper there by Bobby poris and now the Nets can cut it back to single figures

Blackon rolls takes a dribble oh you’re joking mate Pat Bev guarded by or guarding Claxton and clax just mows him over I swear in these situations in these situations he just doesn’t know what to do he gets caught doing that [ __ ] way too often Crow is back in

10-point game well read by Watford but he wasn’t able to get the steel so 3727 Milwaukee lead looking for Janis under the basket instead the pass is rolled out to conon takes it inside what is Cam Thomas doing again the defense this quarter has just been absolutely [ __ ]

12o lead Shuda to Watford the corner for Wilson Drive kick out Thomas is open kick out now to shrewder Misses Clank Watford couldn’t get the tip in and bro where the [ __ ] is Clowney our defense has been [ __ ] the whole quarter Clowney was getting a few stops for poris misses the

Three deon’s not playing tonight it seems Thomas gets through we got a foul D Ron’s just not played tonight 647 a play 3927 the score Thomas on the outside the drive on green is caught up has to kick it out to Wilson and he traveled Goodness

Me God we’re going to be lucky if we crack 80 points this game to be honest that’s turnover number seven and how wonderful that we have to see Dame enter the game for the buck and Mel Bridges enter the game for the Nets pretty dire stuff yanis open man

Poris blew the dunk he’s had an absolute stinker this game usually he absolutely tortures us then he knocked the ball away green got his hands dirty and got the steel that’s some [ __ ] that we’ve lacked yanis the kick out of poris did not shoot the three perhaps a little bit hesitant

Lacking a bit of conf Ence there we go though he shoots the three and he’s short again Wilson Dam is on the last line the layup by Wilson is good and we cut it back down to 10 Beverly early offense good close out by Wilson Thomas knocked it away they

Were trying to shovel it to poris under the basket but it was cut off going to be bucks ball on the Baseline bis has had a stinker for the most part 3927 we exceed at the halfway point of the second quarter here Beasley back in for the bucks with

Lopez they they’ve basically got all their starters back in Crowder checks in going to inbound it to Bev what a set play Dame was wide open could not make the three so Thomas will use that Glon screen on the wing and he’ll take it inside he’ll pump

Fake shoot over the top tough M over Lopez gets the lead back down to eight ice green Dame will drive it in protects the space well without extending that’s way too easy again that’s probably saying a bit about Dame Bridges pulls up for three it does

Not get the bounce and the board by the buck that is just terrible oneandone offense Dame quick three yes so 13-point lead Johnson getting ready to check back in I just don’t understand clown is on the side what on Earth is Wilson doing mate I thought he was going

To shoot the three he’s passed it to Claxton who was out of bounds already on the Baseline that’s just a an absolutely bizarre fou and it’s only take until now for Clowny to check back in are we going to see some Claxton Clowney action here let’s have a look Clon remains in

Clown is getting ready to check in but I just don’t understand and cuz Johnson came back in he’s definitely going to send Claxton to the bench for no [ __ ] reason whatsoever stop playing fours at the five Lopez from way downtown I can only [ __ ] dream that our Nets players would be hitting shots

Like that 16-point lead just out of absolutely nowhere and that’s the problem with all these nets games in recent memory black honestly just shoot the three classs here he is now he’s going to shoot with the left hand and score 14-point lead but fam get Clowny in with Claxton and see what happens

Defensively layup missed by Pat Bev wanted the foul as he body bumped bro we have the numbers what is Johnson doing [ __ ] setting the screen at least we got a dunk under the basket good work by CT there’s a two on one under there and then it’s cut it back down to

A dozen but I just don’t understand Clowney is a decent Defender Claxton is a good Defender you’re only going to win this game if you play good defense not do that [ __ ] we’re Lopez has launched another one from about 5T behind the line and he hits

Again seven threes for the bucks we hit two the entire half that’s really all you need to know about this Nets team in recent games cannot make a [ __ ] three-pointer for dear life and that’s why they can’t even crack 100 points Dame behind the back switch bounce pass it was knocked

Away it somehow ends up with Dame who shoots from basically the logo and hits the three what are you going to do about that what on Earth are you going to do about that Kevin OE can clap all he wants bro you can’t make a [ __ ] shot that’s just embarrassing

Dude we we we basically just watch this team get paned every single game these days there’s so many better things you could do with your time honestly and I only do this because I think it’s just a habit at this point cam Thomas is a good player to watch I guess um he’s

Shooting the ball actually pretty well hasn’t made a three though um and then yeah there’s really just nothing else there’s a whole lot of [ __ ] on this roster man at the moment like what are these percentages from three when we we we’re [ __ ] Fielding cam Johnson and Mel Bridges for

What two of of seven from Deep shrew has been been a nonf factor on offense tonight um aside from the four dimes turnovers just been so prone to conceding those and they’ve been really stupid ones as well um the Bucks have got 12 from Lopez 12 from Dame

After a a first quarter which probably left a bit to be desired um but look at the percentages of those three and you look at the percentages of supposedly our best three players two of six um one of four five of nine like what’s really what what is there in

That sorry it’s just a joke and that’s with Nets killer Bobby pis going one of eight tonight and he’s actually nearly attempted their most shots they’re shooting 50/40 Silver Lining is we kept them off the line but who gives a [ __ ] I’d rather send them to the free throw line with

The the ease in which they’ve been able to score they’ve only had the three turnovers in the entire game I don’t think they’ve had one in this quarter so that really sums up how they’ve gotten this huge Advantage really LAX is a good Center if you don’t have [ __ ] traffic cones on the

Outside too many times CLA gets sucked into having to contest the ball carrier because the bow those on the outside can’t keep up with their man and it just instantly becomes a two onone like these guys can hit threes all their life and we just cannot do [ __ ] at

All we look hopeless from the outside I tell you what two of [ __ ] 12 and we’ve taken CLS off for clowney do they just not think Clowny can make shots on the outside cuz I think he’s like a 34% he’s a 34% shooter from three in the G League which is

Respectable I think it’s a little bit below average but it’s better than what [ __ ] cam Johnson is shooting tonight he’s Mel for three and he actually hits a three I thought that was a nailed on Mist there it looked like it had no lift but uh M’s got eight

Now just going to have to start making more threes if you want to even have a sniff in this game really I wouldn’t say the defense has been bad in this half and we’ve still conceded this many points that’s way too easy again like just an open man under the B

No net actually taking responsibility here’s Clowny for three it’s off I don’t mind him taking him though here he is again he was open Mel’s also open and he misses that’s the difference between one team and the other we have a five on four break and pull up for three and

Miss they’re scoring contested ones from way behind the line nothing you can do about that three right in the face he’s made three consecutive threes if it’s not going to be Lopez it’s poris if it’s not poris it’s AJ Green if it’s not AJ Green it’s someone else Lopez got

15 in the first half he’s leading the way points wise Clowny to shudder Clowney rolled to the rim but they’re playing a bit of zone so that was blocked off Shuda to Clowny oh my God you can’t make this [ __ ] up you cannot make this up buto you can’t make this up shrewder

Passed it off fell over cleaned up Clowny in the process which was the man he passed it to you can’t make up this [ __ ] you cannot make this [ __ ] up clown is picking up Dame here drive extra feed Clowney does well there the numbers collapsed we got a steal and now

Bridges down the middle to the corner for Johnson if he doesn’t make this you’re a terrorist he makes the three we just don’t see that like at all in this run of run of games play good defense run the break actually score three in transition barely see it yanis travels I

Think 49 seconds left here in the first first half we’ve shipped off 32 points to this stage of the first um or sorry of the second second quarter trudder is going to run the clock down a little bit we’ve got a two for one use here available Shuda gets

By and wasn’t too happy about it so 36.3 left so 36 seconds left here in the second and Nets will have to inbound from the side here because the foul was on the floor inbounded Thomas just got shoved out of play and they’ve yeah that that is so on brand for the

Nets have a chance for a two for one execution throw it into Cam Thomas who’s getting pressed and you [ __ ] turn it over because he fell out of bounds typical Dame good defense by clany look how much length this guy got he forced the pass out to Beasley and

