@Atlanta Hawks

Flashback: Atlanta Hawks’ Tree Rollins bites Danny Ainge during playoff game

Flashback: Atlanta Hawks’ Tree Rollins bites Danny Ainge during playoff game

On April 24, 1983 in the first round of the NBA playoffs, at the bottom of a fight at center court, Atlanta’s Tree Rollins bites the hand of Danny Ainge.


  1. Can you imagine todays soft 💩players having to play in the 80s or 90s? I don’t think Tree was even ejected for that or Danny. I remember right Tree was suspended for 3 or 4 games the following year and a 5k fine! Man I miss these days!

  2. Ainge would have killed him. He grabbed him with that double leg and would have mounted him if they let it go. He has wrestling skills and was a super athlete.

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