@Golden State Warriors

Steph immediately w/a scoff as if he can’t believe they even had to ask: “Klay & Draymond.”; Dray w/out hesitation: “Steph & Klay.”; Alongside a still graphic of Klay: “Klay had to catch the team bus so we didn’t get to ask, but if we had to guess, he’d probably say Steph & Dray.” CACKLING 🤣💀

Oh this is video is so perfect lol I love these three so much

by taygads


  1. FallacyFrank

    Twist is they asked Klay and he said Moses and Wiseman cause they’ve been on his boat but they cut it

  2. healthywealthyhappy8

    Zombie apocalypse to US confirmed

  3. monteasf

    Klay probably forgot to go to work that day

  4. GalickBanger

    I’m never gonna read that title again

  5. TransportationAway59

    So a title is supposed to succinctly tell you what the video is largely about. It’s prompt. Describing the video is for body text

  6. facedrool

    Best title of all time – this makes people actually read the article

  7. rockingmoons


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