@Philadelphia 76ers

Playoff hype video featuring Allen Iverson

Playoff hype video featuring Allen Iverson

by loco1989


  1. Bloody_Corndog

    Pleeeeeeease don’t disappoint me Sixers. We need to make it past the 2nd round.

  2. Our $40 mil man made no impact to even get on the playoff hype tape

  3. OrangeMonkE

    This is my first year watching and I’m so ready to get hurt

  4. Left-Opinion351

    Yall notice a whole lotta Oubre highlights and not much Tobias?

  5. Professional_King456

    I’m already in pain with the Phillies and Flyers, just bring on more hurt.

  6. First_Black_Guy

    50 piece coming from mad max tonight

  7. editsnacks

    I’m hype, but I still got notes on the edit.

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