@Denver Nuggets

Jamal Murray made a shot.

Jamal Murray made a shot.

by IdRatherBeLurkingToo


  1. Negimarium

    This will traumatize Laker fans for years.

  2. AnotherFrankHere

    Two very important shots, actually

  3. Level_Watercress1153

    For such an important play, there is sooo much space given up by AD. That whole play he was very lackadaisical. Idk if it was cuz Jamal lulled him into it by being lackadaisical himself but that whole thing was crazy. When it came to the switch, AD should have been right in his face not allowing any space and forcing the pressure back onto him to make a play.

    Instead, he allows him the time to get to a spot without pressure. Then instead of trying to funnel Jamal back inside to the middle of the court where his help is at, he basically helps him get to his spot by allowing him the room to go to the only place available, which is where Jamal wanted to go to begin with. Late in reacting to the step back, which you know is coming. You know he’s going to be trying to get himself some space. You know he’s going to need that little space. AD has the height and wing span on Jamal. Instead he allows him to get himself all the space in the world, and ba da bing, ba da boom, Jamal Murray hit a shot

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