@Golden State Warriors

[95.7] Draymond talks about the ejection on “The Draymond Green Show.” “It just can’t happen. I said what I said, I deserved to be kicked out at that point. Kind of wish I would have turned my body and angled it and gone to the bench, but yeah it just can’t happen.”

[95.7] Draymond talks about the ejection on “The Draymond Green Show.” “It just can’t happen. I said what I said, I deserved to be kicked out at that point. Kind of wish I would have turned my body and angled it and gone to the bench, but yeah it just can’t happen.”

by NokCha_


  1. TaeTwoTimes

    Acknowledging craziness without changing behavior expecting better results is called insanity.

  2. UseCapital164

    He’s still a toxic POS, trade him already

  3. rockeypoint

    Dray need to retire bruh lmao. He a liability at this point

  4. It can’t happen yet he makes sure it keeps happening multiple times specially when the team needs him the most. If GSW makes the playoffs I expect him to repeat both…force the refs to throw him out of the game and then podcast it telling it was his mistake and it will not happen.

  5. Get that shit out of his system before the playoffs…not that I expect to get far, but I at least don’t want shit like this to be an excuse or further distraction.

  6. Witty_Tonight_6478

    One thing’s for sure is he knows how to be accountable with his antics and bs by saying all the right words post-game. He knows what’s right and wrong, he just doesn’t know how to control his emotions in the heat of the moment in game. That’s the problem. Words mean nothing if actions don’t reflect it.

    Oh well, atleast it wasn’t anything involving hurting someone again, although I think I’ve seen some clips that he might’ve dodged a few flagrants from a few questionable fouls the past games. Hope this ejection wakes him up again to go back to that Draymond we saw post-suspension.

  7. gandhi890

    Getting tired of this sht from a grown man, who is supposed to be a leader of this team, and a proud family man

  8. Emotional_Print8706

    So then why does it keep happening?!?!

    Honestly, it’s gotten to the point where I actually expect him to have some kind of big altercation, and am pleasantly surprised if he can keep his temper in check for a whole 48 minutes.

  9. StorminXX

    I love the guy, but this is typical narcissism. Blow up and then act all sorry about it, and then do it again.

  10. Altruistic-Twist-379


  11. Every time I watch his podcast he sounds reflective and aware. Then I watch him play and it’s as if it’s a different person.

  12. Everybody out there to get Dray rn, i just hope he stays focused so he can end his career on a high here like he deserves

  13. misterbluesky8

    How about “never talk to a referee again for any reason”?

  14. Federal_Bear_7521

    How long are gsw fans going to keep turning a blind eye to this fucking idiot?

  15. the_black_surfer

    But yet again, it happened. For the 1 millionth time at that. This dude is never going to change.

  16. contaygious

    Yo everyone makes fun of him not being reformed. When do we realize too lol

  17. berto_8_8

    He has already said that he is not going to change, it’s who he is. He is not going to stop talking and yelling at refs.

  18. contaygious

    Why would anyone talk to a ref like what the fuck is the point. I get the way steph does it to make them call it next time but arguing a foul is just pointless. Also like how steph stares at a ref when he’s hacked and forced them to call it. That shit actually works. No foul had ever been changed without a replay like omg

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