@Minnesota Timberwolves

Timberwolves SURPRISE & SIGN 15 Honorary Team Members To Their 2023-24 ‘Wolves Dream Team’

Timberwolves SURPRISE & SIGN 15 Honorary Team Members To Their 2023-24 ‘Wolves Dream Team’

Today’s an exciting day as we welcome uh 15 uh individuals to join our uh 2023 2024 uh wolves dream team we’re Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities we bring youth in the community together with volunteer mentors and we are thrilled to be partnered with the the Minnesota Timberwolves and they

Brought us in today 15 of our youth are part of the 2024 Timberwolves Junior Dream Team and they’ve got they had they got to practice with the Timberwolf they got to sign a one-day contract to join the Dream Team and it’s an incredible experience right it’s a chance to to

Look up and uh See Your Role Models but also just meet the players see that they’re the regular people see that they’re active in community and I I love even seeing how the players light up when they get to meet the youth too all right we need two two big mans on the

Post me and him we’re going to be down there we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to steal Nas Reed and Rudy go be and then you guys pass us the ball and you guys um run in a circle to trick them what yeah let me let me cook let me

Cook let him cook I’ve seen firsthand the impact of strong mentorship having positive impact to my own children we are honored to partner with this program and look forward to Bringing more opportunities for kids in the community to pursue passions and to learn to live

Healthy all right uh so we have 15 new members of the Timberwolves all right they all signed contracts this morning so we’re going to pair him up with the players um but where’s Cameron at right here Cameron you’re going to be with Kyle [Applause] Anderson you be Anthony Edwards

And work on defense down here guys you know what I’m saying we got to start with defense we got some great Defenders down here so we going to start with some Basics back right there we going to start right here we going to get in the line right here everybody behind me

Everybody behind me start right here we going to start like this we slap the ground defense all right we going to go when I say go you going to come up your feet close out here all right then we going to slide J SL SL SL hand boom then we going to slide

Back we going stop the next gu up all right ready ready This is a it’s a it’s an opportunity and and almost like a responsibility for us when we get to this you know to the point where we’re at in our life where we can actually make a difference uh in people’s lives uh I think we all jumped

To that that opportunity and um today is no different we get to have a special opportunity to be with these children and and their families and their parents and um and just get back in in the only way we know how and uh especially on the basketball court uh just seeing all the

Kids smile that’s my favorite part of the day I mean they’re enjoying themselves having having a good time with NBA players and that’s a dream come true and they get to show off what they just what what they’re able to [Applause] do right right here right here half go

Back ready back back back back ready ready let’s go let’s go come on let’s do it let’s go let’s go let’s go I launched good job can you hit the gritty huh you hit the the Gritty ain’t as good as his but it works what I just wore those in the last game too those will fit no you want to try them up oh look on the side look on the side of it what does that say right there right there you see that you got you’re awesome

Wa so cool what do you say to cat what you thank you absolutely brother just all I ask is you know in a couple years when you got my job I get a pair of your shoes that’s all I asked just return I wasn’t expecting that I was not

Expecting that either I really thought he had like a little basketball or something he was going to sign or a special autograph card and so where you going to put that to Evan we’re going to have to get a little one of those little plastic cases and put it on his uh

Dresser in his room for sure look at these two Evan that’s so much fun wow there you go bll man that is a rap Dream Team 2024 is complete the kids had a ball players had a ball the coach has got some laughs it’s an amazing time when you can make

Kids smile see you next year all right say timber wolves on three 1 2 three timber wolves


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