@New Orleans Pelicans

Preview of the T-shirt we get Saturday

Not super nice but a shirt is a shirt

by W_Walk


  1. poorwhitecash

    Almost ALWAYS red. I’m still convinced they bought a million red shirts on clearance a few years ago and are still trying to liquidate.

  2. definitelydidntcheat

    Of all the shirts they’ve given out for big games, this is certainly one of em.

  3. Feel like the ONE NOLA should’ve been the large text not get loud

  4. JayDogon504

    That’s about as weak as it can get smh

  5. 6preston

    Would be cool to see a shirt with the voodoo pelican

  6. JackieBoiiiiii

    This shirt makes me think the FO is ready for the season to be over. My 12 yr old brother in law could come up with something better than this

  7. MikeDatTiger

    Really don’t get the “One Nola” slogan.

  8. McJumbos

    not too bad – I wished was in the color of our city jerseys

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