@Golden State Warriors

Chris Paul Recaps Warriors Win Over Hornets | March 29, 2024

Chris Paul Recaps Warriors Win Over Hornets | March 29, 2024

Three straight games holding the phonus to what do you like about the way you guys are defending right now um we talking a little bit more uh starting to get in the right spots but um I think we sh what we’re capable of uh if we

Defend you known St for quite some time obviously your first season playing with them is there anything about the way that he just goes about his game something that you didn’t know about him that surprises you how he just handles business and and just the responsibility

What she takes like with this team when it comes Hees um no now I’m I’m too deep in the game and then played against him and watch and all that stuff so honestly not not really yeah I I know he knows the work that goes in day in

And day out you know I see it CP been Wasing for as long as I can remember it seems like you always coming off the screen sometimes you have that thing where you twist the ball and you get it back to you had the trace Jacks

Alley this time what are you seeing and what does that move kind of enable and give you on uh I started doing that back in New Orleans a while ago and all it is is I mean sort of being UND side SI obviously my whole career is trying to

Get the spots and because every time you see a guy come off a pick and roll they throw a pocket pass yeah right and so all I’m trying to do is make the defender react right he he not sure if I’m passing it or not so if he drops his

Hand down there now he’s off balance he can’t contest my shot it’s just I don’t know I started doing it when they tried to switch the balls the basketballs back in 2007 they switched to basketballs for a little while during the summer and it was funny cuz the

League tried to say it was the same leather but it obviously wasn’t um and I used to be able to throw the ball out a lot further and it would like Spin and come back to me yeah and so when they switch back to the regular basketballs

You just do the same thing just don’t throw it out as far the preparing the front court with trace and then Draymond you guys are able to get great shots with that look maybe without you know spacing you guys are custom what’s the key to getting

Great offense um when those two guys are in your front Court um just ball movement and setting screens and Dre is another guard you know what I mean he’s a big guard but uh I think we just know how to play know how to move we didn’t necessarily make shots tonight but I

Think we got a lot of Great Looks how does this experience like playing with Steph clay and Dre compared to the other stars that you played with in your career like a James Harden or guys that they um there more of them you know what I mean seriously like I didn’t had a

Chance to play with jh play with book played with uh KD last year uh obviously um D West when I started my career and uh Blake and DJ and all that and JJ but um these guys they’ve been together so long I hav played against them so long

They just know where you going to be and it’s um it’s ball movement his screens it’s you know real smart cerebral playing and I’ve never played with a guy like Draymond too that could pass like me you know what I mean seriously so um it’s fun and I enjoy when we get a

Chance to play together what’s Moses been getting you guys the last couple games seems like he’s always ready no matter what Moses is just a pro man you know what I mean Moses is one of those guys that you know we have guys that go hoop days in between games or the

Morning of the game they might go hoop and stuff cuz mo may not be in the rotation so he’ll he’ll hoop in the morning thinking that he might not be part of the rotation and then game time will come and Coach will be like you starting you know and he just stay ready

He just stay ready and you got to appreciate somebody like Mo because a lot of guys will be pouting and man I ain’t ready I played this morning or whatnot but he just he just stay ready and uh he uh one of my favorite teammates my whole career Chris is there

A restaurant or fast food place you stopped back in when you’re in North Carolina uh my grandma house yeah yeah

Chris Paul met with the media following the Golden State Warriors victory over the Charlotte Hornets.


  1. Kerr still did not learn how its not effective of having 4 Guards in Small ball lineup. It is so effective back then because he had 2 great forwards(Barnes/Durant, Iggy). 3 guards in lineup explodes their offense especially in shooting but they are lack of guarding perimeter and inside the paint, and usually they overhelp that makes the other players wide open. And its even WORSE when he used 4 guards that it makes the players opponent see the rim without concerning about the contest in perimeter since they are SMALL.

    Just a piece of advice, 3 guards are enough but 4 guards makes your defense collapse. Having Kuminga/Andrew on the floor at Pos 4 makes your defense still intact if you decide to be on a Small ball lineup with Dray/TJD/Loon as a Center.

  2. for moody to be one of chris's fav teammates in his career and hes only a 21 year old who has spent almost one season w him speaks to his professionalism and work ethic behind the scenes, hope Moody gets more opportunities going forward

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