@Atlanta Hawks

Magically delicious

Magically delicious

by HoopsHistorian


  1. Ok_Band7102

    Eating them without milk he’s that tough

  2. Proof_Weather8865

    1 point per 1 shot, 1 cereal per 1 swallow!

  3. TraditionalGold_

    You guys are awesome!! What a great game, I’m still lightly sweating 😂

  4. leeghandiz4me

    Everyone who said to move him or he’ll lose trade value should disappear forever.

    Dude took a paycut to stay here.

  5. Julio_Freeman

    One night when I was a kid I started eating out of a mostly full box of Lucky Charms and the next thing I knew I had eaten the whole thing. Then I became violently ill and I haven’t eaten a Lucky Charm since. Just thought I’d share.

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