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Insider Reveals MASSIVE Signing Coming?…| Chicago Bulls News

Insider Reveals MASSIVE Signing Coming?…| Chicago Bulls News

Patrick Williams has come out and said that he wants to be a Chicago Bulls next season but will he in fact be a Chicago Bull as a recent report has come out that the Toronto Rafters might be interested in going ahead and signing Patrick Williams this off season we’re going to be talking about what this would mean for the Toronto Rafters what this would mean for the Chicago Bulls and would this be a good situation for Patrick Williams to come back to the Chicago Bulls or go to the Toronto Rafters this is Rico greenhow and this is another episode of bulls digest and before we jump into it wanted to let you know that 76.6% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscribed to the channel so make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can stay up toate with your latest news and happenings around your Chicago Bulls and let’s go ahead and jump into the first topic of the day and really the only one here which is Patrick Williams to the ra all right so a recent Bleacher Report uh has come out that the Toronto Rafters could be a big player in the Patrick Williams Market here and this is Grant hughe of the bleacher report that is reporting this and I will say guys that based off what the Toronto Rafters are looking to build over there with RJ Barrett Manuel quickley and Scotty barns it does make a lot of sense guys and so let’s go into briefly what this article says said and then we’re going to look at what’s going on with the bulls and his current situation there and really go ahead and try to make some sense of this so look the first thing here is that the Toronto Rafters obviously are looking for a rangy combo forward here they have dubbed the the the pointless experiment is dubbed as project 69 that’s hilarious to me but um look they’re looking for somebody like a Scotty Barnes and a jayen McDaniels who are the only such players under contract here uh obviously they have a lot of cap space and they’re looking for a person that could play the three or four in these flexible lineups certainly Patrick Williams is a guy that fits the mold here um next up what they are saying here in the article is that a low usage offensive player who hasn’t shown any knack for self-sufficient shot creation Williams has quietly pumped his career hit rate on threes up to 41% um if he can add a little volume focus on being a catch and shoot threat and defend across multiple positions he’d be a stellar fit alongside the rafters early 20s pieces here and so um all right so I think right off to top guys you see that this does fit the rafters timeline I think he’s 22 years old I think that’s what you’re looking at with uh Patrick Williams and he’s four seasons in all right so certainly definitely he does fit their youth move movement sizewise he does fit it as well um I think they list him at 69 and yeah he he would be able to be kind of a you know maybe a oneoff to Scotty Barnes or whatever the case may be I think he I think he fits into their starting lineup if that’s what they want to do with him absolutely um you know but it fits with the rafters and it’s kind of one of those questions where I think any team that is going to take a chance with Patrick Williams you’re really banking on the fact that more minutes for him and an injuryf free season is going to equate to some big numbers here and so I think that the rafters are looking to probably offer him right around 40 or four years for about 60 million or something like that uh maybe they’re they’re looking to maybe even do more with that and that’s kind of right around where the Chicago Bulls were when they were trying to get him on an extension earlier all right guys and so look I I think that it was reported earlier and I think this was before he went down um to injury here that you know essentially that’s the numbers that we were looking to do we were trying to do four years for 64 million uh with a team option and it says that he’s looking for something that’s similar to DeAndre Hunter’s deal which is the four years 990 million deal uh with the Atlanta Hawks and so guys I look look I think that Patrick Williams is a good player don’t get me wrong um he could definitely he’s definitely shown that he can guard you know a a one to four on certain nights if he wants to and it’s really if he’s locked in he’s also shown that he can score two as well uh it’s just hard for me to think that he’s going to be worth nearly a $ hundred million like I’m not sure about that you know it was one p podcast I was listening to I think was locked on the Bulls and and you know I think that one of the hosts there was talking about that you know he’s shown flashes and he has he absolutely has shown flashes of being a great player guys but you know I I I have to agree with the fact that look if you show flashes as a coach and you don’t put it together you’re probably going to be fired if you show flashes as a player you’re probably going to be traded or waved and that’s where we are with Patrick Williams he has shown Flash but are we willing to pay close to you know 100 million for a guy that’s shown flashes do we believe that we are going to get a Kobe white uh