@Minnesota Timberwolves

Rudy jokes about sitting out for Game 3 and check out KATs reaction

Rudy jokes about sitting out for Game 3 and check out KATs reaction

by Significant-Fix-5831


  1. ChillFax

    My reaction when I hear my wife making plans I don’t want to do

  2. jjujjubar

    This is actually a GOAT tier reaction LMAO

  3. BrotherLate9708

    I love that Rudy found another really nerdy NBA player to hang out with. He and Raul Neto were bffs in Utah. I saw them out and about once and the height difference was funny.

  4. Love Kat’s goofy expressions and reactions to shit

  5. MomPersonality

    Is this from the Inside the NBA interview? Was KAT sitting just off camera?

  6. FoxnSox17

    Can anyone tell me what video this clip is from?

  7. MisterTatoHead

    Love that Rudy makes $41mm, but also makes his own tank tops from old shirts by cutting off the sleeves. lol

  8. KeyBanger

    Jeebus. We gotta wait another 28 hours to see this special team play their next game. Everything else in life is just grey compared to this technicolor festival.

  9. MajorTrump

    u/rswany if we don’t have a better clip, this would be hilarious to add (maybe reacting to Michael Malone screaming at the ref?)

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