@Golden State Warriors

Just did a lottery sim on Tankathon – we got #4 – what do we do with it?

I haven’t been paying much attention to draft stuff but figured I’d look tonight. First simulation I did Warriors get #4.. trade it, keep it?? Is this a historically bad draft?

by elpeezey


  1. MikeHawksHardWood

    Draft a pink fluffy unicorn, ride it off into the sunset, and then wake TF up and go to work.

  2. kaleisraw

    Trading it, but if not the only guy in the top 10 I really like for us is Rissacher. Everyone else is too far away from making an impact/risky or a questionable fit.


    It’s a historically bad draft from what I hear… Probably won’t get as much trade value as other years.

  4. LordJxnkulous

    Draft Clingan. He has championship DNA

  5. cali4481

    probably package it and trade it along with wiggins and possibly even kuminga too for the best “star” player you can acquire this upcoming summer

    nobody at the top of this 2024 draft or who are projected to go top 4 will help this team immediately in 2024/25 as they’re all a bunch of 19 or 20 year olds

    and the warriors aren’t going to accommodate any of these young players either next season like they did in 2020-2023 either

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