@Denver Nuggets

Sam Kinison’s long lost son is unhappy with the Lakers

Sam Kinison’s long lost son is unhappy with the Lakers

by Lake_Shore_Drive


  1. I mean that was unhinged albeit knowledgeable commentary.

  2. Bendover___420

    I’m honestly surprised this guy hasn’t had a heart attack.

  3. Mooshipoo

    Maybe the altitude really messes with their cardio and so the defense breakdowns/laziness. There’s many nuances/lethargy which comes out with lack of energy.

    Defense is also contagious. You see teammate sluggish on defense and it’s bad news. Spreads like wildfire.

    Need a veteran presence to fire up the team when you see lapses in defense like that.

  4. edkishinevsky

    this is the 2nd one of these ive seen from this guy. I love it. I loved sam kinison. completely. get that.

    keep posting these. i’ll watch

  5. jamarcusaristotle

    Kinison would roll over in his grave if he heard this clown compared to him

  6. dizzlejones

    I can’t wait for the Gofundme after his heart attack.

  7. 420jacobf

    That was hilarious. This dude needs to smoke a joint

  8. Bridgerbum47

    I can’t tell if this is coaching or not…

  9. AMC_Unlimited

    This is why I’m never having kids! Aaaaaah! Why did my parent have me! DONT GAMBLE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 

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