That’s good play by Clowny do not understand why you don’t give this guy [ __ ] minutes like Dame couldn’t get a shot up because Noah Clowney was there I don’t know why we’ve taken this long to [ __ ] play him he’s open for three and he hits the

Three where the [ __ ] has that been all season playing bums over him that’s just an open [ __ ] Runner what is Mel doing I think he wanted a foul out on the perimeter because they had a fou to give but instead they didn’t call the foul and let’s have a look let’s see if

He did commit the foul 100% he fa him right in front of the referee’s eyes as well we’re down 16 at the half but I tell you what I mean bro Noah Clowny telling you we’ve got something there we’ve definitely got something there 100% that’s that’s where my optimism

Stems from players like that getting some opportunity Clowny is probably one of the only reasons for optimism in this game cuz my goodness the offense has been dog wart a bit I tell you what Clown’s been a ripper um the Nets are actually a plus one when he’s on the court um and

There’s no coincidence behind that he has played a very good half he’s almost been one of the best net players on the court um the net starters actually haven’t had an awful showing either um cam Thomas has got 12 um sher’s got five dimes is’s the only net to not score otherwise every

Net starting um has got six or more um clax is getting cooked out there I I need to see him on the court with Clowney seriously because if if we’re going to if we’re going to have any sniff of winning this game you’re going to have

To hold the Bucks to under 50 points in the second half and the only way that’s going to happen is if you have defensively oriented players like Noah clany on the court it’s a [ __ ] no-brainer three percentage did go up in the last few minutes Clowny um

Contributing to one of those the Nets were two of 12 in their last five shots they made three of those so the Nets are shooting 47% overall not not too bad it’s the turnovers which have absolutely destroyed us in the first half 11 turnovers bro and five players have got

Two or more or I’ve got two and it’s and it’s the ones that are more bold dominant as well Bridges Thomas shudder dsj accounting for eight of the turnovers so second half they’ve just got to simply be more responsible with it and then from a Milwaukee perspective

You got 15 from Lopez he’s been chucking up absolute bombs from deep and he’s been converting um and then Dame got 12 he’s got eight assists in the game he’s had three turnovers though so probably wants a little bit more responsibility in that regard in the second half Janis

Got 11 but not really his most assertive self um he doesn’t really need to be um and then Off the Bench AJ Green hit all three of his trays the Bucks are shooting excellent percentages from the field they’ve had eight more shots um and they’ve had six less turnovers as a

Well a primary reason for that so that is the half in the books and the Nets Trail by 16 points um in the first two meetings we actually played well we got smoked in the second meeting but in the first meeting that was the game where we rested basically everyone had Mel Royce

O’Neal and cam Thomas active but decided to not play any one of those three and we ended up losing by only four points absolutely abysmal in in that respect the way we managed that game let’s just have a quick look back and see who scored the points

Um no oh no that was the no so this was the very first meeting sorry this game we had 31 from Mallen 45 from cam Thomas but Dorian FY Smith blew a layup I remember that game very vividly um and Lopez had four points how times change

Um but it was the second meeting I believe which was the uh the stinker let’s have a look hang on um Team comparison here we go the second meeting we were actually in the game nearly every step of the way you can see we um lost the game by 22 but got

Outscored by 14 in the last quarter um in that game like we had 21 from Jaylen Wilson 12 from Armani Brook 17 from wford Clowney had 14 points in the game shooting what he was shooting six of n Um 9 in the plus minus of course but we had it we had starters active even Dron sharp was active dsj was active cam Thomas Bridges O’Neal started but they played the first quarter and then pissed off I don’t really understand the the reasoning behind that but since then

Really since that game cuz we were 15 and 16 at that time of year um it’s just gone really downhill since that point um so the Nets I mean it’s been a very low free throw sort of game the three-pointers I mean the Bucks have made a ton of Lucky

Ones let’s be honest those are the practice sort of shots um you know you’re you’re really not trying to jack up three-pointers from way downtown like they are but yet they’re still hitting them and they’re at 45% from Deep um because one of their attempts just got chalked off one of the ones

They missed um yeah so it’s it’s been a it’s been a ridiculous down hill sh for this Nets team I tell you what um in the second meeting was when everyone was benched yeah Bucks have been mid since their six game win streak I mean I don’t think they really care I

Think they’ll just be they they’re probably more looking ahead to the playoffs I mean they definitely do have a position to play because they’re only a game ahead of the Cavs so every win’s going to count for well what team they play um but there are pretty good opponents

Anyway um you know suiting up in in the playoffs you know I don’t think it’s I think when you look at both confer conferences it’s it’s a very similar very very similar sort of um yeah very similar in terms of parody like how equal a lot of teams are on the

Playing field you know there’s a lot of good talent um all the way down to I mean in the East it’s probably a little bit less deep you know you’ve got like the Warriors the Lakers sort of Basking in the 910 spots um and then you’ve got for the for the

Um in the west or sorry the East it’s the Hawks and the Bulls really occupying those spots and they’re nowhere near as good so um yeah I don’t think they’re really going to make some noise but I’m outside of those two teams basically all other 18 teams in in the east and west

Combined I think are going to show something and and there’ll be some really good series um if we just look at the other stats for the Milwaukee Nets game um make sure to drop a like if you are enjoying as well we’ll be back here I think tomorrow theet oh um not another

Net game we’ll be doing Cavaliers Minnesota so if you want to tune in for that um I think that’s going to be a pretty entertaining game make sure to um make sure to do so um the Bucks went on an 113 run later in this quarter um that we

Just had passed by they also went on a 196 run for a 6-minute stretch so yeah and even still we only we’re still shooting at 46% sent from the field it’s just the turnovers that are killing us more than anything um we’re facilitating well 13 dimes already but offensive

Rebounds pretty similar the points of turnovers they’re killing us 14 to5 understandably they’ve had 10 more points in the paint um but amazingly more than half their points have have uh actually come from the three-point line which in the first quarter they only hit 1 three and then

They went 8 to 14 in the second quarter so that really spearheaded their 34 Point um quarter the fast break points are even Second Chance points basically even um so those categories we usually get torched in we’re not um but there’s a number of other categories we’re getting put to the sword in

So second half I mean there’s going to be well we’re going to have to work pretty hard to get back into this contest I’d imagine and we’ve also got a bank on yanis and Lopez and Dame and all these players not having good second halves which I mean that’s wishful thinking

Because you’re wishing on all three of those guys bombing out I don’t think we’re going to see that um yesterday they did play though um it took a a last quarter last quarter comeback in order for them to have a sniff um and they got real close actually but

Unfortunately didn’t get the uh the w e all righty we need I I just beg second half play Clowny at the four play him at the four play him at the four and then play someone play Just A Center at the five I just want to see what that does for us

Defensively we can’t score as is so just try something different see if you can turn the clamps into fast break possessions cuz usually that that’s probably going to give you a higher chance of winning um yeah I don’t know second half is just going to be an interesting one to see

What rotations is rolled out um no Clan though has been um an absolute even though the stats don’t indicate it he’s been a star in this first half by net standards um the Five Points one of those is a three so I did say earlier in the quarter even though he’s a 34%

Three-point shooter you got to respect him he can hit the shot so I don’t know why we don’t play CLA at the five send ly to the corner and then on defense you just send them sor I can’t speak you just send them to the Claxton Correctional Facility the Clowny and Claxton Correctional

Facility especially when you got a number of Nets being passengers on defense you need as many defensive stor warts as you can um and if you have CL and and claxon on the floor that’s two switchable centers that can probably guard you know guard guards that’s like a

Second like good luck trying to switch onto a favorable matchup with those two in the game so look I don’t know what this second half has got to hold but um I just want to see a few like if it’s not um if it’s not going to be Claxton Let It Be sharp

Like I just want to see what that looks like all righty I would assume the second half is pretty close to starting up let’s have a look at what people saying I couldn’t believe people Tred to defend this roster here’s the thing it’s like um we are like 15 years

Removed from the way we started the year like that seems so far away we started the season 13 and 10 and since that point what was that 23 games in we’re at the 70th game now we’ve won how many what are we 26 wins now

