@Minnesota Timberwolves

KG always knew

KG always knew

by tie_myshoe


  1. Andy_Wiggins

    I don’t get Wolves fans sometimes.

    Why the fuck is Glen Taylor a snake in this instance? ARod and Lore were literally UNABLE to afford the team. There was an agreement in place and they straight up couldn’t get the money in time. What the fuck is Glen supposed to do to not be called a snake?

    Shit, Glen might actually be protecting the team here — if ARod and Lore couldn’t afford to buy the team in March, how are they going to pay a fat luxury tax bill in July (technically next July, but you get the point)?

    I wanted the team to transition ownership too, but I’d rather have Glen and his occasional old-timey process than ARod and Lore being too broke to buy anything.

  2. soft-cookie

    KG deserves so much better from this trash franchise

  3. The_Bran_9000

    Very excited to hear KG’s take on this awful news

  4. CantaloupeCamper

    I don’t get this meme as it relates to the sale of the team.

    Make your payments if you want the team…

  5. Glenn is a good owner. I don’t need some slimy poors owning my wolves

  6. OPUnknown

    Folks in this sub thought KG was in the wrong for being stubborn. Glen is a devious old man who can’t keep promises.

  7. fabergekeg

    When in doubt, always trust the Big Ticket! Ultimate poetic justice would be him coming in with a group to big-dick everybody and buy the team outright in full… that said, I think this shit is going to be MESSY and possibly (maybe even probably) headed to court.

    Seems like the whole situation has played out in the most Timberwolves way this could have possibly played out though, so congrats to them for their brand consistency over 35 years I guess.

  8. caterpillar-police

    i get people don’t like glenn, but if they supposedly didn’t make the payment in time of due date, i feel like it’s fair to not sell team anymore? idk maybe i haven’t read into this enough tho!

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