@Denver Nuggets

I’m new to reddit, is it ok for me to show my drawings here? I love drawing Athletes

I’m new to reddit, is it ok for me to show my drawings here? I love drawing Athletes

by Obvious-River-7668


  1. With awesome stuff like this, I’d say you’re encouraged to share more! Great work!

  2. Data_Disk_196

    Do you have a website? Would love to buy a print!

  3. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    Fantastic work! You’re more than welcome to share it here. Feel free to link your social/store as well.

  4. darbs-face

    You are welcome to post any level of art here. However amazing stuff like this is even more welcome!!!

  5. Your art style with all the shapes (polygons?) and the colors is soo cool. I love it

  6. cyrusthemarginal

    Love the art style! reminds me of geometric tattoos with a water color touch

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