So it’s taken us it took us 13 oh sorry 23 games to get to 13 wins the first 13 wins the second 13 wins have taken 47 games that is shocking um there was no Yannis ver the Celtics last night we probably win there if he

Played uh I mean if that’s if they would have rested in tonight um other podcast and people who were n fans truly believe that a come here and save them I I think people are beyond that take other would the come here look at this

Roster um yeah I I don’t think I think a lot of people have come to the realization now a lot of people have come to the realization now that yeah the team just needs a hard reset it like in the middle of the Season it could have gone one of two

Ways you you started to pick up a few more wins in the win column and your your players started to pick up the form and obviously the record would look a lot better than what it is now or you don’t make moves at the deadline you keep the players on that are not

Performing well and uh you just go more into a downward spiral and that’s where we are right now so yeah um do you know who JV is I mean jv’s been gone for months or weeks so I don’t know if you’ve been living under a rock but he’s not there

Anymore but it feels like the curse just continues to linger with him bucks get on the board to start the second half um through Malik Beasley like I honestly I don’t know if this is like farfetched as Bridges puts up a three and hits I don’t know if this is farfetched

But I seriously would have started clowning at the four when I saw do out I was actually thinking keep CJ CJ on the bench you canot have CJ at the four against a bucks front Court of Janis and Lopez that’s severely undersized Beasley gets through the kick out to Lopez to the

Corner for Crowder that’s probably the bloke you want shooting the three and he misses and the board by the Nets truda the Johnson in the corner gets rid of crowder protects the space and scores for two um I wish CLA and cam go to contenders this

Is a mentality that I don’t get because we’re putting him in a bad spot let’s put us in a worse spot we got a steal here clax read the pass and now Bridges to Johnson who shoots a three and that’s out can always trust CJ to kill the

Momentum um what was it going to say why should we compromise how we as Nets fans feel for the next [ __ ] 5 years because we want other players to oh my God what is Mel doing the two twins decided to put up consecutive three-pointers when we’ve been getting stops that’s an open three

That RS out please get the [ __ ] board cam that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t care what you say CT box out you have numbers under the basket that’s one of his major shortcomings on defense and it’s not even the actual defense itself it’s the [ __ ] hustle after the shot

Goes up where he just gets like he’s going through the motions ridges the drive he got by Lopez easy layup Good Start offensively in the second half um yeah I I I want I actually want CT and cl a part of the Future Let’s let’s just not say that we

Want them to go to contenders because we’re playing bad at the moment Janis misses another hook shot and the net can cut it down here it’s a good start to the second half I tell you what through of the drive takes it in another layup

Is good and I tell you what there’s been no interior defense by the Bucks to start the second half we scored nine points in 2 and 1/2 minutes which is a pretty good Pace given we scored 19 in the first and 25 in the second

Dame pulls up for two and clanks it off the rim as well so they can’t make a bucket early on in this second half here shudder into the paint Runner is open missed it and there’s a foul and I think it’s Beasley who pushed Claxton it wasn’t shudder on the shot

Um Dave wasn’t even the problem I promise you JB was one of the worst coaches in the league man wasn’t even he wasn’t even starting cam Thomas bro mate if we didn’t get rid of JV we would be scoring 65 points a game because cam would be still playing 20 minutes off the

Bench Mel please do not shoot a three pulls up for two in the mid-range and that is a bad bad shot didn’t even lose Jay Crowder at all it was was like a very early timing crowd is open for three in the corner and he misses again

They cannot buy a bucket early on in this second half ridges is open in the corner early offense yes and we have a timeout it’s down to an 8 point deficit the Nets have come out of the break with a a bit of an un well unprecedented start to the second

Half um Kevin H isn’t even a good coach I guarantee the Nets will hire him I I agree with both of the things you’ve just said Kevin Ole is not a long-term coach for the Nets but they will still hire him 100% um I don’t want them to suffer

Because we’re a d dumb organization we’re a dumb organization but as I said I don’t want us to get rid of those guys simply because the feelings get too strong like we want them to S succeed elsewhere why want them to succeed elsewhere when they can

Succeed here or we have the power of getting them to succeed here even though we may not see that happen that’s just like I just feel like that’s an overreaction in my eyes um Nets are stringing us along until they can get rid of Simmons well

Yeah as I said early in the Stream I think we’re just holding out we’re just holding out um these final 11 or 12 games I’m holding out till the end of the season we’ve only got what 2 and a half weeks 3 weeks look at the Detroit they got rid

Of Bogdan because they were trash and he deserved to be a part of a contender I think you mean buan bogdanovich even if you are baiting I’m just going to say it to the people in the back um ham Thomas is 22 years old averaging

26 in his last game and buam banovich is like 30 on a rebuilding Pistons team that doesn’t make sense the problem is the organization and the players on the team I’ve said this time and time again this year the problem was JV but it extended far beyond that as well accountability needs

To be taken on multiple levels that that JV um sacking was the first thing that needed to happen by by doing that sacking you’re seeing that we’re dropping a bunch of these games that’s exposed a deeper layer so we’ve gotten of the initial problem like he’s not suitable to lead a

Team that’s younger and probably lacks talent but we’re we’re also now aware that Kevin olle is not it we’re also aware that this team is not good enough therefore I feel like the change that sha marks was trying to put off is going to be fast traed black wants to play for the

Grizzlies that’s a load of rubbish he would not have said that out right um the Grizzlies probably are targeting Claxton but but what I mean yeah we’re we’re probably well he either extends with us or he signs with Memphis I don’t know which one he he’d probably take the

Memphis offer in all honesty Dame straight out of the timeout that is just shocking defense by the Nets [ __ ] hell that is trash going under the [ __ ] screen leaving Damien lard of all players wide open in about 5T of space that is just horrific Mel takes it

Inside well defended by Lopez ridges now gets a back here of course he’s going to put up another three and Miss what a surprise him shooting pull up threes contested when he hasn’t even lost the defender he just dumb he’s not it Janis missed the two Nets can run the break

Here’s Johnson gets through on Beasley and doesn’t make the shot but Bridges gets the tip in and they wanted a an offensive interference but doesn’t look like the Nets really hit the basket so 6758 Dame on the outside Lopez lob Janis and Janis just lost his footing on

The way down legs taken out from underneath Jak Crow is talking a bit of smack to Dennis shudder and what I’m so confused what’s going on here so shudder said it was on him like he owned up to it but then yanis got up got in his face oh that’s rubbish mate

Are you taking the piss you’re joking they’re going to look at this to see if it’s anything more than a common foul when before yanis swatted at Dennis’s head after the foul was called before he just swatted at his head they didn’t look at that [ __ ] of

Course they didn’t of course they didn’t but but because yanis is a protected species that is the softest foul I’ve ever seen in my life there’s absolutely nothing in that except a common fail nothing in that should Marx go oh they’re looking at it for a player altercation

Um yeah I mean yeah I I would probably be more on the side these days of Shawn Marx going and your reset CLX is pretty mid I tell you he’s going to be a 20.11 rebound Center sort of like what Jared Allen is now um

If he goes to another ball Club I can just see it happen and he’ll be worth every cent but off this season’s form probably not he’s been far too inconsistent um the Nets don’t want to give Claxton the money I don’t buy to reports I’ll only believe it when I see

It although I I really don’t look into the the media discourse because it’s all like filler it’s it’s all like rumor it’s nothing that’s absolutely concrete so I take it all with a grain of salt you can obviously I I um yeah I I take everything with a grain of salt I don’t

Really look into that [ __ ] too much unless it actually happens of course because then like it starts unnecessary arguments if I’m being completely honest um the Grizzlies um it was all of sports media came from the Grizzlies themselves what do you mean it’s not true well it probably goes to show how

Much I’m paying attention I don’t really care unless I see Claxton assigned with the Memphis Grizzlies then I really couldn’t Care at at this stage I I realistically only care about what we’re delivering on the court and the players that will be here next season um literally every time a team comes out

And says something it usually happens H wouldn’t say everything it’s either going to be a hit or a it’s it’s always a hit hit or miss like yeah black and J close friends too if you didn’t know that I mean I don’t as I said I don’t really care if they’re

