@Minnesota Timberwolves

Any good sign ideas for game 3 or 4?



Nuggies ?

Also that is a half sign so I could make one twice as big as this or twice as long words wise.


by fruityflyers


  1. LittleKoalaNickJr

    “The People Behind Me Can’t See”

  2. worrellernestp

    Honk if you love Naz Reid shirt > sign

  3. wilburisms

    “The Gold Rush Is Over”

    “High On Our Own Supply”

    *Picture of Jaden arresting MPJ*
    “Last Porter Brother Locked Up”

  4. BimbleSKOL

    ‘the only nuggets I care about’ below a picture of some chicken nuggets

  5. tie_myshoe

    I’m bringing a “Take Us There, 5” sign

  6. VanillaIsActuallyYum

    Chicken nuggets > Denver nuggets

  7. “We got Jaden”. Obviously a nod to Ant’s interview while also pointing out we didn’t have him last time. It’s different this time.

  8. VikingsandWolves

    Wolves killing everything in front of us-Nod to ANT saying he wants to kill everything in front of him.

  9. windwhiskey

    5280 points won’t save you from the wolves

  10. pleasesaythed

    Nuggets would be safer around Andy Reid

  11. bigticketbev21

    Smoke them Nugs (insert mike malones angry face in the bowl).

    “This ain’t Denver anymore, this is the Wolves Den
bitch” optional for emphasis

its math”

    “It’s Michael Malone, we call him Mike”

    “Ants can (cross it out) will kill!”

    “New album dropped: ‘The Tortured Nuggets Department’” pic of sad joker lol”

  12. blueindsm

    Bullion is a more tradable commodity than nuggets.

  13. HughManatee

    For this series, we refer to Jaden as McD and all nuggets will be sent back!

  14. Igotyoubaaabe

    “Adios, turd nuggets.” – game 4 elimination sign

  15. LukaTheTooka

    Something to do with fool’s gold cause nuggets of gold but if/when we beat/sweep them then it’s fool’s gold

  16. Seanton_85

    “That John Denver’s full of shit man”

  17. DamaLlama612

    Can we also bring a sign that says “you shouldn’t have reintroduced wolves back to denver”

  18. OpeningBackground199

    I Like “Fried Nuggets” but that makes me hungry.

  19. AdTotal6087

    “The only Nuggets in Denver now are Chicken!”

  20. Psychonot2121

    ‘Please don’t let us go down 0-3″

  21. 4ever_Enough

    A pic of a dingleberry with an arrow that says “Denver Nuggets” next to it.

  22. randycrouton

    MPJ is the most disappointing of the Porter boys

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