@Houston Rockets

Kenny Smith on rumours regarding Houston Rockets’ championship win

Kenny Smith on rumours regarding Houston Rockets’ championship win

with all due respect within the context of your championships and kind of that eror that was a 2-year period that Mike had took off how do you feel like you guys would have fared your two championship first of all he didn’t take off or excuse me he went to go play he was playing he came back as number 45 yeah in the second one second one yeah came back as number 45 and when he had 55 in the garden nobody was saying he wasn’t Mike you know we would have beat their because like dream was too much around that time no think about this there’s a couple things Michael’s still best player in the world and I’ve ever seen but that means he would have had to win eight championships in a row he not going to win eight in a row he’s not nobody’s done it in the modern era he wouldn’t have done that secondly there was no horris Grant he left then they became way too small because even in that was regular season in the regular season years we went s- one against them or 6-2 they never beat us in the regular season we used to go to Chicago smack them come back to Houston smack him up


  1. Kenny is Delusional Nobody had 3 Peated before Jordan either LMFAO or back to back 3 Peats UNTIL Jordan. Kenny counting Regular season wins lol

  2. Didn't Jordan come back like a month before? That's not a full season, fully prepared player with no team chemistry.

  3. No one 3 peat twice in the modern era either! 😂😂😂 playoffs are a different animal! Y is Kenny so confident that MJ couldn't win 8 in a row! If MJ didn't retire, they still would have had Grant.😂😂😂 Dream isn't more dominant than MJ. 😂

  4. And the rockets had clyde he would always go toe to toe vs Mike but the dream would have avg triple double vs them fast facts all facts bulls n Mike fans would say no but he'll yes buddies relax it didn't happen but it would have cut it out

  5. Yes he would have!!!! Jordan would have won 8 straight. Shit if he didn't retire again he would have won again in 99

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