Mates I don’t care to be honest about anything off the court I mean I just come here watch the games if they’re [ __ ] they’re [ __ ] if they’re good they’re good if they’re [ __ ] and they’ve got good players on it that means they need a reset I don’t really look much deeper than

That why is this taking so long why is this taken so long let’s have a look what the referee is going to say okay so we’re going to get a free throw so shudder got a tech but yanis and J Crowder also got a tech H which means

That it’s going to be one free throw because two free throw two technical fails to one obviously the Nets will get one free throw because of having one less technical um I could not give a [ __ ] yeah what happens with Claxton until the offseason to be honest we’ll just see what happens with

The rest of the season and then we’ll take it from there but right now I’m just dealing with this game right now Nets a down nine at a good start to this second half um trailing by nine they’ve got a technical free throw as well I don’t know if the defense Has

Lifted or the Bucks just haven’t made their shots Johnson makes the free throw at the line so the Nets have made 15 points here in this second half so far and the Bucks have only scored seven so that is why the Nets have given themselves a bit of a sniff going into

Well well at this stage of the game they’ve given themselves a sniff they’ve sliced the lead in half Lopez the drive the lob Glon sends it away the steel the Nets get it head Johnson the dunk the Nets get it down to half a dozen and they very irresponsible

Irresponsible with the ball here in this second half 123 Run for the Nets in the last 3 minutes he’s Beasley and now Dame on the outside picked up by Claxton Janis is in the dunker spot guarded by Mel Dame here is going to step back on Claxton tough shot

Made and and Dame’s delivered on a couple of big buckets their last two makes have come from Dame lead back up to eight tough shot Shuda I mean cam Thomas really hasn’t had much to do in this second half either Thomas take foul he scored but

They’re not going to call the foul on the shot it’ll be on the floor side out of bounds for the Nets if you are enjoying the stream make sure to drop a like And subscribe if you are new we’ll be back the Nets Bulls next

Week we’re going to be doing a couple of neutral watch watch alongs um neutral watch parties tomorrow and I believe maybe on it’ll be Sunday in the US Monday here Clown’s in the game playing at the five I’m not a fan of these minutes I mean dayon

Has not played today I’m interested to see why they keep [ __ ] playing these slim centers at the five walkers in the game Thomas to the bench I don’t think he’s scored in the quarter so the Nets giving themselves a bit of a sniff here a lot of the role players who were

[ __ ] in the first half have sort of lifted trud is going to step back for three and that’s just not the right shot not the right shot when you got M on the catch Walker who can shot create Johnson all on the court Dame misses the three oh my God you

Idiots [ __ ] dumbasses bro [ __ ] sake Johnson and Clan two BLS uncontested [ __ ] fight for the rebound amongst themselves and can’t can’t break it in bro what a joke you got to be [ __ ] kidding me is Cam Johnson you’ve just got to know let the bloke get the rebound and vice versa [ __ ]

Communicate oh my God you have a voice God gave you that voice use it mate does my [ __ ] head in that’s an easy two points that we’ve just [ __ ] given away off nothing disappointing [ __ ] tell you what Bridges to Johnson who goes inside truder wide open on the wing

Yes Net’s offense is better when the ball is popping around like that you’re taking less dribbles it’s much better that’s a foul and it’s on the floor and it’s going to be shudder who picks it up great find by Johnson on the previous play the role players have lifted it is

No coincidence this team has played better because the role players have not been [ __ ] passengers that’s the reason like cam Thomas really hasn’t done too much in this um in this second half but we’ve still scored a ton of points Yannis the spin good defense by

Clowney and he wanted to travel at least cam Johnson wanted to travel instead we’re getting a foul but bro Clowny is is built different on defense and he’s in his first year and slim built no punish intended but you’re an absolute clown if you let this guy

Go so Janis at the free throw line has shoot a couple the Nets are down seven they’ve bailed the Bucks out in the last couple of possessions here I’ll tell you what conon is in Bobby poris is in for the bucks jannis misses the first so second free throw coming up here for

Janis bucks leading by seven bro the Bucks averag the most free throws in the league and we’ve kept them off the line they’ve only had five Janis misses both and Clowney with the board the net can cut it down a two possession game better to say I didn’t see this [ __ ] coming Clowny

Johnson Walker shudder Drive oh my God he lost Dame the three is an air ball my God that’s like if I try to shoot a step back three we needed to test the basket on that occasion you got to know your time to get a shot up like

That when you’re going on a run you probably know you’ve got the momentum but that’s not the kind of shot you should be jacking up when you’re down seven and going on a run Janis blows another layup and it’s Clowny with the defensive contest shudder Bridges Johnson Clown’s open he’s going to shoot

The three oh my God it rimmed out that was a full 360 on the rim oh that was so close that would have been a big shot to make as well Beverly to poris good passing around the perimeter Clowney stays with again another steel Clowney only plays positive

Minutes Walker Skies over that’s off the board by Johnson gets inside bounce past to Clowney shudder Walker again we’ve had so many opportunities to cut this lead have not taken one two-point field goal in that time pis kick out Beverly three it’s off they’ve scored 11 points in the third

Quarter Walker shrew to the bridges another three he’s got that one oh wellow the net have all of a sudden decided to wake up fair to say I did not see this [ __ ] coming I’ll keep saying it because bro how many times oh my go what it’s got to be Net’s ball yanis

Lost the ball I think it was partially knocked Away by the Nets but it’s gone through the hoop from underneath are they trying to see if it went off bro it’s gone off Yannis it’s gone off Yannis last it’s gone off yanis what how is it their ball what that’s gone off

Them I don’t know the ruling because that is a very rare occurrence to happen what that doesn’t make any sense but bro the Nets have I I said it halim if the net Nets are to have any sniff of winning this game they need to hold the

Bucks under 50 points they’ve held the Bucks to 11 points in the third quarter Jesus Christ better to say I did not see this at all cuz this net team are usually doing the the um they’re usually squandering the leads or they’re getting blown out in the third quarter whereas they’ve made the

Inroads and um Let me refresh Clowny appreciation post seriously this guy’s been a gun cam Thomas has not scored a point in the quarter but the Nets have turned a 16 Point deficit into a fourpoint deficit in this quarter um Mel Bridges we have not seen him play this well

Since probably the Hawks game and we did Cover a stat pregame that in only two of the last 14 games since the All-Star break this guy has shot 45% from the field orio so we’ve really struggled primarily because players like Bridges just aren’t showing up today he has

Showed up um even though he’s missed quite a few three-pointers he’s made five and in a game where you’re only 9 of 30 that is massive um well our field goal percentage is actually gone down but here’s the big thing first half 11 turnovers second half nil zero which is crazy to think

Um really crazy to think but the big thing for the Nets is the amount of turnovers they’re forced um if we go to the Bucks box score they were shooting like 55% at the half and like 45% from three those percentages have gone well down they haven’t been to

The free throw line they’ve committed multiple turnovers and from yanis Damon Lopez they’ve only got five points between them and they’ve all been from Damien Lillard so the Bucks have been clamped well and truly here in this third quarter so mco’s third quarter when we need him to step

Up have needed him to step up for like the last 15 games a few games too late um he’s gone and scored 13 here in the third quarter and we’ve gone out and scored 23 so he’s been massive Clowney remains in ball inbounded conon Gets By

The Defender gets one up and missed it he air balled the shot and then Nets can get it down to well as few as one shrew of the drive knocked away and it’s going to be Net’s ball so shr’s got the seven dimes Clowney again man has been brilliant

So okay so 71 of 67 240 to play third quarter the Net’s out scoring the Bucks 23-1 this period black is back in why Thomas is open wide open and he misses that would have been a big shot as well we’ve had a couple open threes here in this third quarter

Which you would have loved to have seen go down because of the open nature of it all yanis to Green why is he open why is he open this [ __ ] 60 overall Auto generated bum has hit four threes without a Miss he’s had four games all season where he’s gone in double

