@Denver Nuggets

INCREDIBLE Shot of Jamal’s gamer winner, the ballers all know

INCREDIBLE Shot of Jamal’s gamer winner, the ballers all know

by teensonacid


  1. teensonacid

    what’s crazy to me is there’s people NOT watching the shot but the jumbotron. even crazier is how the intensity changes from those close to the bench so focused on the shot, spreads out…unreal photo

  2. dmlitzau

    I love Strawther just sitting like he is watching from his recliner at home.

  3. yesihaveasweettooth

    Popeye Jones has the best expression in this shot

  4. Kmans106

    Gillespie and crew holding onto each other is awesome.

  5. idiskfla

    Imagine being a Nuggets fan in this photo. I’d make a wall in my house this photo if I was in it.

  6. colirado

    One thing I noticed from the next second after this moment: Jamal falls into the bench because he went full fadeaway, but AD only collapses into the bench after he saw the shot drop. No other force touched him, his body just gave out when it when in.

  7. ssspearmint

    Gillespie said:


  8. Kombuja

    I just like that it looks like Jokic and Bron are on a date watching the shot.

  9. skesisfunk

    Can someone make an oil painting of this?


    lol AD: Jamal Murray made a shot

    Hands down the most baller fucking saying

  11. Smooth_Cry2645

    Bron and Jokic look like proud parents watching their boy having a great game. LeProud

  12. jsconifer

    The best is Ryan Saunders standing with hands on hips and no expression at all on his face, like he’s watching a play in the first quarter. Such a coach move.

  13. Flinty984

    mic drop acts like a baby leaves conference

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