@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron’s Mom Says NBA Career Will Not Define His Legacy; It’ll be what He Did Beyond the Court

LeBron’s Mom Says NBA Career Will Not Define His Legacy; It’ll be what He Did Beyond the Court

by Imaginary-Mouse-1737


  1. Rare-Inevitable-5607

    Well, it’s about time someone recognized LeBron’s true potential as a professional pancake chef! His slam dunks on the court are impressive, but have you seen the finesse with which he flips those flapjacks?

  2. wowsocoolbro1

    he’ll be remembered for those cranberry sprite commercials

  3. imironman2018

    How insane would Lebron career be if mama James was right? Like if he did more with his post career money and continued his charity work. Similar to Jimmy Carter.

  4. While there’s some truth to that, I’d love to see him get a 5th ring at age 39 or 40, because that would cement his NBA legacy too.

  5. jeffcoolho

    Taco Tuesday will become a national holiday

  6. elxhapo6

    40k and flamin hot cheddars and sour cream ruffles he’s done enough in my book

  7. C1ncinnatiBowtie

    But but but I was told by LeBron haters that the reason they hate him is because he is “corny” and “lies about dumb things” like reading books, and is “so arrogant!” Clearly a POS /s.

  8. milfs_lounge

    That’s just mom talk. His legacy is basketball lol

  9. He will be remembered as a middle-aged corny, wine-drinker mom who excessively uses emoji.

  10. No_Mongoose_3727

    That’s accurate to some extent, for now. Let’s revisit this 10 years after he retires.

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