@Golden State Warriors

Your 2024-25 Warriors

Will be Curry, Durant, Lebron and Draymond (It’s a joke) but it has a chance of happening.

by PanchoTarolas


  1. Used_Return9095

    what? Bro atleast photo shop the players lol

  2. GreyBoyTigger

    People really think this Lebron/KD/Steph OG super team is happening?

  3. sfweedman

    I mean this belongs on /nbacirclejerk not here…but it’s funny so upvote anyway

  4. Psh. I wish we had 2004 Kobe and 2004 Shaq equivalents. We’d have 2 Karl Malones, a Gary Payton Sr, and a Wizards MJ.

  5. TemporaryValue5755

    Starting 5: steph klay lebron durant babe ruth

  6. WE need the old heads to set the young stars straight. I’m down for this 💀💀💀

  7. Nessmuk58

    We need a Center, so we dig up Wilt’s corpse, clone him, and run the clone through an accelerated growth process (includes 3 games at Kentucky and sleeping with only 2,000 women).

  8. Top5hottest

    If you asked me a month ago.. i would have said fuck this. But now I’m ready for it. Trade the future for it. Let’s go out fucking swinging!

  9. Duckysawus

    Money doesn’t work out + LeBron likely staying with Lakers. Suns will try to (unsuccessfully) trade Beal first before KD, but if KD wants out then I think we can offer a strong package but it’ll gut our depth (likely Wiggins, JK, Podz, Moody + picks gone).

  10. Thebigman226

    Somone made a fanstay scenario vid where we had

    Steph, Klay, Dray, Bron and Embid

    Bench was Cp3 Spodz, TJD and Moody.

    Don’t see it happening at all but if we’re just fantasy booking based off payoffs and Paris

    KD comes home and Giannis joins the warriors.

    Bron can stay with LA.

  11. livecents84

    The Lakers are so thirsty to keep Bron they said they’ll draft Bronny and they’ll have the 17th pick

  12. Shinobi_Saizo

    This was the last year of Shaq being “Most dominant ever.”

    After this season his dominance goes downward spiral.

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