Figures who is this guy he’s even got an autogenerated name Thomas spin move on the Baseline it’s off this lead’s going to balloon I can tell you right now now they’re going to end up getting outscored by only like five or six cuz they’re going to go on a

Late quarter run tell you right now really should have not made the subs till the end of the quarter to be honest green again it’s off he knew he missed it the Bucks got the board and now conon back to green he’s going to go again if

You’re going to let him Miss once you best believe hope that you don’t give him the second chance to hit it this [ __ ] idiot bro why would you make the moves we just went on a run oh my God why the [ __ ] man what a [ __ ] way to ruin your good

Performance bro why are you playing the bums if I could have played Clowny for 48 minutes in this game I would have you’re probably wondering why I’m just like hyping up a rookie so bad he’s been nearly our best player our form has been so optimized with him on the court it

Logistically makes zero sense to bench him when he’s played sub 15 minutes in the whole game it’s like you’re [ __ ] injur injury managing this guy bro he’s a young kid he’s like 19 years old he’s 19 years old he’s not 35 on his basketball deathbed where he’s about to

Retire come on bro and they bring in this [ __ ] bum green 15 points five of six in 10 minutes this guy hasn’t shot this well oh my God just bums and we make the terrible Subs bro the bler can’t make shots like we sent Mel to the

Bench the one time he’s playing well and now Lonnie Walker’s just ch chucking up bricks bro Thomas shudder Walker again is going to keep firing and missing bro he has missed like four shots in 2 minutes yanus on the break it’s an easy score and that’s what

Happens now we can’t score a bucket who would have thought that when cam Thomas goes onto the court we start missing that’s another brick I can’t believe this two minutes ago we were down four points they’re about to [ __ ] even it up bro the subs just [ __ ] it up every

Time you can never have a game where every player is firing on all cylinders with this team if the starting unit isn’t firing it’s the bench if the bench isn’t malfunctioning it’s the starters there’s never any consistency there’s always issues so disappointing bro cuz we started the quarter so

Well and who would have thought that Mel Bridges would have actually been spearheading our offense in this second half yet somehow we’ve only outscored them by four now uh now three all because of a late quarter run the minute we make Subs the minute we make Subs who would have thought the

Noah Clowney actually has been our best performing center of the night don’t care how many points claxton’s gotten he’s been [ __ ] dog waterer on defense and it’s probably a a lot to do with the units he’s also been involved in ten Run for the bucks in 2 minutes completely taking the wind out

Of our Sals Thomas blackton inside he’s absolutely blanketed by Yannis and if it’s not jannis who look I don’t think jannis unless someone else committed the foul Yannis is cleanly block that it’s Undisputed unless Pat Bev did some no it’s Pat Bev so Janis did everything legally there stayed vertical didn’t interfere

Blocked the ball clean Pat Bev was just there as moral support and he actually probably I feel like that’s actually going to be an easier call than most all anticipate I don’t know if you watch the bucks or not he’s been good for them I mean the guy just has he has not

Scored more than 10 points in any but four games that’s going to be a fail on Pat Bev bro he’s he has absolutely interfered with that book shot right there for [ __ ] sake though what a waste of a good quarter held them to 11 points in about 8 minutes and we’ve

Shipped off basically the same amount in two and half 2 minutes this this is the typical Nets quarter typical Nets quarter right there so frustrating because you see so many good signs in this third quarter Mel actually playing all right but now cam Thomas can’t score the

Ball you sent Clowny to the bench and Claxton can’t play for [ __ ] um yeah I’m actually really high on Clowny from what I’ve seen from his NBA minutes this season tell you what he’s going to be good what are they looking for man CL is going to be one of those guys

Where you need to look beyond the box score you actually need to you actually need to respect the die test all right I don’t know what’s going on here you’re [ __ ] kidding how the [ __ ] was that damed not a foul what the [ __ ] was that call Mate can we [ __ ] play Clowny at

The four Jesus Christ I I don’t understand why they benched him they needed to play him at the four and play CL at at the five if they wanted to bring CLA back in instead they’re running now Wilson at the four we got the steel here though Clon in transition easy

Dunk well done good feed whoever got the ball ahead fair play jannis is going to take it the length he’s got 6 seconds that’s like 3 seconds wow Janis has been blowing layups for fun in this uh in this third quarter quarter over 12

Point def for the Nets to make up I mean if the third quarter was the indic an indication of anything it’s that the Nets can make the lead up they did what they needed to do but they ended the quarter horrifically got the lead down to as few as

Four but then their offense fell flat and the Bucks got their lead back up that being said it was the best defensive quarter by the Nets today um and they outscored them so I guess that’s something to extract a positive sign if you will um there’s still a long

Way to go from a bucks perspective um Dame scored five Lopez didn’t score yanis um only scored like the two points in that third quarter so we held them down pretty well um AJ Green hit a couple of Threes late in the quarter this bum decides to play well is

He going to be the new Nets killer I think so um field goal percentages for the bucks did go down in that quarter but they did get beefed up at the back end of the quarter um and then from a Nets perspective Mel’s got 21 he’s leading

The way cam Thomas has not made a three-pointer for that matter no net can really make a three they’re 26% from downtown um and the field goal percentage all of a sudden has taken a dip again but the reason they were able to even out and actually win the quarter

Was the turnovers they did not have won the entire quarter Noah Clowney is a plus five that is a team High he’s been great 5 points2 boards one time Lonnie Walker on the other hand my goodness one of seven 0 of five from Deep he’s been

Chucking up bricks um dsj has been a net negative I don’t know what he’s doing on the court but quite frankly we don’t really have any other guards um only the five free throws for the Nets as well hasn’t been a very free throw heavy game so I guess we’ve played

Into well we’ve given given ourselves a chance by keeping the bucks off the free throw line they’ve had seven attempts so that’s a win but the problem is yeah the the back end of the quarter really killed us took the wind out of our sales

We’re down a dozen um but at least we’ve got a sniff we really should have scored more than 25 points though I tell you what missed opportunity right there um right last quarter underway the Nets will have possession to open this last quarter cuz they won the jump ball the start of the

Game Thomas is getting blanketed there by Beverly good move and doesn’t get the bounce but Wilson got the offensive board and then was fouled by Lopez we’re going to have to start the fourth the way we started the third going a similar sort of run try to get the

Game on on level pegging really um I don’t know why we don’t play Watford at the one if we really need bench point guard minutes Watford gets it to go plus one Nets are on the board to start the last quarter and they get the lead back down to single figures good defense

There by the Bucks was met with better offense by Watford free thrower coming up here and Clowney is in the game stop taking Claxton off with Clowney coming in play Clowny at the four how many times do I need to say it Jesus Christ bro I would kill to see

This dsj is playing some good defense on J green who would have thought it would come to this watford’s guarding Dame on the outside to the corner now for Pat Bev over Thomas it’s well short the board by Clowney and he’s going to hand it to dsj Watford drive down the middle layup

Where’s the foul Clowney gets the board and then Pat Bev who was who was trying to well he was a little bit overzealous with it after Clan got the rebound Bev was chasing the steel but Clowney was very strong with it and the handle meant that he didn’t lose

It ly gets it in or gets it from the inbounds Wilson Drive with the right hand it’s short bucks get the board don’t really like that shot we did not give Cam Thomas a sniff on that possession there Dame the drive kick out to Green Oh my

God oh wow that was nearly all the way down Clowny bats it to dsj driving kick out Watford Thomas was open Watford instead will put one up and Miss Bo by Watford missed it again got his own Miss again and then got fouled by Dame that’s another team foul by the

Bucks they’ve committed four personals in a minute and a half the Nets the rest of the way will be at the free free throw line if they can capitalize on that Advantage you have got to attack the basket at every opportunity the Bucks cannot play defense like they can’t play as

Aggressive a defensive style because of all those fouls that they’ve given away early on Thomas is wide open we hit the two early on that’s his first bucket of the second half and then that’ss a down seven we’ve made the first two buckets of the fourth

Like we did in the third and we did in the first time and time again the Bucks have responded Dam in a switch got Clowney on him good defense the two is off the board by Wilson bro Clowney is clamping dsj the drive the kick out