type of of of season this next season up like do you guys think he’s going to take off now I’m assuming that let’s say the Chicago Bulls don’t go ahead and they’re not bringing back Dem Marty Rose and they let him walk in free agency and they do trade LaVine that is going to leave a a lot of space and opportunity it’s just that in the small sample size that I have seen with Patrick Williams I’m not sure that he’s going to take advantage of that and that means even with us playing him in his natural position like I will give you that sometimes he did have to play out of position I understand that but I don’t know if Patrick Williams is that guy that is going to stay locked in on a night toight basis and honestly I’ve always thought with Patrick Williams like he might be better Serb just being like a role player that comes off the bench he was a very good player Off the Bench when he was in college he was the Sixth Man of the Year guys he wasn’t a starter when we drafted him at number four maybe that’s his natural role in the NBA it might be coming off the bench so I’m not you know I don’t know I’m not coaching him up but I’m just saying you know we get moments and we don’t get that being locked in as a starter type of of numbers from him and that’s where it’s a little concerning guys he’s only averaging 10 points and right around four rebounds a game now again you know this is saying that he is uh you know going to be healthy like he has not been healthy so I will give that to you two out of his Four Seasons he has not been healthy and I’m throwing up his numbers right now uh guys he started off with nine points a game uh fell down just point2 and then went up to 10.2 and then up to 10 so he’s pretty consistent consistent along the board here um you know again I would just like to see him rebound at a higher clip uh he was a lot better rebounder when he first came in the league again with injuries I think he could you know possibly be a little bit better here uh the steals I would like to see those go up you know I haven’t really seen a whole bunch of steals from him and that’s a bit concerning because he’s supposed to be a rangy Defender guys and so look he gave us 71 in his first year came back with 17 he gave us a full 82 which was really huge for us and then he came back with 43 all right and I I get injuries do happen but it’s just hard for me to think that we would pay close to $90 million for him and I think that what’s probably ultimately going to happen in this situation is that we are going to see wait and see with the offer sheet with um with Patrick Williams and I think his qualifying offer sheet is like $12 million um or something like that and so I’m I’m curious to see what that’s going to look like and I’m kind of thinking that if it does go into an offer sheet situation you know it could get a little awkward because this could turn into like a DeAndre Aon situation remember that situation where he was wanting to get money from Phoenix and basically Phoenix waited until the Pacers gave him an offer sheet and then they were like okay now we’re going to give you the money it’s like like that’s kind of a weird situation it’s like okay we only want you because somebody else is going to go ahead and get you and that’s a that’s a tough situation to be in and it’s like you know I just wonder like are the Bulls really invested man in him going F further with us with the franchise so let me know what you guys think in the comments guys do you think that we should keep a guy like Patrick Williams who has basically shown flashes um and not really showing us a whole bunch of consistency do you believe that now if we move on from demard d roen and LaVine he’s going to have a whole bunch of time and space and be at his natural position and he’s going to eat and he’s just going to turn into hopefully allar a most improved player or something do you guys think that he’s going to turn into something with us um do you guys think that we should go ahead and let a team like the rafter swoop in or the Pistons I’ve heard that have been linked to him as well go ahead and swoop in and get him right um let me know in the comments what you guys think uh as usual guys this is Bull’s digest this Rico I’ll see you guys on the next one and I’ll see you go Bulls peace peace peace

In this video your hosts, Rico Greenhowe, discuss the reports of Patrick Williams could become a Raptor for next season and if the Bulls will be signing Patrick Willams to a new contracts this offseason. Do you think the bulls will Bring Patrick Willams back and if so will he be a great player for them?

0:00 Bulls news
0:10 Patrick Willams staying with Bulls or headed to Raptors?
1:00 Patrick Willams to the Raptors?
4:30 Patrick Willams with the Bulls?

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. What massive signing? Give me obi Toppin. DVincenzo and Hartenstein. Keep ayo, Coby, Javonte, Caruso, deRozan. Drummond and Vuc maybe?? The rest can go. Draft clingan or Filipowski and I’d be all in!
    Billy be gone and bring Jay wright. JJ Reddick. Candace Parker. Joakim. Jamal Crawford.

  2. Patrick Williams is 22yrs old we didn’t invest 4yrs of development to let him go. He not going anywhere AK will match any offer “if” it gets that far

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