@Los Angeles Lakers

I really hope DLo doesn’t even suit up next game after this. Way to quit on your teammates and act like a diva.

Done with this guy

by epicpurple72


  1. 23NMASTAR

    I understand with a shitty coach like Ham, but damn bro show some heart.

  2. CabbageStockExchange

    No coming back from this. His time with us is done and likely his time as a top starter. Cost himself millions in contract negotiations with this series

  3. FlatBirthday333

    Getting benched again just like last year

  4. Awesomefan09

    I need more context. D’Lo let down all of his teammates, the organization, and millions of Lakers fans. He also gave his critics a ton of ammo while costing himself dearly professionally. It’s admittedly a bad look so I’m not excusing the behavior, but he’s carrying a lot of weight. I can’t say I’d fare much better.

  5. big_biscuitss

    None of the starters should suit up. Play the bench, call it a series.

    Like Bron said, “It’s just basketball”

  6. Green-Session7085

    The sick thing is… we need him to opt in for trade packages

  7. gratitudeisbs

    Poor guy. Now he has to go home to his Malibu mansion and hot wife and never has to work a day in his life.

    Like lebron said, it’s just basketball. Give me the kind of money Dlo has made and I’d never stop smiling

  8. AntSmith777

    I would tell him don’t even bother to show up. Start Gabe.

  9. lbj20201

    Honestly it’s Game 4 it’s over why not just put Hayes AD Bron Reaves Dinwiddie/Gabe. DLo deserves his bench role it’s his last game anyway

  10. robsteezy

    This picture has been the talk of news all morning. This will be the most embarrassing picture of the entire NBA season. Dude single-handedly has zero heart for his game.

  11. corybekem

    To do this after Ham has stuck by you during your shitty ass showing in game 1 all the way to game 3. Ham should’ve benched him but he gave him a chance. Now you pouting on the bench cuz YOU ass? At least Westbrook stayed in it for his teammates. Same damm Dlo that was hanging out with Nick fuckin Young smh.

  12. ukindacute

    He was updating his Discord to say the series is still ours. Give him a break

  13. gaius_worzels_bird

    Man this hurts, I was delusional to have faith in him, but without his shots going in the offense falls apart. I say go out guns blazing and jack up threes every possession

  14. stevemoveyafeet

    Put max Christie in, he’ll get playoff minutes and will give us defense (effort) if he isn’t shooting well. 

  15. New_Essay_4869

    He really tricked the Lakers into being near untradeable at deadline to near unplayable in playoffs

  16. Le8ronJames

    You can’t yap when you’re up and tap when you’re down. Big disappointment, not only in the performance but the lack of character.

  17. RogueTampon

    If the front office was so disconnected from the roster that they don’t realize how much these guys dislike Ham, that is a huge problem.

  18. Js_On_My_Yeet

    If I’m Lebron I’m telling this dude to sit his fucking ass at home and wait till free agency. Certified bum.

  19. People on this sub acting like this isn’t the entire mood of the team, we’re just seeing out in the open from one player but I’m sure everyone else feels the same way lol

  20. throwaway366792

    I’m so done with DLo. At least fucking act like you wanna be there.

  21. adversity really shines a light on someone’s character…. this was so sad to see smfh

  22. thanos_0622

    We can’t say that Darvin Ham is a bad coach and then also ridicule a player for not wanting to participate in the timeout huddle. He probably didn’t want to listen to whatever nonsense Darvin was probably cooking up.

  23. I’m a huge dlo supporter, but you can’t start him after this. I wonder wtf happened for him to completely check out.

  24. Any-Priority-4514

    I mean what do we expect from the guy that does twirls instead of getting back on defense after he makes a shot?

  25. Maleficent_Damage_10

    Is he on the phone? How much time left in the game. Why isn’t Max playing at least he can d up pope or murray. Dlo can be a clown but Ham is not ready to be a head coach

  26. GhostTooHigh

    Absolutely livid especially since his “Don’t give up on us” BS he spewed…

  27. Ok_Concentrate_75

    Meh, he’s human and has high expectations for himself. The guy broke 3 point records and just had a dynamic game 2. We can project based off a picture but I’m atleast 50% sure he was in his feelings over his own play. DLo isn’t Murray, who has played like shit but has found other ways to contribute. His investment is kinda based off his performance

  28. KingOfNoth


  29. Would’ve been nice to see the coaching staff send his ass to the locker room after this time out 😂

  30. awibasedgod

    He completely lost me with this shit. I hope he doesn’t wear a Laker uniform ever again after this

  31. FuckRandyMoss

    The LA lights were once again too bright for D Lo oh well

  32. How immature is this guy? He talks about growing as a player and you’re over here pouting cause you got benched for 0/7, bad defense and turnovers.

    Please get this guy off the team. Take Rui along with you too.

  33. JesusDiedforChipotle

    His ass belongs in China after that

  34. ConsciousYam2403

    I defended Dlo all year….i can’t after this man

  35. hillybeat

    Never trust a snitch. DLo is all yours DC, Detroit, Houston….

  36. WideCoconut2230

    What Dlo did in pic is wrong and had a horrible game. However, we’re not in the playoffs without his productivity. He’s been great overall. Now, if he opts out, that’s fine. It’s a business decision in that his value is worth more than the option year. If his asking price is fair, heck yeah I’m re-signing him. We need shooting. BTW, if the price is reasonable, I’d sign Klay Thompson too. We need shooting. Not many FA’s that will give you that.

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