Clowny for three I thought he got pushed Wilson got the offensive board dsj what are you doing apparently scoring threes holy [ __ ] who would have thought this lineup was going to do work Thomas Watford Clowney Wilson dsj that is that is absurd that is like an all G league lineup almost the Nets

Have got this lead back down to four at a far earlier point of the fourth than when they got to this point in the third in the third they got it down at about like the the 3 or 4 minute Mark the Nets have gone on an 80 run to

Respond to that late quarter Bucks Run I’m telling you Clowny has been Elite he’s been Elite the Bucks their percentages back down again Janis has been well held um cam Thomas scored his first bucket of the fourth a couple possessions ago and um bro the Nets are hustling bro they are

Hustling even though we can’t make threes for [ __ ] the and and really the field goal percentage is down as well the offensive rebounding has been class and it’s something that I didn’t expect to see today um but bro CL is now a plus 10 he’s taken 43s which is a

Little bit questionable but bro has done excellent defensive work and if I don’t see this this guy play for the rest of the year it is a [ __ ] travesty of an organization this guy is delivering on the NBA stage you clowns can’t see that and by you clowns I’m not

Talking about you lot watching the stream I’m talking about the [ __ ] idiots in the front office and the coaching staff Bro you’ve got a good player on your hands jeez appreciate the donation by the way blue grinds thank you thanks very much for the $1 appreciate it if you are enjoying the

Stream make sure to drop a like and uh subscribe as well if you are new we’ll be back for Nets bucks next week we’re also going to be doing a neutral game tomorrow which will be Nets versus the um the Nets versus not the Nets what

Am I talking about the Nets are not playing tomorrow tomorrow we’ll be doing the Cavaliers versus the um Minnesota Timberwolves that’s going to be a cracken fixture this is what I’ve been crying out for a [ __ ] competitive performance against a good team when was the last time this

Happened Dame picked up by Clowney it’s good defense Dame has not entered the restricted area the drive the layup was wild how was Lopez scored that [ __ ] that’s just lucky that is just lucky I don’t even think Lopez gathered possession of the ball and he somehow

Was able to muster it up Thomas into the paint shoots another mid-range converts another mid-range it is a four-point game 9 minutes to play fourth quarter dsj guarding Dame Wilson that’s got to what the [ __ ] how is that not our ball mate Bobby poris was getting or was holding Wilson’s jumper he [ __ ]

Brought him to the floor pushed him out of bounds somehow still bucks ball I’m baffled Beasley WIS he open three Clank rebound that’s the that is going to send us to the free throw line Jaylen Wilson good box out poris has been physical with him but Jaylen

Wilson mate chip on his shoulder type plays 847 to go the Nets of [ __ ] knuckle down on defense in this second half only allowing the 23 points so Jaylen Wilson at the free throw line to shoot a couple to cut it to one solitary possession he does that but he can get

One more Point tacked on at the 847 Mark and the Nets continue continue to surprise in this fourth quarter I can’t believe what I’ve really witnessed in this second half to be honest who would have thought Noah clown is actually going to be one of the key players against the Milwaukee

Bucks of all teams ice green Dame the switch again Clowny is guarding I get excited every time that time though Dame was able to blow by and get the two I just love how he’s getting this exposure bro is bro is actually like he is oh wow Thomas with the

Onelegged runner but Clowny is he is facing the challenge head on he doesn’t look phased one bit the Nets have got 14 points in three and a half minutes hold the Bucks to four in that time Clowney blitzers oh no they got open numbers Beasley where did Clowney come from man

Was blitzing on the perimeter and then was there for the contest inside so good reading of the game but Beasley scores over the top and now claxton’s going to get ready to check in and the game’s going to turn to [ __ ] again Thomas the drive gets inside and

Thomas got hit in the face I think and the Bucks well the Nets are going to be pissed off at this the Bucks are going to be fine with it let’s have a look was this a foul he may have been hit by the the right boot

There why the [ __ ] are there Bobby chance ringing around the arena Bros been ass in this game clown is out and I’ll tell you what this game’s going to get away real quick ball inbounded to Claxton body bump spin move scores for two lead back down to two now the

Defense needs to needs to be proper good needs to be proper good down the stretch now I really want to see Clan the four Janis is back in Get Him in yanis is going to back down Clon the kick out to Lopez it’s open two men double him it’s

Off it’s going to be net ball we can take the lead I don’t even care if we’re 16 games under 500 because I’m watching this game in isolation I’m ignoring the 69 games that have preceded this bro this is uncalled for Nets oh my God behind the back by dsj Johnson 3 it’s

Gone we got the lead oh my God I finally can experience a bit of Joy if you watch this Nets team enough you’ll experience it Wilson the steal by dsj the dunk we got a timeout I’m going to [ __ ] relish this the Bucks are absolutely Star Struck dsj

With the steel Wilson swoops on it he’s had a fair bit of grit and hustle in this second half mate he’s beaten so many Bucks to the ball and the good thing is we’re in the bonus we’re in the bonus we were in the bonus at the 10:30 Mark you have to

Continue to exploit the fact that the Bucks are living dangerously with those fouls man all of a sudden I’m wide awake thought this was a buck channel for some reason I got a Nets cap on and I got a KD poster in the background and you thought this was a buck

Stream you are living the dream or yeah you are dreaming should I say Buck are pathetic acting like it was a good loss oh goodness me I am it’s it’s mainly because I haven’t seen a win since the Hawks game and the Hawks game was all the way back on God

Knows when um if you are enjoying the stream make sure to drop a like And subscribe if you are new we’ll be back for Nets Bulls next week we’ll be missing a few games cuz I’m unavailable for it but we’ll be back for Nets Bulls

Next week and I think we play the Pacers or sorry the Lakers we play the Lakers um after that so we’ll be there for both of those games we may be doing a neutral game tomorrow Cleveland Minnesota be there the Nets are on a 236 run in the

Last 5 and a half minutes who would have thought with a Bucks team that is Dame yanis Lopez even Beasley and [ __ ] AJ Green who’s hit five of six of his five of his 63s the Nets are out scoring the Bucks 21-6 in the fourth that’s the second time this has

Happened in the second half we went on a 2311 run in the first half of the second half so the third quarter basically making it sound a bit more complicated bro this is unbelievable this team has sucked so bad we’re outscoring him by 10 we haven’t LED since the first

Quarter I can’t believe my eyes I’m I’m absolutely baffled as a Nets fan who do you think is better the Celtics or the Bucks Celtics are the best team in the east by a country mile at least in the regular season that is now we’ve just got to hold off the

Inevitable late Buck surge that could arise but we have done everything right to get ourselves back in the contest we’re in the bonus we’ve just got to attack the basket don’t shoot the easy three Dame for three it hits back on they get the long board that’s the the

Danger of giving away threes another layup is blown the Nets get the board DJ skip pass Johnson sets the feet it’s off Wilson fights on the glass I thought it was Nets ball good look good look mate I would honestly bring Clowney back in late game honestly not really any Lopez minutes in

This second half pis is doubled yanis is open tries the three well you know what I don’t mind the arest 3 he I don’t know what his percentage is from three but I would say that’s probably one you give up Claxton good dive to the rim f nearly got it to go in

The most uncharacteristic of ways it’s going to be two free throws here but we have a ball game and um we were going down s against the Spurs a couple games ago but today it’s different story we’re playing a full strength Milwaukee team I mean

They are on the second night of a back to back but they’ve got everyone except maybe Chris Middleton available CL got to make the free throws though man Mel has not played the entire fourth as well I’m a little bit scared because he had a very good third quarter did he

Get the only good quarter he’s going to play out of the way and Wilson what a [ __ ] last quarter and he gets the praise from y uh not yoka yoka I’m living in an alternate universe in a universe that should have happened um OE gives him the Clon makes the second under

Pressure onepoint lead for the Nets but they’ve they’ve gotten the stops I just have a lot of fear that these guys are going to take hold in in the final six minutes Janis pump fake kick out to Dame the screen set it’s an open three and he’s missed it badly but that’s the

