@Charlotte Hornets

[Boone] Charlotte deserves shot at the NBA playoff spotlight. It’s time the Hornets deliver

“Players, doctors, trainers, executives, coaches all need to be on the same parallel because, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation, that hasn’t been the case for the Hornets. Especially this past season. So, they have to determine what the issue is and fix it for the betterment of everyone involved.”

by OhMyGauche


  1. OhMyGauche

    Interesting quote from Boone regarding our medical staff – what can we take from this?

  2. It’s not happening next year. We deserve better FORSURE but it’s a process. Can’t be rushing things. That’s why we are where we are rn.

  3. SportsNAnime

    I’ve been calling for heads, including the medical team for years. I don’t know what says we have one of the better medical teams in the nba, but everything that’s been going on says otherwise. If ownership do uproot everything I’m more than fine with uf

  4. Mario_RE

    I would endorse a complete turnover of training and medical staff. Long overdue

  5. idislikehate

    Hot take: a team sucking for a long time doesn’t mean their fans deserve anything if the fans have never been good. I lived in Charlotte for six years and went to a ton of Hornets games. I didn’t meet any actual Hornets fans.

    Of course, that’s the fault of the franchise for never giving them a product to care about, but I wouldn’t say anyone “deserves” anything.

  6. IntelligentInsect773

    I just get tired of the people that come on Reddit and say we’re not gonna win at all so we shouldn’t even try and make a playoff push. I’m just tired of that all or nothing attitude.

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