@Dallas Mavericks

Words of wisdom before the 2018 Draft πŸ˜„

Words of wisdom before the 2018 Draft πŸ˜„

by WhenMachinesCry


  1. DangerZoneh

    I was thinking about this earlier today. Imagine Luka had come over to the US before his last season and played one year of college ball. He had absolutely no reason to do that of course, the level of competition was higher in Europe. In this hypothetical, though, I find it hard to imagine a world where Luka isn’t utterly dominant in CBB. He would’ve gone number 1 overall easily

  2. Zorion_15

    I know NBA and College Basketball are very different in many ways, but what do you think Luka’s stat line would look like if he had to play a year of college ball? What college do you think he’d go to?

  3. I was on my knees praying that the Mavs would get Luka, however, I’d be lying if I said I thought he’d be half as good as he is.

    I thought he’d be a really solid 15-20ppg scorer that could get you 5-8 assists. I’d have been thrilled with that lol noone predicted he’d be the greatest offensive talent that the league has ever seen

  4. I was on my knees praying that the Mavs would get Luka, however, I’d be lying if I said I thought he’d be half as good as he is.

    I thought he’d be a really solid 15-20ppg scorer that could get you 5-8 assists. I’d have been thrilled with that lol noone predicted he’d be the greatest offensive talent that the league has ever seen

  5. To be fair, Luka going at 3 will be forever remembered.

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