@Milwaukee Bucks

Age just one factor that may signal Bucks’ title window has closed

Age just one factor that may signal Bucks’ title window has closed

by FireThoseCannons


  1. spookyzambie

    As long as we have Giannis our window will never be closed.

  2. GlizzyGone21

    You can have old guys and contend, but they just can’t ALL be old guys.

  3. americanbeaver

    This is a very poorly reasoned article. Writer promotes it with “The Bucks have done such a poor job trying to build on their 2021 Championship.” on twitter. This is his only tweet mentioning the Bucks. He doesn’t really follow the team. I think the claim that 8 of their top 9 players in minutes played were over 30 is just wrong. (Malik, Bobby, and Giannis are all under 30).

    Shitty article. Not worth your time to read it. Do some more discerning of your sources when you’re posting stuff like this. This guy is not worth reading or discussing.

  4. Land_of_10000______

    From the Pulitzer Prize-Winning YardBarker

  5. maxiprep

    Don’t even need to open to know it’s trash.

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