@Los Angeles Clippers

Amir posting this.

Hope he talking about officiating.

by freshprincemufasa


  1. Otherwise-Tale9671

    Can someone interpret this for me?

  2. Buythestonk21

    I think that either the refs are unfair or the Mavs played dirty and got away with it. He realized this a long time ago so he is unphased.

  3. Key_Joke_8189

    Prolly caught one of his side pieces stepping out

  4. PalletTownsDealer

    That blue dreams had him feeling introspective. 🍃🔥💨

  5. Charliebitme1234

    amir about to dive into some knees pat bev style

  6. LLUrDadsFave

    Hopefully he shows out for his new thang.

  7. freshprincemufasa

    Those saying girl problems are hopefully right. Didn’t even think it could just be a female issue. Regardless, we need brew’s head in the game around this time.

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