@Minnesota Timberwolves

“Hopefully We Just Keep Building From This.” | Mike Conley Postgame Sound | 03.29.24

“Hopefully We Just Keep Building From This.” | Mike Conley Postgame Sound | 03.29.24

Start to finish like what kind of tone did you see set early on that kind of allowed you to kind of build um I think it was our our defense to start you know just really uh really physical um you know just just making it tough on them

And um when we’re connected on that end of the floor I think our offense benefits from it we get out and transition uh we start making the easy easy reads easy plays and you can see our bench getting you know even more you know engaged as the game went up on uh

Because of that energy we were putting in on that defensive side so if we can do that um you know we can win a lot of nights there’s a defending champs you guys do seem to play with a lot of confidence against them do you just like

The matchup and just how you are able to kind of strength strength weakness weakness um I mean they’re they’re awesome team they play you know they don’t they’re a team that doesn’t beats and uh if you’re going to have to beat him you have to kind of go get it you

Have to go do it and um and kind of take the win and uh and that’s what we understand and we try to go in there and try to implement what we do um cuz they’re so they’re they’re so good across the board um that you you can’t

You know can’t slip up at all can’t have any mental lapses so um obviously you know coming in here and getting a win is not easy and we’re happy with that and um hopefully we just keep building from this do you think this team was capable of not committing a turnover for an

Enti um do we do that first first no way um no I did I did not what an able that what what have you guys just done better taking care of the ball a plate um I think it’s just you know when you got guys out there that um

Are starting to make you know reads on time I think guys are getting shots when they’re supposed to and um when you’re getting the ball up in the air and you get in on the rim it’s a little bit less opportunity to get you know turnovers we’re not over dribbling we’re not

Trying to make the hero play uh just make the easy read other guys will make another read and um and get easy shots and that’s why we made a lot of shots we’re getting a lot of of quality looks U because we’re being so unselfish your experience from Memphis to Utah to hear

This team hasn’t made a deep playoff run with this squad together a lot of that are they haven’t done it together is there a value in getting home court and getting higher seating and getting as many wi does that add to it at all oh

For sure for sure you want to you want to you know have that home court if you can get the first seed and have it throughout the playoffs that’s obviously a a huge Advantage if you can you know continue on in in the playoffs and have that throughout the Western Conference

Finals and stuff like that so um but you know this group like you said hasn’t done it together but we’ve got a lot of guys in here who are capable and understand what we need to do and um are kind of itching at the bit to get out

There and and show that we can be better than than the past and um that this is a different team and um that we’re capable of making a Deep Run and and hopefully competing at the highest level you guys have guarded joic this way many times um

With not Rudy on him but I don’t think Nas has has taken that match up what did you think of the job Nas did in that role I thought he did great honestly it it was new for him um you know we’ve had Kyle on him we’ve had cat on him um

Maybe even Jaden sometimes but like just just for him to come in there and um he’s such an offensive threat for us you know n just used so used to running and shooting the three that he had now has an assignment that’s completely different from what he’s ever done and

Um he did a great job he started getting a couple fouls and getting the scours but we were like man you’re doing a doing a great job that’s that’s yage man he’s going to get he’s going to he’s going to score he’s going to do things

Like that and um just proud that he was able to keep his head in the game um and stay focused on the next play and and move on like what do you see from like just Jaden’s Collective offensive game right now that seems to be R him into

Form um honestly I think he’s being aggressive at the right times uh I think when he sees a couple go in you know he he’s a whole different player um obviously the corner threes are going to be there for him but when he’s not hitting the corner threes driving and

Making plays in the paint he can shoot over over anybody because it’s his height because of his height and his uh ability to handle the ball uh it’s about getting a quality look for him and for him it’s uh you know that confidence is building and we need him you know we

Going to need him to be that aggressive and you know going forward in the playoffs because we need every one of our guys to be a threat um when teams are trying to guard us thanks


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  1. That 3 PG lineup is playing great. Its really been a big find by Finch with Towns out, it gives us options in the playoffs

  2. The Timberwolves have a good number of quality players that are playing as a TEAM . Everyone is trying their best to win. When Towns comes back I hope they do not revert to the slow offense tha was not good.

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