@Los Angeles Lakers

Phil Handy is the betting favorite to be the next Los Angeles Lakers Coach Phil Handy +200 Juwan Howard +650 Quin Snyder +650 Jared Dudley +700 Sam Cassell +700 Kenny Atkinson +800 Steve Clifford +900 … whoever they get i know bron and AD gonna want rondo as an assistant

Phil Handy is the betting favorite to be the next Los Angeles Lakers Coach Phil Handy +200 Juwan Howard +650 Quin Snyder +650 Jared Dudley +700 Sam Cassell +700 Kenny Atkinson +800 Steve Clifford +900 … whoever they get i know bron and AD gonna want rondo as an assistant

by angryshoper


  1. jonbemerkin

    Nah don’t want a rookie coach, idc who it is. This team has way too much personalities and drama and spotlight for a rookie coach to handle enough to do a decent job imo.

  2. Nah, I like Phil too much and I don’t want to hate him later if it doesn’t work out.

  3. nottherealstanlee

    Don’t want none of those dudes. 

  4. GoalPublic3579

    Should have hired Udoka when we had the chance

  5. majorpiss

    Jared Dudley was our GOAT bench warmer. If he can just stay on the bench and keep it warm for our guys, then yeah I can see him as our coach

  6. krosber04

    Phil as head with Rondo and JJ as assistants

  7. eaglesflyup

    Ty lue is being slept on , gimme that +1000

  8. StoneColdAM

    Remember Phil Jackson was an assistant in Chicago before becoming head coach 

  9. Nightmare4545

    We could have done this 4 months ago, for free. If all we do is promote Handy, this FO will prove that have no idea how to run a team.

  10. TheBigJew

    If handy is the coach Lebron is basically the Player Coach which might be the best solution until he retires

  11. Phil Handy with Rondo assisting is the best suggestion I’ve heard. I don’t want recycled crap like Adelman or Stotts and I especially don’t want JJ Reddick.

  12. VictorianGuy

    Handy is a player development coach. I don’t see him as a HC. Why do we need to settle for a rookie? I’m sorry but the Lakers make enough money to go and poach anybody in the league. Stop being cheap.

  13. SnooTigers806


  14. stanquevisch

    I would love having Snyder, but I don’t think he wants to be on the Lakers enough time quit Atlanta, and I don’t think Atlanta will let him go.

    The second best option there for me is Kenny Atkinson.

  15. Winter-Gur-9762

    i mean… didn’t phil help darvin with the rotations?

  16. josuelaker2

    Phil autographed a 2020 championship ball for me. He’s a great dude and would get my vote.

  17. danyyyel

    If it is the case, they should have done it 3 months ago. We might still be enjoying playoff basketball for a few weeks.

  18. StOnEy333

    Can they just stop fucking around and hire a guy to stand there and let lebron be the de facto HC.

  19. thehanssassin

    HC: Snyder

    Assistants: Hollins, Rondo, Reddick, Handy, McMillan

  20. coolerthanice

    I want Phil to remain in his role as player development. I just hope he’s still here if they bring in someone else.

  21. witcher317

    Another rookie coach would be a dumb idea

  22. BearShark8

    Is he an X’s and O’s guy? Lakers need a strategist, not another rah rah Darvin Ham guy.

  23. if there is one thing ive learned is that no one here knows wtf theyre talking about in regards to coaching lmao


    Love Phil, but if they hire Phil the Buss brothers have my blessing to start a mutiny because we couldve done that move months ago and if it didn’t work out, it would’ve been OK because it would have been under the interim label 

  25. CultExterminator

    Ty Lue and Klutch need to force their way to the Lakers. Why are they settling for player coaches?

  26. Vegasguy3124

    Hrrr hmm.. if I were the manager this would be my interview.

    1. Which position are you applying for?

    2. Are you currently employed?

    3. Can you provide me with offensive playbook?

    4. Are you an offensive or defensive coach?

    5. If you were given any one player in the league to start your franchise with— who would it be? and why?

    6. If see an employee eating snacks in another cubicle while you’re giving a presentation, how do you handle it?

    7. Are you a giver or taker?

  27. Pikminious_Thrious

    Juwan Howard will be a bigger clown show than Ham. Just came off an abysmal season

  28. Exciting_Attitude240

    Imagine AD and Bron in the triangle 🤔

  29. Pale-Share1323

    More Rookie coaches? Recipe for another disaster smh.

  30. LeFatigue

    Jesus another rookie coach? I’m fucking done. Handy a solid players development coach what the fuck he gonna do as head coach? Fucking Juwan Howard? Dudley? Jesus

  31. thinlion01

    We need him to be our development coach. Can’t afford to lose him being fired as a head coach. Quinn Synder should be top choice

  32. myelrecsy

    Quin Snyder for me BUT as long as he brings back Handy as his assistant and sign Rondo as the other assistant. That for me is a high IQ staff already.

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