@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers in 6.

After being down for 24 hours, I’m on that copium. Let’s bring the fire tomorrow yall! Lakers in 6.

by Unbiasedsubjectivity


  1. IdkWhatsAGoodName699


    Channeling extra IQ points to Darvin ham tomorrow

  2. hitdifferently

    First off fuck Malone and that Clique you claim. Home energy finally gets our boys over the hump! LFG!

  3. I don’t think it’s THAT wild to believe they can win tomorrow. You showed both games that you can out play them for long stretches. Clean up the boneheaded unforced turnovers and you’re good.

  4. nu1stunna

    I honestly don’t even care about championship aspirations at this point. I just want to win so they can stfu with their stupid “moral victories” meme. It’s so fucking annoying lol

  5. Nuna2481

    Probably delusional, but the team looks like they’re in a good mood with good energy rn. Home game, without dealing with Denver altitude, I’ve regained my confidence in this team. If Denver takes either home game tho, I’m done believing.

  6. mobuckets21

    Let’s hope that the basketball gods favor us this time. And of course hoping that another player from our bench scores other than TP

  7. JayBeeSebastian

    Game 3 is the game we flip the switch on these Nuggets

  8. S-HeatsUrgencyOfNow


    …Lakers in 6

  9. NefariousNeezy

    After establishing an early lead, we need to slow the game down. Play it to LeBron’s classic turn-based playoff pace. Grind em out.

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