@Boston Celtics

Serious question do the refs have it out for JT?

Serious question do the refs have it out for JT?

by too-cute-by-half


  1. NoBozosonthebus

    He brings it on himself with his crying.
    Downvote all you want. Tomorrow night I’ll count the number of times he throws his hands up in the air and doesn’t run back on defense.

  2. Glayshyer

    Nah. Refs are like this in general. JT gets a relatively fine whistle in my opinion.

  3. BuddhistInTheory

    The order in who or what the refs have it in for:

    1) their bottom line (bets, what makes the league money) 2) their personal team bias 3) their dislike for a player

    Edit: downvote the truth. It’s entertainment.

  4. Dondon1927

    Maybe if he stops crying after every drive they might give it to him.

  5. JaDamian_Steinblatt

    Tatum gets an extremely friendly whistle. If the refs called every offensive foul, he’d foul out of every game halfway through the first quarter. I’m not saying they should, but that’s just the truth of the matter.

    Pay attention. Tatum’s offensive game is built around shoving and elbowing and hooking defenders with his off arm. Yes every star does it to some extent, but he takes it to a whole new level. He’s fortunate that the refs allow the stars to stiff-arm defenders indiscriminately, because if they started calling those fouls he would be in serious trouble.

  6. daft_dunkwwwolfey

    He was being a lil pouty at the end of the third and shoulda not tried the refs after the Vuc tech, the refs were obviously gonna call that soft shit

  7. CarBallAlex

    Tatum does complain, but he’s 7th in the league in technical fouls. He has more this season than Devin Booker, Pat Bev, Draymond Green, and LeBron James, who I think all toe the line and complain more or the same amount as Tatum.

    A lot of Tatum’s techs are from throwing the ball too hard, clapping too hard, hanging on the rim. He doesn’t really get them for talking back to the refs or complaining unless it’s absolutely fishing for a tech and they have to call it.

    They do not give him the same leeway in the instances as some other players where it would be deemed debatable, idk how people are arguing this when there’s been at least 3-4 of his 11 technicals this season for clapping, but I think this is where the disagreement comes in about a good/bad whistle.

    Ironically, I think if Tatum took his frustration more out on chewing the refs out rather than slamming the ball into the ground or throwing it too hard, he would be T’d up less often, but it’s hard to say since I don’t think that’s necessarily a good idea either. A ref like Tony Brothers would take exception to being talked back to. Another one like Zach Zarba probably wouldn’t.

    He should just let this bogus shit go and use that energy in the games (he’s done this quite a bit this year where he turns up the intensity/physicality after he hates a bad call) and let everyone in the building know nothing is stopping him this year. Not the opposing team, not the refs, nothing. Don’t wave them off. Don’t even acknowledge them. Don’t let them turn it into the referee show. That’s how you really get them back in this situation and come out as a winner.

  8. caelen727

    It has more to do with gambling than him in particular. Some nights(like last night), he’ll get mugged and they swallow it. Other times he gets a very favorable whistle. It has more to do with spreads and over/unders

  9. aja_ramirez

    That deserved a tech. As for others, it’s case by case but in general someone like draymond does way more. But that guy does way more than everyone.

  10. rocket_beer

    No one complains more than LeBron.

    I would like to see that changed.

  11. the_big_duffy

    he and jaylen both had games where they where hit with two quick techs and tossed for nothing

  12. Hour-Equivalent-505

    I think officiating is very difficult to impossible in the NBA. The game and the players are too fast, the floor too crowded. They need an additional official, or to designate two officials to watch the ball at all times and two to watch the rest of the game, two on each end.

  13. I do tend to get frustrated with how he is treated by the refs compared to other superstars around the league. The issue I think JT has is he has been doing this since he came in the league so he hasn’t helped himself. He is right up there with Grant Williams, who I thought was the worst when yapping at the refs. Just get back on D and go play on because you aren’t going to win a battle with the ref.

    We can all agree that the officiating in the NBA is the worst amongst all of sports, however, it has literally been a part of the game for as long as I can remember. I get the emotion and the shit calls, but you aren’t going to help your team if you’re getting thrown out of games. In addition, for the most part bad calls are called both ways throughout a typical basketball game. As much as I think Tatum doesn’t get all the calls I think a super star of his caliber should, at some point during the game you can be guaranteed a bad call will be made in favor of the Celtics. It just isn’t worth yapping and doing something you know (Like whipping a basketball in anger at a ref) is going to get you T’d.

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