Second time he’s missed badly so badly that they’ve gotten the the rebound poris is going to back down Johnson blows the layup it’s going the other way I thought CL are given away the foul but that is a big big win for the Nets Thomas Early in the shot clock I don’t

Know how there was no foul call there he’s getting clamped here by Beasley it’s great defense by Malik forces Claxton to go himself takes on yanis what the [ __ ] we’re getting another foul and it’s jannis who commits it I thought he’d wrapped him up well prior it wouldn’t have made a difference

The Nets are in the bonus and the one guy you don’t want going to the free throw line is going to the Line This is where all the practice comes into play I think he’s 2 or 4 on the night CL at the line shooting two

More with five or so minutes to play here in this fourth quarter cla’s first free throw is good five minutes to play CLX has got 15 and seven in the match that’s 15.7 boards second free throw takes a deep breath and the free throw now is good converts both big plus big

Big shots to be made and now the Nets up three they’ve not led by more in this match Dame pass to yanis takes it inside falling to the floor the kick out to Dame come on dude where the [ __ ] was the travel where was the [ __ ] travel

Dude how many steps bro he [ __ ] traveled all the way to South America let’s have a look how many steps he took one two three what the [ __ ] bro oh my God on the replay that looks even worse but they’ve committed another foul I don’t know who’s at the line this

Time that is an absolute Joker of a call what the [ __ ] it’s Thomas at the line who I have a little bit more reassurance about making free throws but he [ __ ] bricks the first as I say that what a surprise one two three four five what the [ __ ]

Dude how the hell was that not a travel what a joke Thomas makes the second we are holding on to this slender lead shud is back in dsj goes to the bench 430 to play Dame for three oh my God shrewder fou Dame you dumbass and just when

You knew it is a scripted Nets game it gets scripted even more what a joke that we gave away three points on the previous possession what a joke honestly I need to see Clowney back in the game for the closing stretch not going to lie we’re playing the starting

Five to close but I tell you what it has not been the starting five who have gone on multiple runs Clown’s been there for both Wilson’s been involved um who else are we talking about dsj has been involved I don’t know if we’re going to win with this this starting group cuz I

Don’t think they’ve this is the group good coaches would not go the simple route of running your starters you see the Bucks aren’t even playing Lopez down the stretch even though we had a good first half bro Thomas has been decked off the ball in a

Lockup the Nets are at the free throw line again so they they are not a good free throw shooting team this is one of the only times it feels like this year where we’ve actually been in a severely advantageous position in this respect being able to get get to

The free throw line cuz we’ve been in the bonus from like the 10minute mark of the fourth Thomas makes the first so these are easy points you absolutely cannot leave anything on the table so cam Thomas second free throw coming up here and he converts it’s all tied up at

96 4 minutes to play the N the Nets trailed by as much as 20 I don’t like this what is M doing guarding yanis now it’s Claxton picking up yanis Dame is getting picked up by shudder the three he Skies up and misses good defense by Dennis who was

Absolutely blanketing him and the Nets can get the lead again Thomas nearly passed it off he’s going to cook on Dame here lost the ball oh my God it’s like a 5 onone fast break good luck why would you fail Mel there’s no reason to do

That oh my God bro ISO ball doesn’t win you games when you don’t have talent mate I Hon ly think we need to make move like we need to make Subs to get the younger boys back in the game these blos got us back in the contest

They should be the BLS completing the job yanis is going to get a free throw here so we could have taken the lead instead we’re trailing by two potentially soon to be three three 36 to play free throw is good so the Nets uh trailing and I’m not comfortable with

This group being able to make up that three points plus more Mel blackon back to Mel shoots a three why the [ __ ] man what is he doing we haven’t even tested the paint in this whole like oh my God yanis blows another layup but you can’t get the [ __ ] tip in

What a [ __ ] surprise when you play with no size you have Cam Johnson at the four what a surprise you can’t box out what a surprise claxton’s going to get an easy Jam under the basket miscommunication by the bucks but bro the defense has looked [ __ ] with

Clowney off the floor I didn’t think I’d say that even though Clowney’s been playing in the G league for like the last month we look so much more shaky in there Wilson was doing a far better job of boxing out poris under under the rim making him frustrated jannis the drive blows the

Layup look who’s there Janis getting his own miss last two possessions conceded offensive rebounds you know what we were doing with the the youth on the court getting offensive rebounds Johnson to Mel on the move the three is good he gets it down to two that’s a big shot by Mel

Redeemed himself there but that’s Mel’s first three points since not actually sure I think since the third quarter when we went on that early quarter burst we need to get CJ out of the game if Kevin Oly is serious about winning this game you bring on Clowney or you

Bring on Wilson you’ve given away two offensive boards in two consecutive possessions you can’t [ __ ] get any stops you’re getting killed for physicality in the last few minutes that’s the reason they lead they look hungrier and who was the hungrier team in the first part of

This quarter the Nets and who would have thought it be their youth leading the way so if you are enjoying the stream make sure to show your support and drop a like on it subscribe if you’re new we’re doing Nets games for the rest of the year and we’re doing a couple

Neutral games tomorrow we’ll do Cleveland Minnesota probably um so yeah that should be good fun um but yeah I’m getting a really good glimpse into the future though with the the Clowny minutes and um cam Thomas has been pretty good apart from the uh turnover he had a couple possessions

Ago it’s so stiff that clown is not getting minutes bro he’s being a gun dsj is checking back in that’s the move we make don’t like that that’s not going that isn’t resolving our front Court lack of physicality it’s just not this is the issue and this is probably why clax

Can’t play as well as he his ceiling would suggest defensively because he’s got a [ __ ] bum of a defensive player as a four like cam Johnson can’t do [ __ ] bro on the box outs and whatnot it looks so much worse on Claxton because he’s got no [ __ ]

Help Janis on the outside is going to take it inside blew the layup no foul on the break dsj shrewder we got the numbers blackton oh my God puts one up missed it got his own Miss oh my God loopy pass out to dsj what are we doing oh my God cam Thomas

And bridges didn’t even get the [ __ ] ball Beasley in transition the three is hit the net didn’t even move everything wrong with that everything wrong with that who would have who honestly gave them the green light to shoot that we had a five on four and for some reason

Gave it a Claxton to score inside we had open three-point Shooters on the wing for [ __ ] sake bro it’s just been these little six-point swings Where’ve turned the ball over they’ve gone up the other end and gotten the three points we’ve been in charge of our demise and

You know what it is the guys that should be playing well and setting the standard which have actually lowered the bar here in this fourth why is dsj and why is dsj and Claxton the guys taking the shots when we’re down two like they shouldn’t even have the

[ __ ] ball if I’m being completely honest oh for God’s sake mate 130 to play we’re down five look of all the losses we’ve had in recent memory if there’s a loss where I extract a fair bit from it’s this this game right here this has been a pretty

Valiant performance by the team it’s good to see Mel’s being pretty decent for the most part but we’ve been in the bonus for so long I don’t know why we don’t attack the rim with our cam Thomases and Mel Bridges even shudder getting inside he was cooking early in the third quarter

But we’ve gone with the wrong players to shoot the ball and we’ve gone with the wrong shot profile down the stretch Bucks have been able to run the break a few times hit some big shots we led by as much as three but stars of come back in for the Nets

And actually been worse so now shudder is back on dsj is on the bench but you need stops more than anything we don’t even look like we’re going to get stops so I’m interested to see if the Nets have one more response in them because they’ve had two good

Responses at the start of quarters but at the end it’s let him down shudder High screen he’s got an open look gives it to Johnson who pulls the trigger oh my God this this guy sucks in crunch time he sucks he is so bad he’s like 18%

From three in clutch situations he is trash Dame is wide open shudder just miscommunicated and sagged off and the Bucks lead by seven this is going to do it Kevin OE missed the trick here he should he should have absolutely not played his starters to close the game and they’ve

Just [ __ ] thrown it out of bounds that that is that embodies the the Nets future right there the future is not with the guys that are starting majority of the same old players making the same old mistakes because you give them the same old minutes and don’t hold him accountable the same

Way every single time the youth in this game you missed the trick here they were playing incredibly well and we’re going to end up losing the game now by double figures as Dame knocks down the three to basically ice the game this is your fault it’s your fault

