@Los Angeles Lakers

How did D’Angelo Russell get a tech for this with Jose Alvarado?

How did D’Angelo Russell get a tech for this with Jose Alvarado?

by ChazNBA


  1. Spaghettibeach

    did you not see who’s reffing lol expect this game to have so much fuckery

  2. LoveTheHustleBud

    Prob pointing in his face deemed escalating the incident

  3. itssimsallthewaydown

    Scott Foster trying to throw the game

  4. corybekem

    So just always get yo lick back since a tech coming anyway

  5. Pov (thumbnail): little brother gets his ice cream stolen by big brother so he acts tough on him while dad is just looking on, wondering if he should spank liitle brother

  6. jeremy_thegent

    “He’s just standing there… MENACINGLY!”

  7. DoctorX_1994

    Scott Foster. That’s why 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  8. rrarrarra21

    Scott foster. 30 years of this stupid shit.

  9. DetDipstick

    Shoulda done what Kobe did, put his hands up as though not wanting to be part of it, but still close enought where the other guy may escalate it even further.

  10. ValuableAssociate8

    DLo be talking be said something no doubt

  11. Background_Nature_32

    Scott Foster DraftKings legacy game

  12. Ok-Motor9184

    Because players like Draymond and Alvarado, who are considered “great defenders” are allowed to do more, jump players and scream in their faces, discuss the refs and taunt players.

    Should’ve been a double tech for Alvarado for 2 headbumps and being the agressor, 1 for D’Lo for clapping. One FT for the Lakers.

    If just 1 for Alvarado – then no tech for D’Lo, he was literally backing from Alvarado, who bumped him twice and started talking.

    But of course, the mild reaction gets the same punishment as verbal and physical aggresion. Logical.

  13. BackendSpecialist

    Alvagarbo is trash. If it wasn’t for his whack ass sneak steals this guy would be on the bench.

    He’ll be out of the league within 5 years 🥱

  14. Available-Bet5694

    Escalating the situation by pointing and clapping in his face

  15. macmoretti

    Alvarado should’ve been tossed for the second bump before D’Lo pointed/started clapping. He clearly thought an ejection was coming.

  16. fedswatching2121

    I think it was a borderline call for DLo but honestly he was taunting by clapping in his face and probably said a few words. He could’ve just walked away after Scott gave the first tech to Jose

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