@Denver Nuggets

JJJ against Jokic

I actually have a decent amount of respect for JJJ and his comments aged as expected. You can tell he hates going against Jokic. It’s crazy how if you only watch this matchup you question how he could have won DPOY however deserving he is.

by Kmans106


  1. LurkerFailsLurking

    Good to revisit this after watching him get cooked by Jokic again.

  2. porkadachop

    ’23 DPOY is like, I don’t stand a chance against this guy.

  3. BustyRutthole

    I used to think the same thing about Gobert when I was really only watching nuggets games. Like how is he dpoy?

  4. Shenanigans80h

    JJJ gets some unnecessary flack honestly, dude’s an elite defender and knows his stuff. Hearing him talk like this about Joker only makes me respect him more and understand Jokic’s dominance better

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