@Boston Celtics

Commission for a co worker, looking for opinions

My main concern is the lack of green, should I repaint the black back board a matching green. It measures about 40” diameter, it will have battery operated LEDs on the back, and I will post completed pictures when it’s finished

by Proudpapa2006


  1. TinySpiderman

    This looks nice but agree it needs the green background to pop more.

  2. Assgassgrass

    Dude this looks so fucking awesome I’d buy it exactly like that. The black background might just be a preference thing, I love it as is

  3. newtothistruetothis

    I actually do think you have a point about it not being green enough. I wasn’t going to say that initially but upon second thought It is a bit off looking. I was more concerned with your lettering which is spot on. The lettering has been the same since the 80s when it was done by hand. You don’t see imperfect shaped letters anymore and I appreciate that about our logo. Great work either way!

  4. jimmytheloot

    I’d add green and white stripes on the edges of the black circle

  5. if the LEDs are green, I think it looks good as-is. If not, might need some more green somewhere in there.

  6. RandomName9678

    In general I think this looks awesome. I’d probably change the black background, but I’m saying that without knowing what the wall it’s going on looks like, may be a reason for that choice. Traditionally that’d be green, but I do like the way the shadowing looks on the letters which would just blend in with a green background. Maybe green circle with black shadowing? Either way its nitpicking, this thing is great.

  7. Can you ship? I love this! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  8. SinImportaLoQueDigan

    It your coworker doesn’t want it, I’d buy this off you. Looks dope, I would put this in my office.

  9. chronicdreamze

    If the LEDs are green then this is perfect as is.

  10. captaincumsock69

    Do you sell these?

    I think the background being black or green is good. I also think if you could get a wood style matching the parquet that would be cool.

  11. Drummallumin

    Imo with the green lettering around the rim that’ll be enough.

    Especially if you do the green leds like people have been suggesting.

  12. JaylenTatum07

    I agree with others that it’s really cool as is but after a few seconds of looking at it I questioned why the background was black. Personally would prefer it green. Amazing work though fr

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