@Milwaukee Bucks

As seen on the Warriors’ sub, after an embarassing season exit. πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘

As seen on the Warriors’ sub, after an embarassing season exit. πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘

by t4steless


  1. A_SandlerthaGOAT

    It’s funny to see these fanbases talk shit about him but the second they can they will make edits like this lol

  2. bonefire85

    Your regularly scheduled warriors post…

  3. Mister-Lavender

    I would only trade him for a young star plus a bunch of picks.

    Edit: You all understand I mean β€œif we have to”? Like if we aren’t able to contend anymore and Giannis asks for a trade??

  4. Bucksin06

    I mean it only makes sense I always hear Giannis talk about how much he loves Oakland how he wants to raise his family in Oakland and stay in Oakland.Β  Oh wait that’s Milwaukee.

  5. Gotta get off this aging roster to join -checks notes- the Warriors.

  6. I wouldn’t be mentioning teams’ embarrassing season exits for the moment if you know what I mean

  7. Eastern_Wrangler_595

    Khris missed most of the season

  8. General_-_Kenobi

    Check the comments, they aren’t as delusional as you think.

  9. wolfdrayvus

    Tbh if the Bucks don’t make a coaching change (I know, I know another one?) next year . I wanna see Giannis go. The Bucks are wasting his prime with the front office moves.

  10. theerealobs

    What assets do the Warriors even have to pull a trade off?

  11. boogerheadmusic

    They didn’t even make the playoffs and their only good player is like 40

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