For trying to grasp onto something that isn’t there you’re trying to force something that doesn’t exist blackon gets an offensive rebound and scores but you’re down eight you’re not winning the game times against against you Beasley gets it ahead to poris there’s a foul it’ll be two shots for him but they they

Missed a trick here they did it all wrong I understand you got to give you guys a break but bro Clon I guarantee you did not play more than 15 minutes this match like cam Johnson should not ever be on the courting clutch time he’s he’s been awful shooting the

Ball that’s what he’s good for the minute he entered the court lost a ton of physicality and the shot selection was always going to be in the bin you just killed it isn’t it funny the reason I get I got excited about what we were doing this

Game was because of the youth the youth gave me something to root for because they played with an energetic brand they were getting steals running the break hitting shots as a result good to watch but then you’ve got the same old bums that commit to the same old problems

Here he is again Watch he’ll miss no Johnson will actually hit a shot when the game’s [ __ ] over Beasley gets locked up by Bridges when there actually was a steal on offer low key but ultimately Kevin OE I mean you’ve just like someone in the presser

Has to ask him why didn’t you run the youth to close the game because they were the ones that got you win the contest look I I will give the Nets team praise for this game I haven’t given him too much praise I’ve constantly used the words embarrassing rubbish

Garbage yeah but funnily enough the reason we weren’t as garbage today was because of well inserting some fresh blood into the team you know like Clowny needs to play I don’t know what you need to from a coaching panel in order to make the conscious decision like I just

Cannot rationalize why you would keep playing him in the G League when he’s doing this against good opponents he was assigned to Damen Lillard more often than not we end up losing by seven but I tell you what at least I got somewhat GED up in this game because mate there’s

Been so many games I’ve felt down in the dumps um ultimately we lose the game if you are heading out make sure to drop a like on the way out but ultimately we lose 115 108 um we got to we did do the outscoring in the last quarter it’s a

Shame that we ended the quarter poly um in the third because that would have given us a real red hot chance especially given the way we started that last quarter it would have been very pleasant to have a nice sizable lead but here we are with the another L um the

Bucks went out and scored I think they scored yeah they ended up scoring 34 points in the last quarter I did say that we need to hold the Bucks to under 50 points in order to win the game and we were on track for that then the

Starters come in and it all turned to [ __ ] um the Nets did score 39 last quarter points though that’s crazy usually we’re renowned for having very bad second halfes um where one quarter severely anchors anchors us down but um in this game it was a bit of a different

Story we scored 64 points to their 55 in the second half so if there’s anything good to extract I guess there’s that um we ultimately end the game shooting poorly from three and it’s not really surprising we’re being [ __ ] from three a ton of the time um only the three

Turnovers in the second half that gave us a good good chance of winning the game there were a couple big shots that weren’t hit um unfortunately from a net standpoint and uh the Bucks punished uh Mel Bridges shot N9 of 19 from the field

6 of 14 from three that is a much better game by m and you could see we we looked more competitive in the third quarter because this guy was making shots he h 13 points in the quarter um so if we’re to win games maau needs to perform he

Made half of our three-pointers today so he gave us a great chance of winning you just look at the guys off the bench I mean Lonnie walker5 for three shudder one of five cam Thomas 0 of five cam Johnson still hit 4 threes but he didn’t

Hit them when they mattered um it was good to see though four plays with 17 or more Claxton got 22 and9 but I I actually would argue that clanny was the more important more important big he ends a plus 10 he was anchoring the defense when we were out

Scoring the bucks um he had five points four boards but his defensive work was superb i’ love to see the field goal percentage of whoever was playing on him um because yeah I wouldn’t imagine it would be too high um as we’ve said though time and time again the

Three-point percentage as long as it is that low and you’ve got a few players like in this case three players combining for one of 15 shooting or two of 15 shooting you’re not winning the game especially when they’re shooting him at such a high volume um overall

Though a a good effort a good effort Jaylen Wilson I mean he had four points um but he had the five rebounds two offensive two assists you know he was doing a fair bit in the second half as well he lifted um and these guys really shouldn’t be

Setting The Benchmark but they were the bench so I want to see more minutes from Clowny I want to see him at least having 15 a game he went under that today he really should have pushed 20 minutes um which was disappointing to see that he

Didn’t the Bucks end up with 30 from Dame yanis was well held um only the 21 points two or four from the line so we kept him off the line as well good contesting at The Rim he missed a lot of layups but Dame um it really was Dame

Time in the last quarter he hit 13 points and basically LED them to the win if it wasn’t for Dame I am very interested to see what the result of the game would have been because I don’t imagine um it would have been as comfortable for Milwaukee if they did win

Um overall we outrebounded them they hit 163 that’s the big difference in the game um their field goal percentage was lower than 50% at about League average their percentages tonight but it was skyh high in the first half I think they were 55% from the the field 45% from

Three at half time so we did well to Peg it back force a few more turnovers in the second half run the Break um and then ultimately you know um yeah we were able to get back into the contest but then the starters came in and they completely killed it so look at

Some point you’ve just got to hold your players accountable and say Kim Johnson you got to go to the bench we’re inserting Clowney into the starting lineup I tell you what you need to try that you need to try it Clowney is not a five he’s not a five imagine the

Versatility the defensive Earth versatility with Claxton and Clowney starting games together that would be ridiculous like Claxton would get the help he needs Clowney can shoot the ball probably not efficiently but cam Johnson bro like what’s he doing aside from making shots less than half the half the time you

Know defensively he’s not making that up the amount of times he got out muscled late in the game was baffling to me and that is the very thing that got us back in the game because Jaylen Wilson simply was being better physically on Bob Bobby poris and you could tell that poris was

Getting frustrated and he gets heated very easily so that is something that we really should have capitalized on but unfortunately um we’re very set in our ways it feels like and and we just run the same BLS every single time that contribute to the problems cam Johnson is not a fall he’s

Not a fall and he should not be boxing out Bobby poris it’s there’s no two ways About It ultimately though I mean there’s positives to take away for once out of a a loss um it honestly feels like excuse me it honestly feels like um you know yeah out of all the games

To get upset about this wasn’t one of them um we only lost by seven but I think it was more the the spirited effort by the the the guys off the bench that haven’t really seen too much time this season they deserve to play more minutes off the back of the way they

Played today but because of their name because of the money they’re getting paid they’re not going to get that time um but if this isn’t a sign of the future then I don’t know what is you know we’ve got to you know embrace the players like Clowney and um Thomas and

Wilson and these guys and with I I feel as if Claxton would be a better player if you played Clowny at the fall that’s just a personal opinion of mine we have no sample size to prove it but I tell you what you’ve got to experiment in

Times where you need to rebuild and we’re in that phase that’s going to do it from me I hope you enjoyed the stream we’ll be back next weekend um for Nets bulls and we’ll be doing some neutral watch alongs if that interests you in the time between between then that’s

Going to do it for me though thank you for tuning in thanks for your support um and your chat messages we will see you next time um but yeah been good it’s been fun um it’s been good fun and um yeah we’ll wrap things up here so we’ll see you soon stay safe

Um hope you enjoy the rest of your day and uh yeah we’re done here thank you see you soon and and uh bye for now e

#brooklynnets #milwaukeebucks #camthomas #mikalbridges #nicclaxton #bensimmons #damianlillard #giannisantetokounmpo #khrismiddleton #brooklopez
DISCLAIMER: This isn’t footage of the game.

The struggling Brooklyn Nets led by Cam Thomas, Mikal Bridges, Nic Claxton, & others will take on Giannis Antetokounmpo, Damian Lillard & the thriving Milwaukee Bucks from the Fiserv Forum!

This watch party experience is one of the best you’ll find on the platform. An Aussie bringing play-by-play, regular box score checks, a constant look at Nets Twitter, player spotlights, an insightful pre-game and in depth Nets game analysis, what more could you ask for? We’ll be doing these Nets watchalongs all year round for the Brooklyn Nets 2023-24 campaign, so if you’d like to stay tuned, make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for the next watch party I do!

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