@New York Knicks


that Pacers scout was lost for words

by BackPains84


  1. NeoChaucer

    Looks like this sub might be stepping up for the playoffs, too!

  2. confuddly

    Wait how do we know it’s a Pacers scout?

    There’s a pacers sheet behind the Knicks one, but couldnt it be a Bucks scout’s notes about the Pacers?

  3. NYJmmkay

    the history books will look down favorably on this meme

  4. ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is)


  5. rentfree

    And with that, a new meme template is born.

  6. ChasingItSupreme

    I wish someone chucked that laptop into the stands—and before someone says “Every team does it!” I don’t care. This guy is in enemy territory so to speak and should be treated with hostility.

    At least Bill Belichek had the courtesy to use binoculars, this guy is courtside for god’s sake!!

  7. JarnaisVu

    ah you won the reddit, no, the internet today my man lmao

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