@Toronto Raptors

NBA launches gambling investigation of Toronto Raptors’ Jontay Porter | Brother From Another

NBA launches gambling investigation of Toronto Raptors’ Jontay Porter | Brother From Another

Speaking of uh must be the money and uh I love your column about this inflection point that the NBA is at at a as a whole but it seemed like it was inspired by the jonte porter um gambling Scandal and I almost hesitate to use the word Scandal because if he

Were if it were Michael Porter Jr maybe it would be a bigger deal I don’t know how many people are up in arms about it we Michael and I was talking about Shani the other day and just how pervasive I assume gambling is whether it’s you know

Within and we just don’t know it yet uh within locker rooms within leagues within organizations within families friends circles I mean obviously you know the the the media has fully embraced gambling but this jonte Porter situation I mean it’s like it’s new school Point shaving like it’s

Fascinating because it like it it’s it’s walking talking and quacking and and looking like a duck where my man was manipulating first of all the fact that there are prop bets on jonte Porter let’s start with that that there are prop bets on a Jon Porter that we’re all

Degenerates we’re all degenerates okay but like manipulating the prop bets it seems you know through his own performance or lack thereof this is like this is a new load I I guess what are they saying not just on NBA Twitter Vinnie but in in in NBA circles you know on your text

Threads with NBA Executives and officials about how deep this Rabbit Hole may go specifically for the NBA this gambling Rabbit Hole I mean I think it’s one of those you know lack of a better phrase unintended consequences right like I feel like we’re all we all walk around

With a sign that says Vincent good presented by DraftKings you know what I mean like that might be on that might be on our IDs at this point and our driver’s licenses and passports you know at this point it’s because look it’s just one of those things y’all that

Before when it was taboo you could kind of hear no evil see no evil you know what I mean Richard Pryor Jean Wilder you can kind of keep your eyes closed kind of pretend that it only happens in places that you don’t like to talk about

You know like that sort of thing now because everybody is so embedded with it it’s not just the NBA the NFL it’s College it’s college sports embedded and in bed both of them yes ined and look look not just not just in bed but when they try to get out of bed Jacqueline

Come scrolling again having a meeting with you and then love didn’t bring your ass home last night you know what I mean like that’s that’s where we are with this gambling stuff and I think if you if you’re so in love with with with her

Why are you here with me so in love with Angela why you here with me hey I’ll say this as an aside please B me I don’t even answer that question in that moment right I just get one more in and then leave you know what I mean

Like you just get one more in then you leave truth doesn’t matter at that point right you know what you know what Jacqueline you right you right Jacqueline say whatever you gotta say okay what were you saying about where jacn Jacqueline wasn’t in love with me

So why I gotta be in love with you what are we doing here now she just love Thea Michael H over there back to the I see how the logic I see the logic okay go ahead go ahead back to the Le y y y’all talking to a single man who who

Has been bad decisions and made bad decisions so I totally get it right but but as as a as a general thing the NBA didn’t catch this Vegas caught this and I think that’s what the NBA may be banking on is that we can only know so much about this it’s

Vegas’s job to make sure that all these things are on the up and up not for Vegas to protect itself but for Vegas to protect the gamblers from taking advantage of them and this was a spot where if jonte Porter unders are the biggest Money Maker for a given night

I’ll tell you what happened whatever happened this is just my amateur crackpot Theory the first incident happened in January oh man we cashed out we going to stay quiet for a minute minute we going to make sure nobody catches us we going to make we

Not going to do it again we not going to do it again for another two months and then they’re like hey y’all let’s go Rob Terry Benedict’s uh Casino one more time right we go and they didn’t think that Vegas was watching I bet you if the second thing didn’t happen we wouldn’t

Know about it you if you go in for your quick big score the first time and you go home you leave the casino and go home these fools whoever these fools are decided that they to try twice por minute hold on I don’t think it’s j Porter no no no I’m not saying

I’m not saying it isn’t jont por I’m saying people acting with with Insider knowledge that’s what I’m saying yeah from his participation yeah jont Porter jont Porter is just one person here I’m I’m wondering yeah oh it is no he’s no look it’s clear that he he doesn’t really

Have a case but that’s jonte Porter so it’s easy for us to look at a guy who averages what four or five points a game and be like okay whatever what’s this dude thinking but is this a case where the NBA and the NBA Players Association have to get together and be the

Pre-avengers not the Avengers but pre- Avengers I mean think about it look um if you’re jonte Porter you’ve got inside information you know what’s going to happen so what’s to stop somebody else you can go on and on on it could be whether it’s Raptors Oklahoma City whether somebody is crazy enough wants

To bet on Ohio State Michigan football whatever it is if you have some inside information Vinnie there are a lot of guys who just say all right I’ll do it but I’ll be smarter I’ll be smarter than jonte was and I can make my money this

Is something that the NBA has to address isn’t it well you since you brought up Ohio State Michigan I will once again remind you of the score the last three 17 to 74 I see that ridiculous sign behind you I just thought I thought I’d

Bring that up it’s okay 117 to 74 just remember to score have it burned in your head for next November when we actually do it again now like you said if you have to tell players not to gamble on their sport not to gamble on themselves

You don’t have a sport like it’s not something where the Players Association should be coming in and telling guys stuff that they like that’s the lowest of the low expectations you know dating back to school and college like it’s something that’s embedded in your brain

You may not even know who Pete Rose is but you know the story you know what I mean like you may not know that George Papadopoulos was out here getting suspended back in the day you know what I mean you may not even know George papadopolis was a football player but

You know that gambling is no matter how pervasive it is elsewhere you know it’s not something that you’re supposed to do and if you have to go and remind your players to that point if you have to go and check their closets at every point then you don’t have a sport and the

That’s the for me it’s funny that you brought up the NFL taking over Christmas and the NBA leaning into gambling I view those things as more or less parallel because the NBA is trying to catch up the NBA is trying to lean into all these different revenue streams because they

Just don’t have the natural reach natural feel that the NFL has so what that means is sometimes you get in bed sometimes you get in bed with some lady Eloise’s sometimes you get in bed with some Jacquelin you know what I mean and you know exactly what’s going to happen

You’re just praying that it doesn’t and because you know think about it think about the last five years y’all playing tournament inseason tournament gambling on the apps like it has change so fast for the NBA you don’t have time to actually do cautious checks and balances and that’s the thing that’s scary

Here can you make it darker hey a little bit darker hey thank you for watching brother from another if you haven’t hit that subscribe button go ahead and do that now don’t forget you can catch us three to four weekdays on peacock tv.com and on SiriusXM channel 85

Brother from Another reacts to the NBA launching a gambling investigation of Toronto Raptors’ Jontay Porter and why it should be considered new-school point shaving. #NBCSports #BrotherFromAnother #JontayPorter
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NBA launches gambling investigation of Toronto Raptors’ Jontay Porter | Brother From Another


  1. the fact that there are prop bets on MPJ’s brother just shows how profitable this business really is

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